Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Hunger Games (Warning May Contain Spoilers)

District 12 Rocks!
Hunger Game nails
Wearing my Hunger Games t-shirt while holding a present from my Sunshine!

I saw The Hunger Games on Saturday and  it was AMAZING!!! 
It was everything I expected, I cried three times during the movie, I laughed and I awwwww many times.
 The acting was great and the scenary was incredible, oh and I didn't get motion sickness! I've heard some people complain about motion sickness but I was fine :)

I must say that it's the first movie that I've seen in a while that is very similar to it's book form. Yes, they did change some things around. But it's a movie and things have to change a little bit, in order for them to fit. I would have liked to see a little more in detail Katniss and Peeta's romance, that they would have said how Katniss father's died, that they 'd explain why Peeta is throwing Katniss a burnt piece of bread, Peeta's missing leg after the games were over, and one of the parts that I was kind of looking forward to; the mutations at the end! Overall I was a very happy with how the movie turned out and I can not wait to see it again! Three more times to be exact! :)

Oh, I almost forgot to say that I love the fact that it wasn't very bloody or gory. 

Did you see the movie? What did you think?

I LOVE you even more Peeta!!!
Team Peeta!!!!!!!!!

Kary xoxo

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