Thursday, April 19, 2012

Beautiful weather equals.....

An afternoon spent in Central Park with my Munchkin!

I jog by this Cherry Blossom every single morning, and it always makes me smile :)
He is my life & my everything!
Just hanging around :)

I LOVE my TOM'S (they were a steal at an Urban Outfitters sale - $10.00)
Cheese :)

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, it is measured by the moments that take your breath away."

It was such a beautiful day today, that even though my muscles are super sore from this weeks exercise I knew I couldn't say no to an afternoon of hanging out in Central Park with my munchkin :) Plus we had to celebrate that we (well actually my Miguelito, because he was doing the testing) survived the first week of State testing :) Now to get ready for next weeks round!

I'm so happy for this beautiful breezy weather that we've been having, it's been perfect for my morning jogs around the reservoir in Central Park!

Oh and I've started writing down in my fitness journal again!
I will be jotting down 10.5 miles for this week :)
 I am woman hear me roar!!

How's the weather on your side of the world?
Happy almost Friday :)

Kary xoxo

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Back to life, Back to reality........

My partners in crime! My mom & Miguelito :)
On the ferry! Don't you love the hint of color? I love our colored jackets :)
Sigh! My city always takes my breath away - I <3 NYC
Miguelito and his buddies pointing us in the right direction.
Some coffee and donuts from Doughnut Plant to end a day of walking! Left to right: Vanilla Bean, Triple Chocolate, Tres Leches
A view of the Brooklyn Bridge as seen from the Brooklyn bridge park - more pictures to come!
Ready for his first game of the season - Goalllllll!  April 14,2012

So this is just a sneak peak of what our Spring Break looked like. It was a great week full of many adventures thanks to the beautiful weather that we had! 
We got to ride in ferries, walk lots, enjoy Central Park, eat lots of yummy food and most important spend time with each other! Which is always a blessing :)
Now we go back to our everyday routine, and back to the hustle and bustle of everyday.

I will be back with more pictures and stories from Spring Break in the meantime won't you send my Miguelito some good vibes and good luck wishes? 
He will be taking his first ever State tests, beginning on Tuesday till the end of next week. He will be tested in writing, reading and math. 
Thank you loves!

Wishing you all a wonderful Monday!

Kary xoxo

Monday, April 9, 2012

Just a Minute in...April

 Watching... Once Upon A Time & Dirty Dancing - "I carried a watermelon" :)

Writing... Inspirational quotes in my running journal "Ask yourself: 'Can i give more?'. The answer is usually : 'Yes'." - Paul Tergat, Kenyan professional marathoner
Eating... A Magnum Almond ice cream bar.

Sending... Packages that are way over due. I can be the worst sender ever sometimes.

Wanting... To find a dress for Miguel's Communion, coming up on May 6,2012. I'd seen the perfect one online at Forever21, but by the time I'd decided that it was the one I wanted it was sold out :( Now I'm on the hunt for a dress again! Help!? I need a dress fast.

Planning... A trip to Mexico for the month of July or August! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this works out.

Organizing... Our schedule. These upcoming months are going to go by way too fast. With Miguel's city test coming up, his Communion, a big Mother's Day event - where Miguel will get to sing and play his guitar in front of  a lot of people (separate post on that coming up soon).

Wishing.... That my Miguelito does a good job on the upcoming English & Math city tests that will take place during the next two weeks, beginning next week!
Thinking... That I am one blessed girl. I have a family that LOVES me and the best friends ever!

Feeling... Super pumped!! The weather has been beautiful and that means that I was able to get back to my light jogging around Central Park. I am one super PUMPED girl who has a plan and can't wait to share it with you :)

Happy Monday Loves

Kary xoxo

Sunday, April 8, 2012

He is Risen...

May the Joy of the Lord fill your heart and  home this Resurrection day.
He is Risen, He is Risen indeed.

"He is not here, for He has Risen, as He said!"
- Matthew 28:6

Happy Easter my beautiful friends!

Kary xoxo