Friday, August 20, 2010

Oh! How I miss my Mexico ; (

Wow... I can't believe I am back home and that just a week ago we were in Mexico. I've had my computer on since this morning and I keep going back and fourth to this page having no idea how or where to start. I am so full of emotion, first of all I am so ecstatic to be back home with my hubby I missed him so much ; ) Secondly leaving Mexico this time around was the hardest thing I've had to do in a very long time. It had been 9 long years since I'd been to Mexico and I really hope it doesn't take that long next time.It was very exciting to see new the additions to our family and to be able to see my grandparents - my grandfather just turned 95yrs old : ) Miguelito got to see my beloved Mexico and got to feel what it is to fall in love with our heritage and appreciate everything we have. Our trip was full of family reunions, sightseeing, and lots of eating.
We got back on Wednesday and I have been somewhat withdrawn, I really miss waking up and going down the stairs to see my grandmother or cousins just playing around with Miguelito, getting to stand on the balcony and take in the fresh air, where as here my baby has no one to play with and we are in our little apartment : ( It feels lonely and quiet!!! I keep thinking what I would be doing back in Mexico and checking the time and comparing the time difference (here in New York we are one hour ahead) and weather. One bad thing about me is that I tend to hold on to memories, you could say I sometimes live in the past -not good.I hope that by writing in my blog I will relax and be able to bid goodbye Happily to my time spent in Mexico.
My plan - to post how each day in Mexico was spent, beginning with the day we arrived to the day we left. Hopefully by the end I will be more relaxed : )

I will finish this post on a happy note. Before I left to Mexico I received a Belated- Birthday package from my querida amiga Pria over at - My Reflections (pictures below).. Thank you Pria I loved the purse - new addition to my collection-lol.. and like I mentioned before the waterproof mascara really came in handy with all the crying that went on.
Above: Birthday card, Hershey chocolate with almonds : ), Purse, and waterproof mascara.

Now when we got back and I went to pick up our mail at the post office we had another package waiting for us - Welcoming us Back Home - from sweet Micaela.

I really tried to take a picture of the contents of Micaelas package but Miguelito literally ripped it out of my hands, and boy was he happy, in the package Micaela included some neon Twistable crayons ( you really won his heart, Miguelito is a real lover of crafts he LOVES to color and do art all the time) and some sweets for him again won him over with the Push-Pop his all time favorite candy : ) but the most touching item included in the package was the doily- crocheted by your mami : ) Thank you so much dear Micaela and a million thanks to your mami for thinking of us your blog friends : ) Lots of love to you and all your familia : )

Now I am off to prepare some special packages that will be sent to some special friends of mines ; )

P.S. I am really excited to post about our time in Mexico I will be able to relive my time spent over there, no spoilers but we did get to climb our "own mount Everest". : )

Hope everyone has a great weekend : )

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