Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Four Day Weekend :)

Sometimes it seems like I just fall off the earth! But I'm ok and I'm back :)
I hope you all had a very Happy Thanksgiving! I am SO late right?
I have so many pictures from Thanksgiving and the days following Thanksgiving, so I'm just going to do a picture post :)
Picture overload coming up.

Thanksgiving Day Morning:
Snoopy up in the air :D
Greg Heffley from Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
Kermit about to get hit with that big sign!
PO from Kung Fu Panda
The main guy! The one to end the parade Santa Clause :) Ho-Ho-Ho, Merry Christmas
We woke up at 5:00am Thanksgiving morning. My boys and I got ready pretty quickly so we could go out and grab a good spot to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. It was all worth it once the parade started and the giant balloons started flying above our heads :) Oh, and the happiest news of the day my Humbe had the day off!

Thanksgiving Day Dinner:
Honey Turkey, stuffing which included glazed apples and raisins,mashed potatoes with gravy!
Traditional Mexican food, Pozole and tostadas topped with black beans, Mexican cheese and lettuce.
Three layer gelatin - flavors top to bottom: grape, peach, and blue raspberry.
Three layer milk based Mexican gelatin! Flavors top to bottom: walnut, strawberry, and eggnog.
 For Thanksgiving we always like to cook some traditional Mexican dishes and this year was no different. My pappa always cooks turkey at his job and so he's always in charge of cooking one for our house - hehe! So that's one dish scratched off our list. Aside from helping my momma cook our traditional food and learning the family secrets I am also in charge of desserts. Which always makes me happy :) I baked some cupcakes (a separate post to come soon, I'm a dork like that) and some gelatin! I have been craving jello like crazy! Seriously you would think I was pregnant. This was the perfect time to make some pretty jello.

For the water based jello I made three layers of some of my favorite flavors; grape, peach, and blue raspberry. For the milk based one I used a special mexican recipe and made it into a pretty three layered cake. I must say it was perfect! It wasn't to mushy and soft or to hard :) Yay for yummy jello!

 The Day after Thanksgiving:

Friday was spent sleeping in late, playing Nintendo Monopoly, eating Thanksgiving leftovers and catching a late show of Arthur Christmas! Perfect way too kick off the Christmas season, with a cute and funny movie which made me tear up :(..... I've been told to be a baby cry, I wonder why? hehe!

Hennessy - Colada, Texas Size
Pina Colada (virgin of course)
 Saturday was spent shopping and eating out with my sister and her boyfriend. I was told I was a bad mom for letting my child drink a pina colada? really? Whatever, I just deleted the comment from facebook and let it be. Yeah that's me letting people hurt my feelings without me saying anything. But I don't believe it to be true, but the comment did hurt my feelings. I swear I almost went bankrupt while shopping and most of my money went to Urban Outfitters :) Another post on the things I bought coming soon. Quick story: When I ordered my drink I told the waiter I wanted it Texas size, Miguelito was palying his nintendo and only overheard a little bit. Once my drink arrived he started whining that he wanted a drink like mines, I told him he couldn't drink from my drink but that I could get him his own, he said it wasn't fair. Conversation went something like this:

Miguelito: No fair mami, I do exercise, why can't I get a drink like yours.
Me: Miguelito what? What are you talking about?
Miguelito: I heard when you told the waiter exercise.
Me: ??? Huh?? Exercise?? What are you talking about papi, I didn't say exercise. But I almost spit my drink out when I realized what he was talking about. Miguelito I said Texas size, Not exercise!
Miguelito: Oh :P Texas size

One of the cutest movies ever!
Miguelito with some holiday cookies and our Christmas Tree

Sunday was perfect, Humbe was off again - yay! So we got to end our four day weekend together :)
We started our morning off by watching Hugo at the theaters. It is such a cute movie that should not be missed. We ate lots of yummy treats like Cream Puffs from "Beard Papa's" I couldn't wait to eat them that I forgot to take pictures. next time I promise. We cleaned and moved things around so that we could put up our Christmas tree :) Yay!!! I'm so happy to have it up already! We have vowed to make it a tradition to put it up on Thanksgiving day starting next year. I made sure to have it up and ready by 9:00pm so that I could catch the season finale of one of my favorite TV shows "The Walking Dead". We munched on pizza as I squirmed and squeled while watching my show. OMG! Sophia! Do I have any Walking Dead fans here?
Now I have to wait a grueling 2 months until I can see Sheriff Rick again - Sunday February 12,2012 to be exact :)

That was our four day weekend, full of lots of yummy foods, happiness and love with my beautiful family!
Now I can't wait to come back with pictures from yesterdays Winter's Eve at Lincoln Center, a good picture of our lil ole Christmas Tree and our DIY Advent Calender.
'Tis the season :)

There are only
25 Days 03 Hours 08 Mins 13 Secs
until Christmas.
But who's counting? :)

Kary xoxo

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Yay! I am less than 24 hours away from eating some yummy Turkey and other delicious traditional Mexican foods :)

I love the rush that you feel in New York City during this holiday season, as you know this city never sleeps and even though it's always buzzing with  things to do, there's nothing like the holiday season events. From being able to see the balloon inflation for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade to the actual parade - tomorrow, or the tree lighting's that happen all over the city, beginning this coming Monday.
It's all SO magical!

