Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Say 'YES" To Composting In The Big Apple & A Giveaway

We only have one Mother Earth and if we don't take care of her then who will?
Compost: is organic matter that has been decomposed and recycled as a fertilizer and soil amendment.

Living in a big and sometimes crazy city like NYC makes me sometimes lose track of whats important and how a small commitment of my time can make a difference. Aside from the fact that we live in a small apartment which has very little ventilation, it's easy to find excuses everywhere. One of the hardest ones is not being able to find time to compost and then drop it off at location sites. So when I heard about Glad partnering up with New York Compost and sponsoring them with two freight trikes I knew I had no more excuses to say no to composting! 

What does that mean? That during the month of January someone would ride a tri-cycle to where you live and pick up your compost! Can it get any better than that?!? Yes, yes it can! Glad came up with a new line of compostable & recycling bags. Not only are they made of approximately 40% vegetable-based materials but they also have odor-neutralizing technology, so you don't have to worry about the smell of rotting food in your kitchen :D Not only is Glad committed to help us make a difference on our planet but thanks to their Grants Program,
*Glad is committed to supporting youth sports programs by providing 10, $2,000 grants and counsel from sustainability experts to help youth stadiums or sports leagues’ waste diversion efforts. Entrants will be asked to share a brief description of their need and plan to take their high school stadium, community fields or youth sports league “One Bag.” The grant entry period runs from October 18, 2011 through February 29,2012. Grant submissions will be accepted at GladtoWasteLess.com.

We got the opportunity to compost for a few days, and with the help of our compost bin and a Glad compostable bag there were no weird smells roaming around our little apartment. Not only was our handy dandy compost bin odor free but reinforced with a Glad bag we were Odor free for days! After composting for a few days we got to email Adam from New York Compost and set up our pick up date! Let me tell you not only is Adam a super sweet guy but he is a sort of hero! You have to admire a person who finds a way to help the planet and  go door to door to pick up compost and take it to the nearest decentralized community-scale compost site. Saturday night came and Miguelito and I ran downstairs with our caddy full of compost and after chatting with Adam you realize the difference we can make if we all chip in!
Adam putting the compost in the back of the tri-cycle which can hold up to 700lbs of compound!
Adam & Miguelito
I was so happy to be able to compost and show Miguelito something he can do to help our planet and you better believe that we will continue to compost! Thank you Glad and New York compost for making it easier for us New Yorkers to compost in this big city of ours!
                                        And a big thank to Adam from New York Compost!!

 Earth knows no desolation.
She smells regeneration in the moist breath of decay.
-   George Meredith

Now for the giveaway! One of you my lovely readers will will receive their own Glad Composting Kit consisting of a Composting Bin, How to Compost book  by Nicky Scott, and a sunflower growing kit!
Giveaway open to all U.S. Residents - Not only New Yorkers!

Giveaway ends on February 5, 2012 midnight! 
Miguelito will pick a name from the heart bowl and the winner will be announced the next day February 6!
How to enter your name in the hat of chance?!?

Mandatory entry:
You must be a follower of C'est La Vie - Leave a comment below

Extra Entries- Must leave separate comment for each:
Tell me have you ever composted before? - 1 entry
Tweet or blog about this giveaway - 1 entry for each
Follow me via twitter - 1 entry

Remember to leave a comment for each thing that you do! Good luck :D

Kary xoxo

Disclosure: “I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Glad and received a composting kit to facilitate my review, a sample to giveaway, and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

P.S. Miguelito now has a job :D


Would you say no to my cute little Miguelito? :D

Friday, January 27, 2012

It's the simple things in life...

(。◕‿◕。) Enjoying some yummy Vietnamese food with my boys at our favorite place to eat - Saigon Grill.
(。◕‿◕。) Manhattan all bundled up and hiding under the covers because it was freezing in our apartment.

(。◕‿◕。) Texting to my heart's content with sweet Phoenix. She is such a sweet friend, wait till I show you what she did for Miguelito! Just for you: Go Giants!!!

(。◕‿◕。) Feeling silly after a very long day.
(。◕‿◕。) Rolling in laughter while watching my little musician trying to carry his guitar.
(。◕‿◕。) Smothering our baby with kisses & lots of love.

“It's the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary.”
- Paulo Coelho

Happy Friday Loves!

Kary xoxo

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

I want to know, have you ever seen the rain?

It's Friday night and I'm laying down on my bed and listening to the Credeence
while we wait for tomorrows snowstorm! The first one of this year :D

Picture from Octobers snow storm
Snow sled   
Warm clothes for playing in the snow   
Hot chocolate for when we come back inside

Happy Friday Loves!
Kary xoxo

Thursday, January 12, 2012

“Why didn't I learn to treat everything like it was the last time. My greatest regret was how much I believed in the future.” - Jonathan Safran Foer

My heart, My life!
Everyday I see Miguelito and I thank God for each day, because everyday of life that I get is one more day that I get to spend with my son and one more day that I get to spend with all of my loved ones.
In my 30 years of life I've had the blessing of being blessed with both my parents and that is the greatest blessing that I could have asked for, there is no way for me to explain the love that I feel for my dad & mom they are everything to me and it hurts to imagine a world without them. It's because of them that I have all the blessings that I have and it's because of them that I am the woman that I am today.
Everyday I try to explain and show Miguelito how important family is and the love and respect that you must have for each other. That is why back in October when we saw the Trailer for "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" I knew that we had to see that movie once it hit the theaters. It came out on December 25,2011 Christmas Day, and even though I wanted to go and see it we couldn't. Hubby was off and he had already told us that he would not be seeing that movie with us under no circumstances. 

