Monday, March 29, 2010

What I am Thankful For?

Yay!!! I am so happy. So someone is reading my blog. Today I log in to check on my blog and to my surprise there were some comments on some of my posts. They were left by Jozen over at Lola's Girl ( ) she is the sweetest person ever and I love her blog. She invited me to join her giveaway. All you have to do is say what you are Thankful for? I almost left an entire paragraph instead of a sentence and that's why I decided to blog about what I am Thankful for. I am thankful for so many things they are all equal neither one is more important than the other, but one thing is for sure without either of them my life would not be as magnificent as it is.

First off I was blessed with the joy of being able to give life. My son was born on
September 5,2003 after 18 hours of labor (no epidural) my Miguelito was born and that's when I learned what it meant to love someone more than your own life. He is my everything it's like that song "You Are My Sunshine.My only sunshine.You make me happy.When skies are grey. You'll never know, dear, How much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away." My baby is one of the most important persons in my world he is what makes me strive to be a better me.

Second: Blessed to have met my husband 8yrs ago. He was working right around the corner from my apartment. Who knew my other half was so close yet so far. The first time he saw me I was with an old boyfriend so he thought ok off limits. But than when I broke up with my ex and started going to my future husbands work place by myself he decided to talk to me, and so began a beautiful friendship and soon enough blossomed into love. We have been inseparable since than. Through thick and thin and with lots of love a beautiful child was made : )

Third: Last but not least without who none of this would have been possible because without their love I would not be here my parents. Each morning I wake up and Thank God for my hard working parents. They are my everything and I love them dearly. I could never explain my love for them. The sacrifices they have made throughout life for me and my brothers. Having immigrated to this country from Mexico so that their future children would have all the possibilities that they did not have. Even if that meant leaving behind their own parents. Mom and Dad for you two is what I am the most thankful for. To be able to see your beautiful faces and hear your voices everyday I give thanks to God. I LOVE YOU!!!!!

I LOVE MY BEAUTIFUL AND MAGNIFICENT LIFE!!!! and Give Thanks To God every single moment that I can.....

So head on over to Jozen's page and let her know What You Are Thankful For and earn a chance to win a beautiful handmade ruffled necklace made byJozen herself : ) ( pictured below)

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