One of our yearly traditions is getting to go to the balloon inflation of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I always pick Miguelito up early from school, so we can run and drop his things off at home, grab a quick snack and off we go to see the balloons getting inflated. Rain or shine! We are always there, three years ago I was even interviewed and came out in the news - embarrassing video clip hidden somewhere in my house - :)

Today was no exception and it was just as magical as always. Plus I started my morning just perfect! I got to watch Breaking Dawn again, second time around :) And it's still AMAZING! It made me cry again :)
More to come on that next time. After watching and drooling over sexy,sexy Edward. I did some quick last minute shopping and than I was off to pick my baby up from school. One of his happiest days ever - such an adventure to get picked up early from school.

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Balloon Inflation 2011:

My baby super excited to start seeing all of his favorite balloons :)
Miguelito with his Tia Jessy - Kool-aid and hot dog balloon.
Aflac Balloon - Little duck ready to speed away in his sled :)
One of the coolest ones + My Miguelitos favorite one! Sonic The Hedgehog
I LOVE the smurfs :)
Kermit! Just in time for The Muppet movie :)
My sister, Miguelito and me :)

I had such a good time and my city never fails to amaze me! Now I'm waiting for my hubby to get home, so we can go to sleep early. We have to wake up at 5:30am to go and find a good spot for the  Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade :) 

Happy Thanksgiving Day Loves! 
From my family to yours. May your days always be full of blessings and may we remember that everyday is a blessing :) I have been blessed with many blessings this year including all of you, my amazing sweet blogger friends who always leave me the sweetest comments, and are always there for me!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart - I love you all!!!

Thanksgiving Day comes, by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow. 
~Edward Sandford Martin

Feliz Dia De Accion De Gracias!

Kary xoxo

Saturday, November 19, 2011

It's the simple things in life...

“It's the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary.”  
- Paulo Coelho

Enjoying yummy cupcakes :) from Sprinkles!
Shopping for cute gloves and stumbling on a butterfly ring that someone forgot! Now I have a new butterfly ring :)
Going to parent/teacher conferences and seeing Miguelitos art up in the hallway - first floor by the school entrance :)

Enjoying yummy goldfish shaped sandwiches :)
Finding yummy treats in my mailbox! I won these treats in a giveaway hosted by Sandy A La Mode :) and OMG! These are the best smores ever! I should know I've already purchased some for gifts!
Spending time with my Miguelito! My Miguelito makes me SO proud! When I look at him, tears well up in my eyes. Time goes by too fast but when I look at him I know everything will be ok! He is my strength!

 One of my favorite songs from my favorite English electronic band Ladytron:
This song is stuck in my head and I can NOT stop listening to it!

Do you have a favorite Ladytron song?

Kary xoxo

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Happy Happy Joy Joy

 Just a few things that have me happy today Tuesday and wanting it to be Friday already!!!

Snow White and the very Sexy Huntsman!!! My boyfriend from Thor :)

Eeeekkkk!!! This trailer gave me chills! I am SO excited and can not wait to see this movie!

Do you love when your favorite books become movies?
I do! I love getting to watch them on the big screen and not just playing in my mind. What's even more exciting is getting to fall in love with the people that play my favorite characters from the books.
So imagine my delight when the teaser for Hunger Games finally came out!

So.... Are you excited? Ahhhh!! I am and it looks amazing!

And now the Best for last!

Just 2 days left! 2 days!!!!! Ahhhhhhhh!!! I am SO freaking exciting and I have my ticket already!
I've had it for 1 month already, yes! One month and now I'm just 2 days away from total craziness and getting to lust over Edward on the big screen! This promises to be one of the best movies from the entire series :P

Team Edward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Tuesday Loves

Kary xoxo

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hooray for long weekends.....

