Sunday, September 25, 2011

Snapshot Sunday

A day in Central Park

"Oh Autumn, how I missed you. Cool nights, sunny days, school starts as summer fades." - Caroline Glen
"Autumn is a second spring when every flower is a leaf." - Unknown

Just a small tease of Central Parks Autumn transformation
"The woods are full of fairies; the sea is full of fish; the trees are golden leaves; let's make an autumn wish." 
I love Central Park especially during one of it's most magical season : Fall :)
and this is only the beginning. I am one happy girl!

Kary xoxo

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Etsy Shop Update

It's been a while that I've blogged about my mom's etsy shop and I thought that now would be the perfect time. Not only has my mamma been working hard on new merchandise to add to her shop, but shes also been somewhat down. So the other day I grabbed a few of her new items that she's been working on and went to Central Park to snap some pictures of them. 
So here's a sneak preview of the new items that will be added very soon (as in today or tomorrow) to her shop.

Peace & Love merge together in this vintage style necklace 
You hold the key to my heart necklace
Messengers of love necklace

Spiral crocheted earrings 
Note: The last pair of earrings is available in a variety of colors, you can send me an email personally at, if you have any questions or special orders. Or you can send my mom an email through her etsy shop :) I will come back and update as soon as these items go up for sale!
Hope your all having a wonderful day :)

Kary xoxo

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Celebrity Stalking

 I love my sister Marz and darling Steph for SO many reasons, not only are they always there for me but they are fellow celebrity stalkers like myself :D If they lived here we would be the three musketeers and stalking celebrities would be our part time job!
 When Marz told me that her boyfriend Shawn Michaels A.K.A  The HBK would be in NYC today, I knew I had to go and stalk him, not only for my sake but by direct order from my sister -lol! I was instructed to tell him how much she loved him and adored him, and how the heartbreak kid broke her heart not so long ago! So I searched on facebook to see where Shawn Michaels was going to be and after finding out, I set out with my partner in crime - my mom, also a Shawn Michaels fan!

My mom waiting in line to see The HeartBreak Kid
Me waiting in line to see my sister's boyfriend :)
The tour truck where Shawn Michaels was hidden inside
Almost there!

After a one hour wait in which it got chilly and started raining, well actually pouring - we ended up buying an umbrella in the street because ours was warm and cozy at home! We finally got called to go into the tour truck - eeeeeekkkkk!! Can I just say I was so freaking excited and nervous to meet my sister's boyfriend, that when I finally had a good view of him I thought I was going to drop right there. Shawn is the sweetest guy and so patient with all of his fans, we were all allowed one picture each and an autograph on any one item, we were also given a free T- Shirt from the new hunting game he was promoting. 

Up first, my mom with The Heartbreak Kid
Me and The Heartbreak Kid
Shawn's autograph
 So, did you guys notice Shawn's smile in our picture? Yeah? Well I was squeezing his biceps!! God was that man strong and beefy :D I couldn't help squeezing his bicep - eeeeeekkkk!! My mom couldn't help laughing and saying how she didn't risk touching him. Overall Shawn is a very sweet guy, he was sweet enough to let me chat to him about my sister and her being his number#1 fan and how devastated she was, he said to say hello and lots of love to lovely Marz :D

It was a very fun experience that will last me a lifetime. Oh and notice my usual partner in crime wasn't with me, due to school. Well I need to add that he is very mad that I went without him, in his own words Miguelito: Mom, how could you? I love wrestling, I wanted a picture with The Kid too!!

So that was my day but instead of me ending it on a happy note I am very sad, I also found out that MY boyfriend Eric was here in NYC to promote his new movie Straw Dogs :( I tried my best to google and search where the premiere would be, but no luck! So close yet so far away, for now I have to console myself with a magazine that I received today, and getting to watch Eric on the big screen tonight at the midnight premiere of Straw Dogs :)

Kissing my boyfriends picture :D
Happy almost Friday loves and cheers to celebrity crushes!!

Kary xoxo

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 yrs and it seems like only yesterday...

 What was supposed to be another beautiful day turned out to be a nation's worst nightmare. Which will never be forgotten. So many innocent lives were lost. Many days full of hope and questions unanswered. I have been sitting in front of my computer for two hours now, deleting and writing and deleting again. I finally put the other post in my saved pile and decided that I am still not ready to talk about what happened that day, I've never been able to to talk to my family or anyone else about what happened during that time that I went "missing". I know that someday I have to be able to be strong enough to let it all out in the open. One thing is for sure September 11,2001 is the day I lost my innocence!

 My thoughts and prayers to all of the innocent people that lost their lives on September 11,2001 - They will never be forgotten. 

“Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.”

