Friday, February 24, 2012

It's the simple things in life...

It's the first time I'm not happy that it's Friday :( 
I've been spoiled with Miguelito time this entire week and I will definitely miss him next week!
We made sure to have lots of fun, eat everything and anything full of carbs & sugar, and we made sure to walk around Central Park every single day. Plus, we had perfect weather the entire week except for today which was full of lots of rain, but that didn't stop us. We started the morning off by watching "The Secret World Of Arrietty", afterwards some delicious Brunch, and to top it off a thrifting shopping spree :) 
It was a most wonderful week!

(。◕‿◕。) Watching Miguelito rooting for his favorite basketball team, the cutest thing is watching him get mad when the Knicks miss a shot.

(。◕‿◕。) Munching on a humungous slice of NYC pizza, and yes! I did finish the entire slice all by myself.

(。◕‿◕。) Spending time with my boys. It always makes my day when I get to spend an entire day with my boys, they are my life and I love them both so much.

(。◕‿◕。) Spying on the Raccoons that live in Central Park. It was so much fun to find them looking for food under a bridge. Thanks to Miguelito and his fascination with them we got to stay there about 40 mins, watching them dig for food and take dips in the little pond.

(。◕‿◕。) Miguelito loves his custard! Especially if it's from the Shake Shack, and this is what he ate almost every night this week.

(。◕‿◕。) One of Miguelitos thrifting treasures. He is addicted to Star Wars and for him to find this (Star Wars Clone Wars vehicle V- Wing Fighter Pilot Tru) today was just the best thing that could have happened to him. Even though it's missing the pilot and a wing it is believed to be his best toy ever!

(。◕‿◕。) One of the many breathtaking views that you can find in Central Park. I never get tired of saying "I Love You Central Park".

Now I'm off to finish watching Grease 2 - I want a C-O-O-L R-I-D-E-R.....
Have a great Weekend my sweet friends!

“It's the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary.”
- Paulo Coelho
Kary xoxo

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What we've been upto....

❤ Swinging on the swings in Central Park - weeeeeeeee!!

❤ Eating entire chocolate bars by myself - gulp!

❤ Getting surprise kisses from Miguelito - I'm spoiled rotten I tell you.

❤ Eating humongous slices of pizza with a side of french fries.

We have many more things planned for this week of no school - Yay!! Miguelito goes back to school until the 27th and we still have so much more to do!!

Kary xoxo

Saturday, February 18, 2012

It's the simple things in life...

(。◕‿◕。) Having fun at my cousin's babyshower! Theme - Safari
(。◕‿◕。) Counting down the days till The Hunger Games comes out! Where will you be on March 23, 2012?

Left to Right: Apollo, Miguel & Mya
(。◕‿◕。) Watching these three grow-up and be the best of friends!

(。◕‿◕。) Enjoying a yummy cup of Starbucks and loving the fact that someone finally got my name right - yay!! Not Katrina or Corina but Karina :D

(。◕‿◕。) Enjoying some yummy Chinese food in Chinatown during the Lunar Parade.

 (。◕‿◕。) Loving my pencil portrait made by my very talented and sweet friend Phoenix. I have the BEST blog friends ever! How I love each one of you!!

“It's the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary.”
- Paulo Coelho

Kary xoxo

P.S. You don't want to miss out on this very awesome giveaway hosted by Claire to win your very own Leopard Diana Mini!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I Mustache you a question.....

Happy Valentine's Day My Loves!!
Feliz Dia Del Amor Y La Amistad!!
I Hope your day is full of lots of chocolate & love :D

Today I am enjoying a day of cupcakes, chocolate, yummy food & watching movies with my boys!
The two most important people in my life!
My Miguelito & Humbe :D

Happy Valentine's Day My Sweet Friends!

Kary xoxo

Friday, February 10, 2012

Love Thyself!

It's always so easy to judge one self, and find imperfections. Yet if they ask me what it is that I like about myself  I either shrug my shoulders or just say I don't know. 
I always feel so self conscious. No, I am not happy with my body and I have serious issues with myself.
I always feel fat and lack lots of self confidence.

But now instead of being so hard on myself I thought I'd focus on something I love about me :D

My smile is a reflection of my happiness and it reminds me that I am blessed with a wonderful family and friends. I am always smiling because I am a happy person and I Love my life!

What's one thing that you love about yourself?

Beauty is only skin deep.
- Thomas Overbury

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Self Portrait....

What I look like when I wake up in the morning
 Obsessing over... Channing Tatum and The Vow. I can not wait to see it Friday morning when I go on a "me" date :D

Thinking about... some very happy news that I received yesterday! I am SO excited and overwhelmed with joy!!. 

Anticipating... March :D I get to hug two beautiful girls from blog world! Sweet Faiza & Erin :D I am so excited!

Working on... my valentine day cards. Such a procrastinator!

Listening to... Adele - Set Fire To The Rain. I can't get enough of this amazing lady and her incredible voice and songs.

Eating... Marshmallows, I have a serious marshmallow addiction going on right now. I can't stop eating them.

Wishing... that I would stop over thinking things. I wish I had some sort of off switch on my thoughts that keep on spinning inside of my head!

Now for a fun giveaway to help you get through this week :D
 Don't miss out on the above giveaway hosted by my lovely Micaela! Where you can enter to win your very own Pinny Me Up Apron - made by Tillie. More details here.

Kary xoxo

Monday, February 6, 2012

We are the Champions!

We are the Champions!!
We knew all along that we'd be celebrating!
Wooohoooo!! Yeah!!! :D We won, we won, we won!!  (Special dance for my girl Mrs.Phoenix) Shaking my booty!! :D
It was such a fun night full of family & friends, yummy food, lots of screaming and trash talk with
Phoenix - A special shout out to you my friend, you made my night extra special :D
There was a moment where I almost started crying, but we made it!

Mini cakes filled with Strawberries
NY Giant Cupcakes
GO GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Comeback later to check out and see if you were the winner of the GLAD Giveaway! :D
Update: The GLAD Giveaway winner is Mellissa Rose! Congrats sweet girl!

Kary xoxo

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Your always in my heart...

 I can't believe that it's been a year that you went away mi querido abuelito. My heart still  hurts so much, I hate the fact that I can't see you, hear your voice, or touch your hand. I miss you everyday and there are times that I lay awake crying, porque te extrano mucho! I hope for the day that I see you again even if it's in my dreams. Today while I cleaned the living room your picture fell to the ground. I wonder, was it you? Were you letting me know that your always by my side? And that even though I can't see you, your always by my nearby. I love you mi querido abuelito and I miss you every single day!
 Good-bye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end, but in my heart's the memory and there you'll always be.

Kary xoxo