Central Park - Taken on 11-8-11
Yes! I love that it's Thursday night yet it feels like a Friday night. There is no school tomorrow, meaning we have a long weekend :) Tonight I don't get to worry about Miguelito falling asleep early - the little night owls in us get to stay awake later than usual. We are lazying around in bed, munching cheddar popcorn while Miguelito watches Pokemon and I blog away on the laptop :)

Today I am more excited than usual, we will be seeing Puss In Boots tomorrow morning and maybe sneak in to see Jack and Jill :) We will than go walking around Central Park with cupcakes in hand of course! As for our weekend plans? We had planned for Saturday's usual soccer game, some walking around Central Park, and than the usual Sunday routine with some lazying around the house included but plans have changed! I entered the "New York Family - magazine" giveaway, to win one of four family-packs of tickets to this years annual Quidditch World Cup which is being held here in NYC at Randalls Island this weekend! And........ I won, I won, I won!!!!!! This Saturday and Sunday we will be catching the NYC Water Taxi down to Randalls Island for the Quidditch World Cup V! How exciting is that? Very exciting! At least for this very huge Harry Potter fan it is :) You can not believe how Miguelito and I started jumping as I read the email! He had no idea so this was super exciting news!! There will be Wizard Wrock bands, fire swallowers, live animals including owls :) OMG!!!! I am just SO freaking excited! I seriously feel like a little girl right now! I can't wait to come back on Monday with pictures and all the fun details! Now what to wear? What to wear? :)

Happy Weekend Loves!!

Kary xoxo

P.S. I am really considering playing the lottery this time, I keep saying it and I never do. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ING NYC Marathon 2011

Hi loves :) I've missed you all! I have so many things to blog about. First of all I am so happy that this is a short week. Miguelito had no school today due to Elections and Friday there is no school thanks to Veterans Day. Today we got to wake up early to go see a movie with my mom and than we got to spend the rest of the day at the Central park Zoo - pictures to come by the end of this week!

Last week was such a crazy busy week which led up to the best Sunday ever! It was Marathon weekend :) The days leading up to Sunday were full of fireworks, marathon expo, sign making, and lots of family time (which I love!) Oh and let me not forget an entire week of gall bladder pain, I kept praying that it would go away and that it didn't send me to the ER for emergency surgery. Can you believe that the pain is still there, oh so faintly but still there. It all started after the jogging around Central Park. I think it doesn't want me to run, and it has actually stopped me from doing so since last weeks Monday, but I will be going tomorrow, wish me luck! Ok now, where was I? Oh yes the Marathon, it is one of the craziest and most exciting events in NYC, so much excitement and cheering goes on. The entire city is paralyzed on Marathon day. It is just Amazing!
I do warn you that there is a mayor picture overload coming up :)

My mom, Miguelito and dad waiting to take the bus to the expo.
Welcome sign welcoming all the runners of the world!
Miguelito with a picture of one of the greatest long runners that existed! R.I.P Grete Waitz

 Night before the Marathon:

My baby doing a "Go Papi" sign for his daddy!
Finished sign :)

The big Day - Marathon Sunday:

Waiting by mile 24! We always wait there.
Miguelito ready for daddy with his sign.
The cheering squad!
Go Humbe Go! Go baby Go! Only 2.2 miles to go!!
Peace! Yeah! I did it!!
Admiring daddys medal
My daddy, Humbe, mami, and Miguelito.
Me and my boys! My <3
  Hooray! My Humbe completed his third Marathon :)
Cheers to many more to come! Including mines!

Happy Wednesday Loves!

Karina xoxo

P.S. I have once again changed my blog look and blog name :) and this time I am really in Love with the new look and blog name,

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Yikes! Where has the time gone? 
Happy 1st Day of November!
So, how's everyone dealing with their sweet hangover? I'm eating all the little almond joy that I can dig up from Miguelito's loot and it's actually helping my tummy ache :)
Last night was a lot of fun and I'm so happy that Humbe was off from work and the two of us were able to take Miguelito Trick or Treating :) Well actually four of us, Jessy and her boyfriend Jesus met us halfway and you better believe we had a blast. The four of us plus Miguelito equals a crazy lil bunch!

Thor and his mighty hammer!
Miguelito got the wicked witch of the east with his hammer and left her unconscious.
Thor, is that really you?!? Let me see?
Miguelito with all of his loot! He was one happy child - money and candy! :) Next year I might have to go trick or treating myself :)

It was a fun night which started with Miguelito being really shy to go out with his costume, he thought we were the only ones going out early - early?!? It was already 5:00pm, I had to make sure he did his homework first. But after stopping by a few stores and seeing the other kids trick or treating, he was one wild child running from one store to another Ha! Talk about being worried or shy.
Everyone loved Miguelito's costume and people kept on stopping him in the street to take pictures of him, you better believe I was one happy mama hen! Now to plot for next year :) One thing is for sure, we will be doing a family theme!