Watching... Once Upon A Time & Dirty Dancing - "I carried a watermelon" :)
Writing... Inspirational quotes in my running journal "Ask yourself: 'Can i give more?'. The answer is usually : 'Yes'." - Paul Tergat, Kenyan professional marathoner
Eating... A Magnum Almond ice cream bar.
Sending... Packages that are way over due. I can be the worst sender ever sometimes.
Wanting... To find a dress for Miguel's Communion, coming up on May 6,2012. I'd seen the perfect one online at Forever21, but by the time I'd decided that it was the one I wanted it was sold out :( Now I'm on the hunt for a dress again! Help!? I need a dress fast.
Planning... A trip to Mexico for the month of July or August! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this works out.
Wishing.... That my Miguelito does a good job on the upcoming English & Math city tests that will take place during the next two weeks, beginning next week!
Thinking... That I am one blessed girl. I have a family that LOVES me and the best friends ever!
Feeling... Super pumped!! The weather has been beautiful and that means that I was able to get back to my light jogging around Central Park. I am one super PUMPED girl who has a plan and can't wait to share it with you :)
Happy Monday Loves
Kary xoxo
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