Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cupcakes : )

Hmmmmm!!! The name of my blog involves loving cupcakes and yet I have not posted one single post about them. I love baking and eating cupcakes with my son and husband. There just hasn't been time to bake any until this Sunday came. It was my turn for snack time at the church for the kids so what perfect excuse to make cupcakes.

I made them to look like bunnies. Not only were they cute but yummy.... Needless to say some of them didn't get to see the light of day : (

Monday, March 29, 2010

What I am Thankful For?

Yay!!! I am so happy. So someone is reading my blog. Today I log in to check on my blog and to my surprise there were some comments on some of my posts. They were left by Jozen over at Lola's Girl ( http://lolasgirl.blogspot.com/ ) she is the sweetest person ever and I love her blog. She invited me to join her giveaway. All you have to do is say what you are Thankful for? I almost left an entire paragraph instead of a sentence and that's why I decided to blog about what I am Thankful for. I am thankful for so many things they are all equal neither one is more important than the other, but one thing is for sure without either of them my life would not be as magnificent as it is.

First off I was blessed with the joy of being able to give life. My son was born on
September 5,2003 after 18 hours of labor (no epidural) my Miguelito was born and that's when I learned what it meant to love someone more than your own life. He is my everything it's like that song "You Are My Sunshine.My only sunshine.You make me happy.When skies are grey. You'll never know, dear, How much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." My baby is one of the most important persons in my world he is what makes me strive to be a better me.

Second: Blessed to have met my husband 8yrs ago. He was working right around the corner from my apartment. Who knew my other half was so close yet so far. The first time he saw me I was with an old boyfriend so he thought ok off limits. But than when I broke up with my ex and started going to my future husbands work place by myself he decided to talk to me, and so began a beautiful friendship and soon enough blossomed into love. We have been inseparable since than. Through thick and thin and with lots of love a beautiful child was made : )

Third: Last but not least without who none of this would have been possible because without their love I would not be here my parents. Each morning I wake up and Thank God for my hard working parents. They are my everything and I love them dearly. I could never explain my love for them. The sacrifices they have made throughout life for me and my brothers. Having immigrated to this country from Mexico so that their future children would have all the possibilities that they did not have. Even if that meant leaving behind their own parents. Mom and Dad for you two is what I am the most thankful for. To be able to see your beautiful faces and hear your voices everyday I give thanks to God. I LOVE YOU!!!!!

I LOVE MY BEAUTIFUL AND MAGNIFICENT LIFE!!!! and Give Thanks To God every single moment that I can.....

So head on over to Jozen's page http://lolasgirl.blogspot.com/ and let her know What You Are Thankful For and earn a chance to win a beautiful handmade ruffled necklace made byJozen herself : ) ( pictured below)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Remember Me

Yay!! So I finally snuck away to see Remember Me. Yesterday morning while the munchkin was at school. Now mind you that the reviews were not great but who cares when you really want to see a movie do you listen to the critics or go judge for yourself? Plus perfect excuse to watch Edward (ooopppss meant to say Robert Pattinson) on big screen until Eclipse comes out!!! Only 95 days left!!!!!! Anyways back to Remember Me. The movie lived up to my expectations it was wonderful. It was so true to life I loved that it was about people who had bad lives whose lives got worse that's real life it's what makes this movie so different from the rest that it wasn't another they lived happily ever after. It makes you think about your life and put it into perspective. I recommend it to everybody who is still debating on whether to go see it or not. Go judge it yourself... I dare you : )
I plan to see it again next week with another buddy of mines...

P.S. at pickup I squeezed my munchkin so hard he said " owww mommy is everything ok" I just hugged him tighter and said Te Amo mi Bebe ( I love you my baby) : )

Friday, March 19, 2010

Spidey Feet : )

Very late post for the Tuesday feet. But better late than never. It's just been really pretty here in NYC the weather has been gorgeous to be outside strolling around the city : )

Any excuse to wear cute socks : )

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring is right around the corner : )

Today was so beautiful outside. The birds chirping, the sun, the breeze...... Even the cars are getting ready for spring : D
I secretly wish that was my car. It's so cute.
Don't you think?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Thirteen Reasons Why

I just finished reading this book called Thirteen Reasons Why By Jay Asher. It was recommended to me by a friend. So I ran to check it out from the NYC Public Library and cozied up at home with some hot cocoa and I loved it.I loved it so much that I stayed up until 4:00am until I finished reading it. It is very compelling and sad. If you have a chance to read it let me know what you think. I recommend it to everybody : ) Does anyone know any other good books that they recommend?

Happy Reading!!!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010


I just started blogging and to have to post this on my blog hurts a lot. My father in law has passed away. To see my husband this devastated and have to be his wall is really hard. One of the hardest things in my life to see my husband so vulnerable. What can I say? What to do? Just comfort and hug him and even though we might stay quiet for a long while he knows I am there for him as I hold his hand. May God have my father in law with him and may he rest in peace. Love him always...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Love The Moon..

Every time I see the moon it takes my breath away. It is so beautiful and it's incredible that we are all under the same moon. Whether you are in Hawaii, South America, or New York... Isn't the moon just beautiful : )

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Year of The Tiger

I've lived in New York City my whole life and I had never been to the Chinese new year parade that is done in Chinatown. The parade took place on February 21,2010. With my husband and son being martial arts fanatics we decided to go and see if there would be Kung Fu demonstrations.

The famous question that goes with kids having to wait outside in the cold... Is it starting already? I'm cold....

Needless to say it was a blast. We plan to make this a tradition and go every year : )
Everyone should go at least one time the atmosphere is wonderful. Everybody goes around popping firecrackers and throwing confetti.

While we were walking around after the parade we found this little store which read "Fried Dumpling" and being us with our new fondness for dumplings we just had to try them and who can beat 10 for $2.00. Wow well worth the price if you are ever around chinatown be sure to try these delicious dumplings : )

Hope everyone has a terrific year of the tiger.

Hi : )

Ok so I'm somewhat nervous about starting this blog! Why? I'm not sure. This is a nice way of writing my day to day adventures or any thoughts I might have. I guess it's somewhat nerve wrecking because people might actually read this, am I ready for that? Hmmmm... I'm not sure, but that's me I care way to much about what people think of me, but I will let myself go and have fun with this blog of mines ;)
Wish me luck!!!!

Hola :) My name is Karina and I'm enjoying life to the fullest with my beautiful 6yr old son and my lovely husband. This blog will be somewhat of a journal or an online book which will be full of all sorts of stuff from family adventures to personal thoughts ;)  Something that you guys should know is that I am sort of a cornball - a big hear-ted one though ;)

Those who can laugh without cause have either found the true meaning of happiness or have gone stark raving mad.  ~Norm Papernick