Thursday, May 27, 2010

I Am Woman - Hear Me Roar

No Spoilers I promise.

Loved the movie. I cried, I laughed. It was greattttttt.
So much emotion. I usually watch a movie and almost always fall in love with the soundtrack
and this was no exception. I loved the music. The clothes & the shoes - Oh My!
I consider myself a Charlotte - love her : )

Can't wait to see it again on Tuesday, yes again but more relaxed and with new eyes : )

So hear me out:

I AM WOMAN - HEAR ME ROAR ; D Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Chaparro : )

You are one of my #1's ( can't forget my Miguelito )

Happy 35th Birthday to my Chaparro.

We've been together for 9 beautiful years and spent many wonderful birthdays together.
He is my other half and completes me in every way. -My Soul-mate-
Love you sweetie and may this year be full of lots of health and happiness, may you be blessed with many more birthdays : )

Te Amo - Kary

Monday, May 24, 2010

Walking, Eating, Walking, & More Eating : )

Our weekend phew......... What a weekend.. It was basically spent walking & eating ,walking
& eating in that order : ) The weather was perfect both Saturday & Sunday.

We started off Saturday morning with soccer and a picnic at the park, afterwards we walked alongside the Hudson river down by riverside park. A family of ducks followed us across the river : ) Our goal to walk up to Big Daddy's Diner, it just opened around our area ( they do have 2 more locations) and ever since Miguelito saw it was opened he was just aching to go and drink the famous cookie monster shake : ) we waited approximately 20 min to be seated. Once inside we were greeted by friendly waiters and the cool air conditioner. I really tried my best to take pictures of the delicious food we ate, but after all the walking we did we were really hungry : ) So only some of the food was able to be photographed.
It was still so early outside that we decided to walk through the park again until the sun bid us goodbye and the moon greeted us hello...


We tried to sleep in a little bit but Miguelito was so anxious to go to the street fairs that he woke us up screaming " Fair, Fair, Fair "
So up we were, ate a little cereal to make sure we had a little something before our walk through the streets. Whenever there is a street fair they are usually full of people you can barely walk. To our surprise there were hardly any people, hmmm maybe they got spooked because the forecast said there was 30% probability rain.We lucked out It was beautiful a little cloudy and breezy : )
It was a lot of fun to see all the food stands and knick knack stands. There was even a rummage sale and we got some pretty cool knick knacks including the miniature art made in Peru. Along the way we found another fair, that one was celebrating Ecuador's Independence. Humberto got to listen to his country's traditional music and eat some yummy food as well.
Once we got home we basically dropped unconscious and sad to see our weekend go by so fast. Thankful that it's just a preview of our summer.
It's funny how we ate out both days it was like mother's day for me no cooking at all, our weekend was full of yummy foods and ices : )
I love my life and give thanks to God every single day.

This week promises to be full of excitement as well. Miguelito's 1st grade sing is tomorrow : )
He's a little nervous to perform in front of a lot of people. We will also be celebrating Humberto's birthday until the weekend since his birthday falls on Thursday a weekday. And I get to see Sex and The City 2 on Thursday.....yay....

How was your weekend? Are you looking forward to anything this week?

Hope everyone has a great week : )

Friday, May 21, 2010

Magnet Swap

Yay... I mentioned a while ago that I joined Priya's over at My Reflections - magnet swap. It was my second swap to participate in and I was really excited. I was paired with the lovely Micaela over at Dolce Vita. It has been a really rough week, so when I opened my mailbox on Tuesday and saw the package Miguelito and I jumped for joy, we literally ran up the stairs shoving each other , lol : )

When the package was finally opened my jaw totally dropped open, she was so sweet with all the goodies that she sent us. Below a sneak peak at all the beautiful things she sent Miguelito and me : )

She totally spoiled Miguelito and me, and by the pictures you can see how giddy Miguelito was when I finally let him get a hold of the Snickers that Micaela sent him : ) I was busy taking the pictures for the blog, and he was getting impatient with having the Snickers so close yet so far at the same time : )
She sent over some very beautiful stationary , we especially loved the Horton Hears a Who? We've seen Seussical twice!!
Oh and the notebook with the cupcake mantra I especially went crazy for, super loved it, and the cupcake magnets - we love cupcakes : ) Oh and let me not forget the little vintage ones that Miguelito likes to call the chipmunks - everything was so pretty. The magnets are already up on the fridge, Miguelito likes to play with who he calls Alvin, Simon, & Theodore. One moment they are on the fridge and next thing I know they are on the floor. He likes to use them as action figures, oh boys will be boys.
It made us feel special and totally made our day especially Miguelitos. So to you Micaela a million thanks for the lovely package.
Like we say in spanish " Mil Gracias del fondo de nuestros Corazones "

I especially love the fact that from this swap I have made two lovely friends Micaela & Priya, both lovely young woman with whom a new friendship has blossomed : )

Lots of Love & Hugs to you both.....

