Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy Birthday My Miguelito!!!

 Happy 8th Birthday My Miguelito!!

About to leave for the hospital - you can see the pain in my face! Oh and people didn't believe I was pregnant, my tummy was so little.

I can not believe how fast time has gone by. It feels like it was today that I woke up at exactly 2:00am with sharp pain in my back and realizing that my contractions were starting. After 18 hours of  labor (no epidural - but that's another story on it's own)  I would embark on the greatest journey of my life. At exactly 8:00pm  we welcomed our beautiful 6 lb baby boy Miguelito. My hands were shaking so much as I felt a million emotions running through me, from feeling scared of seeing this tiny little baby that now depended on me to the realization that I was now a mom hitting me like a cold bucket of water. But the moment I held him in my arms he looked at me with his big dark brown eyes and I knew that everything was going to be ok and that true love does exist!

Humbe with 1 day old Miguelito

Me with my 1 month old Miguelito

From falling asleep in his walker to baby tantrums

Always a funny little boy

Surrounded by girls meant lots of kisses :)

Miguelito celebrating his last day as a 7yr old :)

Wishing my baby boy a beautiful and wonderful year full of lots of happiness, health and love!
May he continue to make his dreams come true and may he always stay true to himself!
I love you mi vida - dueno de mi corazon!!

Happy 8th Birthday My Beautiful Baby Boy!!

Kary xoxo

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