Monday, December 13, 2010


Miguelito after his belt Test on Saturday
I am so happy and crying tears of joy: ) My baby did it - all his sweat and sacrifice. He is a Red Belt! Yeah *pumping fist in the air*.The belt ceremony won't be until Thursday and we are so excited!
Thank you for all the good luck wishes and happy thoughts - you are all so sweet : )

This belt test was so special and unique for two very special reasons.
Miguelito is now three belts away from his Black Belt! And he had the best support system ever!!!
As Miguelito got ready to give his heart and soul in his belt test dear Marz got ready to give it her heart and soul in her first 10k! They kept sending each other good vibes back and fourth : ) Helping each other accomplish their goal. So next time you think something is impossible or to hard just think about these two : ) Miguelito the future Taekwondo Master and Marz the girl who will leave you eating her dust : )

We knew all along that our querida amiga Marz was going to finish and accomplish her goal and she did!!!! Wooohoooooo!!!!! and in excellent time may I add!!!! We love you so much dear girl - you are the best!

Congratulations Miguelito and Marz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys rock : )

P.S. I have something special up my sleeve which I hope to share with you guys soon : )

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