Thursday, May 20, 2010


It's been such a busy and crazy week. These are some pictures that I've taken just for fun. I love to take my camera always and have my computer overflowing with pictures : )
I've also been feeling so nostalgic this week, but I'm not sure why? My head is full of so many thoughts, one of them is missing my grandfather, he was such an important part of my life and Miguelito's especially. Each night when he goes to sleep he kisses my Betito's picture and always asks me the same question " Why did he have to go away"? and I can't help but ask myself the same question. I feel so empty....

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Countdown begins : )

Yay!!!!! The countdown begins for two of the most anticipated movies for Miguelito & Me.

The first one which is coming out in 30 days is The Karate Kid. It's been precisely a year now that Miguelito has been doing taekwondo, and he's really good at it (if I may say so myself). Martial arts runs in my family history somewhat, my dad's brother in Mexico is an expert in Karate, Taekwondo, and Kung Fu. Therefore when my cousins were born they tried martial arts and only one of them stuck with it. After that my dad always wanted to try taekwondo but for certain reasons he could never get into it. So when my husband and I decided to put Miguelito in taekwondo my dad jumped for joy, and he can always be seen at the Dojo watching Miguelito train, which is basically every single day after school. We've always loved anything oriental inspired so imagine how crazy we became after my son started his martial arts journey. If we loved Bruce Lee before, just imagine how utterly obsessed we are now. We can be found at chinatown at least 4 times a month. I recently found a Bruce Lee magnet Yay!!!!!!
So when we saw the trailer for this movie we all jumped for joy.... Miguelito now trains with the song Remember the Name.

Plus I love Will Smith!!!! and his son looks so cute. We never get tired of watching the trailer can't wait we will be seen at the movie theater at least 4 times with this one : )

And than there's..... Drum roll Please........

OMG!!!! Just 49 days left.......... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh..............

Ok. Deep breath... deep breath....

Wow it's been a really long journey following the twilight saga, and I am so excited to watch it on the big screen. I remember being in line at the Barnes & Noble until the midnight release of Breaking Dawn. Yes! My little partner in crime was with me, he was 4 years old back than and running around the store excited for a reason unknown to him. Well when the first installment of twilight came out I saw it 4 times, first with some girlfriends, 2nd time with my sister, 3rd time with my husband and Miguelito, and the 4th time with my mom, sister and Miguelito. Yes, Miguelito saw it twice and went totally bonkers with the movie. He loved it so much that he believes himself to be Edward : ) (he does have the heart breaker part down ) One thing about my little munchkin is that he is such a romantic the little girls are always chasing after him, everybody tells me to watch out when he grows up. So when New Moon came out I saw it 4 times in the same order, and now we are so excited for this third installment especially because it comes out on June 30th midnight meaning... my birthday is July 1st so I will be in the movie theaters celebrating, and I can't think of any better opening to my birthday celebration than to be watching Edward & Jacob fighting for Bella Grrrrrrrrrrrrr..........
Of course Miguelito won't be with me for opening night but he will surely be on the second viewing, oh and my son now believes to be half vampire/werewolf, he can't decide which one is cooler. I can Team Edward all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you excited for any of these movies? I know I am. So let the countdown begin..................

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Two things I love.....around my home

My two sided Elvis pillow found at one of my favorite thrift stores


Miguelito's webkinz collection (note not all of his webkinz are shown above, still a lot more stuffed in the closet). Oh and the cute paddington bear, we love him isn't he cute : )

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Delicioso!!!! Yummy!!!! My daddy the chef baked me something a little special for mother's day. A very scrumptious Chocolate Truffle Tart!!!! Now where to begin... Hmmm.....

Happy Mothers Day Madrecita Linda : )

Growing up I was the happiest child ever. You can notice by my really wide grin : ) that I was a very, very happy child. Te amo mami yes my mami she is my best friend, my confidential, and my everything!!!! As a child she helped me so much and was a great mom and now my Miguelito has the chance to have such a terrific grandmother who can love and spoil him so much.... I give thanks to God every single day to have the wonderful mom that I have. Thank you so much mami linda for the sacrifices that you have made throughout your life especially the biggest one you ever made which was to leave your beautiful country behind our gorgeous Mexico y querida mamacita thanks to you I am the person that I am (which by the way I think is pretty cool if I may say so : D ) I love you and pray to God to give you tons of health.

Feliz Dia De Las Madres Mami! Happy Mothers Day Mami!

P.S. My mom gets to celebrate two happy mothers day. Today and tomorrow the 10th, because in Mexico Mothers Day is on the 10th : )

Friday, May 7, 2010

No Words Strong Enough To Describe..

Making the decision to have a child-it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body....

Ahhhh to be a mom. Like my title says there are no words strong enough for me to explain what I truly feel as a mom. It is the most wonderful experience in the world. The feeling of having so much love you feel like your going to explode. I love my son so much and can't wait to have my other future children to be able to share our love and togetherness with them. Meanwhile my little partner in crime and I will have a blast and fully enjoy our precious time together. I LOVE MY MIGUELITO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!