Thursday, March 29, 2012

This is why I'm afraid of tanning places...

There's never a dull moment with Friends - lol
*Sigh* How I miss them! But thank God for Re-Runs and Dvd's :)

Kary xoxo

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Hunger Games (Warning May Contain Spoilers)

District 12 Rocks!
Hunger Game nails
Wearing my Hunger Games t-shirt while holding a present from my Sunshine!

I saw The Hunger Games on Saturday and  it was AMAZING!!! 
It was everything I expected, I cried three times during the movie, I laughed and I awwwww many times.
 The acting was great and the scenary was incredible, oh and I didn't get motion sickness! I've heard some people complain about motion sickness but I was fine :)

I must say that it's the first movie that I've seen in a while that is very similar to it's book form. Yes, they did change some things around. But it's a movie and things have to change a little bit, in order for them to fit. I would have liked to see a little more in detail Katniss and Peeta's romance, that they would have said how Katniss father's died, that they 'd explain why Peeta is throwing Katniss a burnt piece of bread, Peeta's missing leg after the games were over, and one of the parts that I was kind of looking forward to; the mutations at the end! Overall I was a very happy with how the movie turned out and I can not wait to see it again! Three more times to be exact! :)

Oh, I almost forgot to say that I love the fact that it wasn't very bloody or gory. 

Did you see the movie? What did you think?

I LOVE you even more Peeta!!!
Team Peeta!!!!!!!!!

Kary xoxo

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happiness :)

He is my Sunshine! 
It's because of him that I always see a light at the end of the tunnel!
Thanks to all of your beautiful comments on the previous post and my munchkins laughter and love I was able to kick my problems in the butt!
 The weather has been so beautiful and amazing!
 Which means more days spent at Central Park :)
My mom & Miguelito - surrounded by naked trees :)
My wonderful mom & me :)
Turtle family soaking up the sun on top of a rock at Central Park :)
My life!
My mommy - one of the love's of my life!
P.S. After more than 4yrs of being a red head, i said goodbye to the red and am happy to be in touch with my roots again! I am now a black haired girl and I LOVE it!!! :)

Kary xoxo

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Life update.....

❤ Miguelito enjoying Taco Bell's new Dorito Loco Taco Shell :) I've never seen my child eat more than 2 tacos and lick his fingers like a madmen!

❤ Visiting the newest arrival to our family. My cute little nephew Vinny and Miguelito's cousin.

 ❤ I was at my aunt's house and like I was her first niece she spoiled me rotten and took tons of pictures of me when I was little. She gave me some of the pictures to keep!

❤ Watching while Miguelito washes his plate and still thinks it's fun. I wonder how long this will last? :)

❤ Gah! I've never seen something so magnificent as my Hunger Games Mug! When filled up with hot liquid flames come out to show Peeta & Katniss covered in them :) Miguelito keeps nagging me about having Peeta facing us, when he's home he will turn the mug so that Katniss is facing us - hahaha!
 The mug is currently on our bookshelf with Peeta facing me :)
Only 7 Days 9 Hours 38 Mins Left!
May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor...

❤ It's been a really stressful week in so many levels and this is the first time that it is getting to me in the way that I've been crying myself to sleep for three nights in a row, and to top it all off I am not enjoying the horrible Raccoon eyes that I am carrying around and the fact that people think that I look horrible and sick!

❤ Can't stop listening to this song!

Kary xoxo

Thursday, March 8, 2012

American Idol

 Did you see her? Did you see Jessica Sanchez perform just  a few hours ago?
Gah! Wasn't she amazing?
Aside from looking oh so stunning, she left everyone crying with her amazing performance!
I know I was crying my eyes out :)

I'm so excited for Jessica and rooting for her to win this season!

BTW, my girl Jessica is half Mexican half Filipina :)

Who are you rooting for?
Kary xoxo

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Cupcake ATM

Yes! Somebody has finally used their head and made one of my dreams come true :)
Sprinkles Magic Cupcake ATM
A cupcake ATM! Say what?!? An ATM that will dispense pretty, yummy cupcakes instead of money?
Yes, yes the rumors are true and Candace Nelson the founder of Sprinkles and the judge of one of Food Networks most yummiest shows "Cupcake Wars" has come up with the sweetest idea ever!

The Cupcake ATM
So imagine it's late night, like 2:30am and your walking around zombie like craving some cupcakes, yet all of the bakeries are closed and your (me in other words) just too lazy to bake some cupcakes all you have to do is walk up to the Cupcake ATM and put your credit card and out pops a perfectly, yummy cupcake! Gah, I'm jumping for joy just thinking about it!
And what's making it even more surreal and exciting is that one of these magic ATM's will be installed in my hood! 
The Upper West Side!!
 I can just imagine all these coming Summer nights when Miguelito and me allow our night owls to come out and our cupcake hunger starts to take over us! We shall just walk over to "our" magic ATM and enjoy one of life's many pleasures!
"When you look at a cupcake, you've got to smile"

What's your dream ATM?

Kary xoxo

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wishing my beautiful sisters a very Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to the beautiful birthday girls!! 
Today my sweet girls turn 28 and they get to spend it together which is the best present ever!

Micaela: My beautiful sister you know you mean the world to me and that I love you more than Ferrer Rocher & French Fries! I am so happy and blessed to call you family! Miguelito loves you so much and misses his dear Tia Mickey everyday! We wish you a wonderful day! May it be full of lots of yummy cake, yummy food, and may you be surrounded by those most important to your heart :) This is your year and it will be one of the most magical years ever! Of that I am sure! I love you always mi bella hermana!

Marz: My beautiful sister! You know I love you more than words can ever say! It is s a blessing to have you in my life, in our life, and call you family! Miguelito loves you and misses you so much his dear Tia Marz! We wish you a most wonderful day! Eat lots of yummy cake, yummy food and enjoy your beautiful family! This will be a most wonderful year full of lots of magic and so many more beautiful moments!
I love you always my beautiful sister, my fellow crush slut!!

We love you both!!

Feliz Cumpleanos my beautiful sisters!!!
Won't you stop by their blogs and wish my wonderful sisters a very Happy Birthday!

Kary xoxo

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Just A Minute in ..... March

My very first embroidery!
 For a girl who doesn't know how to sew or has never held a needle of some sort, I am very happy with my first embroidering :) 
My Miguelito got sick on Friday, he got food poisoning and it's been a horrible weekend for my baby :( and for me of course! It's never nice watching your son sick and suffering. To cheer him up I decided to start embroidering and boy was he excited. Let me tell you this is addicting and I can't wait to show you the one I do tomorrow :)

Re-Reading... The Hunger Games, The Hunger Games :) Oh how I love the boy with the bread! Sigh...

Watching... The Walking Dead. Gah! I am in tears after watching tonight's episode. I can't believe it. Do you watch The Walking Dead? What do you think about tonight's episode?

Writing... Letters to some very special friends and organizing some special packages.

Thinking... About life in general and how we have to learn to roll with everyday challenges.

Jumping... For joy at the thought of watching The Hunger Games in IMAX! I have my tickets already, is it March 23rd already?

Planning... A special surprise for my Miguelito :) Miguelito has always loved Star Wars, but after watching it in 3D he has gone crazy with everything Star Wars and me being the crazy, spoiling mama that I am! I've already bought a few goodies for him from Ebay :) Perhaps a Chewbacca and a mini Lego Luke Skywalker. Do you know where else I can find something Star Wars related for Miguelito?

Happy Monday Loves! Hope your week is great :)

Kary xoxo