Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Your always in my heart...

 I can't believe that it's been a year that you went away mi querido abuelito. My heart still  hurts so much, I hate the fact that I can't see you, hear your voice, or touch your hand. I miss you everyday and there are times that I lay awake crying, porque te extrano mucho! I hope for the day that I see you again even if it's in my dreams. Today while I cleaned the living room your picture fell to the ground. I wonder, was it you? Were you letting me know that your always by my side? And that even though I can't see you, your always by my nearby. I love you mi querido abuelito and I miss you every single day!
 Good-bye may seem forever. Farewell is like the end, but in my heart's the memory and there you'll always be.

Kary xoxo

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