You see my Humbe lost his daddy almost two years ago and his heart still hurts, there are nights when he can't go to sleep and all he does is weep. It hurts my heart to see my Humbe like that, to see him hurting because his daddy is not here. It hurts because I can run and hug my daddy and hold his hand and kiss him on the cheek and tell him I love you and hear him say it back to me. It hurts because I was the one to break the news to my Humbe the day his dad passed away, you see Humbe was off on his morning jog and I was getting Miguelito ready for school when Humbes cellphone rang and I picked up to hear Humbes sister whimpering voice and trying to tell me the news. I couldn't believe it and when the realization of who had to tell Humbe came to me I started telling his sister that I couldn't, I wouldn't, I just couldn't tell him! How do you tell your other half that his hero, his daddy has passed away?!? I had to get ready to drop Miguelito off and thank God for Jessy who walked with me, I was shaking and couldn't stop sobbing, as we walked Miguelito to school Humbe walked by, he looked at me and said "Is everything ok?", " Go home Humbe, just wait for me" was all I could say. As Jessy and I walked back home I felt heavy, how would I tell him, how could I look at him and tell him the news?!? I couldn't! I really couldn't break his heart like that, I knew that once I told him things would never be the same for him. His world would come spiraling down. As I walked up the stairs I wanted the day to start over, I wanted to have never answered the phone, I hated myself for answering the phone, as if not answering would have changed the events!
I remember walking into the room and Humbe looking up and smiling at me, I remember seeing his face change as the realization of what I told him sunk in. Such a sad day that always follows me around, the day that I broke Humbe's heart!

So for that reason he can't see movies of that nature, he got teary eyed just watching the trailer, but I knew that once the movie came out Miguelito and I would watch it. Why?!?  I mean it's a child's worst nightmare losing your parent especially at such a young age, some reviewers recommended taking children 14 and up, because of the sensitive nature. So why take my child and make him suffer?!? I wanted him to see the special relationship between father and son and how life is short, how everyday is a blessing You never know when something will make your world go upside down, and how even impossible as it may seem life does go on. Never the same of course but it does go on nevertheless.
 So on Monday the 26th Miguelito and I headed down to the theater and sat down for two hours and lost ourselves in a most powerful and magical movie, that touched me in so many different ways!
  I wept during many sad parts as did many of the other movie theater goers, but in the end I'm happy I had the courage to see the movie. I'm happy it made me see things differently.
This is a must see movie, so if you haven't seen it what are you waiting for?!?

“I like to see people reunited, I like to see people run to each other, I like the kissing and the crying, I like the impatience, the stories that the mouth can't tell fast enough, the ears that aren't big enough, the eyes that can't take in all of the change, I like the hugging, the bringing together, the end of missing someone.”
- Jonathan Safran Foer , Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

Kary xoxo

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Holiday 2011 wrap up + Free Nailpolish!

Yikes! I've been gone from blog world for a week now and even though I've missed you all so much. It was pretty nice to just relax and enjoy Winter Vacation with my boys and my family. This week we were busy trying to get back into our normal routine of school, work, homework, after school activities and going to
bed early. Let me tell you it was pretty hard and it made me miss the holidays. I can't believe how fast this holiday season went by and I can't wait till Christmas 2012 :)
In the meantime I will enjoy this past holiday season through the many pictures I took :)
Here are just a few of the many I took!

Christmas Eve:
Preparing our Tamales
Tamales all bundled up and ready to get cooked
  Christmas Day:
Christmas presents ready to be opened.
Miguelito ready to start learning how to skateboard with his new skateboard. Present from Santa Claus
My baby is growing up way too fast
New Years Eve:
Ready for New Years with wine and a cute New Years Eve cupcake :)
Ready to party in Central Park
Jessy, Manhattan and me :D
Miguelito and grandaddy (who was a volunteer in the Midnight Run race)
Miguelito and his abuelita - party time!! 10,9,8,7,6.....
Happy New Year
Feliz Ano Nuevo
My First Kiss of 2012
Three Kings Day:
The Rosca De Reyes
Miguelito & Abuelita cutting the yummy rosca
And.... Miguelito got the little doll in the Rosca. Dinner is on him come February 2nd.
Phew.... It was a pretty awesome holiday season full of lots of family, yummy foods and beautiful memories. Aside from the fact that we were all spoiled rotten! Well especially Miguelito and Me - of course!
I must mention very quickly that my sister had me rolling in laughter the other day when we were all just lounging around the living room while watching Fear Factor. Jessy said that her New Years resolution was
to stop spoiling ME! Ahahahaha! Not going to happen because I am a princess! :P
After all it must mean something that I always eat or drink with my pinky up!

And before I forget, Zoya is giving away two nail polishes a $16.00 value! All you have to do is pay shipping and handling :) 
Just use this code: ZOYA2012 when checking out.
Thank you to Chic n' Cheap Living for the heads up :)
Now run this offer is only good until January 9th!

What colors will you pick? Do come back and let me know what colors you got!
Kary xoxo