Monday, October 18, 2010

Karina In Simple Terms : )

Miguelito & Me - Just got a haircut : ) (Miguelito for picture day on Wednesday and me just because I had really bad split ends)

It's been a few days since I posted about feeling like I was losing my mind. And it has been crazy! In a good way : ) We were so preoccupied with Soccer, school activities, spending time with my two boys, and church : ) Spending these days with family and friends was great therapy to helping me feel better and more relaxed. I have now put that anxiety away in a safe little box and it now lays tucked in a faraway corner of my brain, it will not opened until it is time for me to cross that bridge : )
For now I will keep busy with all the exciting things headed our way - Picture Day, Soccer team pictures, Halloween, ING Marathon (Humbe's third time running a marathon), and my Lil Lilo's 25th B-day : ) Plus next week I start working 3 days in Miguelitos school as a librarian : )
Thank you so much to my sweet friends for the heartfelt comments and for having us in your prayers it really meant a lot especially in my moment of freaking out, once again feeling so blessed and grateful for everything. Thank you so much Amores : )

Now to my regular post : )

1- I can be corny : ) When it comes to telling a joke - I suck! I rarely get one right : )

2- I'm a night owl - hands down.

3- My nails chip really easily, I hate it and it gets on my nerves - I wished I had long beautiful nails.

4- I love me some homemade chicken soup - or some Pozole - Yummy!!!!

5- My favorite Gatorade flavor Strawberry-Orange.

6- I once had the biggest crush on Christian Slater! I fell in love with him in Heathers - the bad boy - Oh! How I freaking loved him : ) And than I fell in love with him all over again in Bed of Roses.

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