- Eskimo Proverb

Karina xoxo

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Back to school as a 3rd grader

As we welcome Autumn we also welcome back the routine of school and other activities, oh and let me not forget Starbucks - Pumpkin Spice Latte & the Salted Caramel Mocha.
'Tis the season for yummy hot beverages :)
Anyway, I swear this Summer went by in a flash, the fastest ever!
I can't believe it's the beginning of another school year and my Miguelito is now a 3rd grader.

Miguelito ready for school :)
In the school yard
My Miguelito
Miguelito was so happy to go back to school, he gets to see his friends again and not go shopping with me anymore - lol! As we walked to school with our Miguelito  this morning and I gave my mommy chat - behave yourself, listen to the teacher, respect your peers and I love you, My throat started to close up and my heart started beating faster. My Miguelito, my little partner in crime was going back to school and I won't see him until later in the afternoon. I will miss our morning runs to Starbucks, our late night movie watching, and our summer adventures. But we welcome with open arms our new Autumn adventures - which will be full of many exciting and fun things! In the meantime we will count down the days to Summer 2012!

But now cheers for Autumn adventures and the beginning of a wonderful school year :)

Kary xoxo

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy Birthday My Miguelito!!!

 Happy 8th Birthday My Miguelito!!

About to leave for the hospital - you can see the pain in my face! Oh and people didn't believe I was pregnant, my tummy was so little.

I can not believe how fast time has gone by. It feels like it was today that I woke up at exactly 2:00am with sharp pain in my back and realizing that my contractions were starting. After 18 hours of  labor (no epidural - but that's another story on it's own)  I would embark on the greatest journey of my life. At exactly 8:00pm  we welcomed our beautiful 6 lb baby boy Miguelito. My hands were shaking so much as I felt a million emotions running through me, from feeling scared of seeing this tiny little baby that now depended on me to the realization that I was now a mom hitting me like a cold bucket of water. But the moment I held him in my arms he looked at me with his big dark brown eyes and I knew that everything was going to be ok and that true love does exist!

Humbe with 1 day old Miguelito

Me with my 1 month old Miguelito

From falling asleep in his walker to baby tantrums

Always a funny little boy

Surrounded by girls meant lots of kisses :)

Miguelito celebrating his last day as a 7yr old :)

Wishing my baby boy a beautiful and wonderful year full of lots of happiness, health and love!
May he continue to make his dreams come true and may he always stay true to himself!
I love you mi vida - dueno de mi corazon!!

Happy 8th Birthday My Beautiful Baby Boy!!

Kary xoxo

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Baked by Melissa

Happy 1st day of September! 
Just 23 days left until the first day of Fall and I am so excited. Not only does that mean cooler weather but also the beautiful transformation of Central Park. I get to walk through Central Park and take in all the beautiful colors!! But before I get ahead of myself we still have to bid farewell to a very sweet Summer which has been full of lots of fun adventures and sweet, yummy treats. Meaning lots of cupcakes from different places :)

Magical Piano - Umbrella guy leading us to the magic cupcakes!

Baked by Melissa store front
 About 2 weeks ago (Aug 19,2011 to be exact) we ventured down to the Times Square area in hopes of enjoying some cupcakes from Baked by Melissa. Before I continue you must understand that these are not your ordinary everyday cupcakes. These are itty bitty cupcakes, meaning they are literally the size of a quarter, but they are so delicious and full of yummy fillings. 

So many itty bitty cupcakes! Which ones to choose?? You can see how ecstatic Miguelito was to see so many cupcakes :)
Once we got to the store I could not decide on one flavor, they have 11 flavors, including the Mini of The Month which changes every month. So I did the next best thing, I ordered 12 minis for Miguelito, my Mom and me! We shared itty bitty bites of our choices with each other and OMG were they heavenly!!! They were so good that Miguelito has asked us that instead of buying a birthday cake for his birthday on Monday, if we could get him 50 mini cupcakes along with me baking him a cake at home instead :)

Miguelito such a happy child :)
Flavors left to right:
1st Row: Cookie Dough, Chocolate Chip Pancake, Tie-Dye, Mini of the month - Pink Lemonade
2nd Row: Cookies & Cream, Mint Chocolate Chip, Red Velvet, Pink Lemonade
3rd Row: Cinnamon, Smores, Peanut Butter Cup, Peanut Butter & Jelly

They were all delicious but I have to say that my favorite flavors were the Mint Chocolate Chip - which consist of chocolate cake,chocolate cookie filling, mint icing, and chocolate chips, the Cinnamon - yellow cake, cinnamon filling, vanilla icing, and cinnamon sugar topping, the Chocolate Chip Pancake - yellow pancake, maple syrup icing, and chocolate chips, and last but not least the Tie - Dye - vanilla cake, and vanilla icing!

Tie-Dye cupcake
So you see never judge something by it's size, you could be missing out on some out of this world deliciousness!
Oh and dear friends I do promise to take every single one of you to Baked By Melissa when you visit me in New York - that includes you Darling Claire :)

Kary xoxo