Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Breakfast : )

Hmm. This morning for breakfast I felt like eating some egg. And to my surprise when I opened my fridge this is what I saw:

Some of them were happy others sad or mad : ) In the end the lucky ones to get picked were.....

Yummy : )

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Betito

It seems like only yesterday I was saying goodbye to my grandfather for the last time. It has been two years on a day like today - April 27,2008, that a piece of my heart was taken away. His passing was hard in so many levels.

Before anything else is said something that I must explain is that a long time ago I used to be rock solid if something bad ever happened I would relax everybody else. Ever since my son was born in 2003 I completely changed. From being the strongest to the weakest. To sentimental to tell you that I cry watching the movie "Knowing" ( can explain that part another day)

So for me to have to be strong for my mom and my son was hard. First of all there was my mom. Who was going through one of life's roughest challenges that sadly enough we must all go trough in life. What do say what do you do to reassure her that everything will be ok. Than there was my son he was 4 going on 5 at the time, and here he was losing one of the most important people in his life. My son and my grandfather had this special connection. They were alike in so many ways and they had so much love for each other. It was such a hard impact on my baby here he was crying that he wanted his great grandfather back, and here we were trying to hold back our tears or at least trying to relax him. When all we wanted to do was scream and kick, but like they say that will get you no where nor will it bring your loved one back. It has been two years and still my son cries and kisses my Betitos picture and wishes he was here. As I write this blog I cry feeling empty remembering my grandfather. Thank you my love for being the wonderful grandfather that you were. Thank you for always supporting me through thick and thin and for your unconditional love. We miss you and always have you in our thoughts and hearts, I give thanks to God everyday for giving you and Miguelito the opportunity to have met each other and to have been able to make an impact in each others life's. I know you are by our side watching over us and we still kiss your picture and say good morning and goodnight. We especially remember you on your birthday which was on April 20th, we know how you loved your birthday, and we love you because even though we can't see you I know you are still here right by our side. Te amo mi betito y no pasa ni un dia en el que no pienso en ti mi vida. Gracias por todo mi cielo.. Fuiste el mejor abuelito no le pude aver pedido mas a Dios......

You will never be forgotten....

My New Addiction = Postcrossing : )

It was about two months ago when I was checking something out in my facebook and I ran into a page called Postcrossing. I fell in love with the whole idea at once.First of all ever since I can remember I love receiving mail. Sometimes I will order free samples just so that I can receive something in the mail besides bills : ) Second I love taking pictures especially ever since my husband Humberto bought me my new Canon camera, so it's a perfect excuse for me to take more pictures of my beautiful New York City and make them into postcards.
So the concept of postcrossing is very easy and fair. For each postcard you send you receive one in return from any where in the world. Imagine it's just like traveling around the world except without the expensive airfare.Plus it's a surprise you have no idea where the next postcard you get will come from so it's always exciting.The first postcard I got to send was to someone in the Netherlands and yesterday I received my first postcard, it was from Estonia. The postcard itself was very pretty and the message was very sweet. I'm afraid to say that postcrossing is one of my new many addictions : ) At least it's a healthy one...

This was the postcard I sent to the Netherlands. It is of Belvedere Castle located in Central Park. I would love to send this person one with Belvedere Castle in the summer so they can see the difference. One of the many reasons I love New York City is the different seasons that we have, It's breathtaking to see the changes especially in Central Park.

This is the postcard I received isn't it pretty. I love it especially the fact that she said I look pretty like the cartoon : ) Now if only I knew what it said in the postcard. I looked online and all I could figure out was that in the bottom it says Happy Birthday : )

Monday, April 26, 2010

Our weekend in a nutshell....

Thank God for the beautiful weather we had this weekend. We got to see Miguelito play some soccer and than go around and enjoy our time together. Miguel's team won 3-1 yay, but the thing I love about the league he is in, is that they really emphasize sportsmanship. All the players have to give each other handshakes before and after the game, and they must say nice compliments to each other. They love it especially the fact that they get to make new
friends : )
The picture below I especially love, it describes my munchkin in so many ways.

Can't wait until next weekend. Meanwhile it's time to go back to into routine with the week schedule.. Hope everyone has a great week. Happy Monday : )

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My Boys : )

Ahhhhhhh!!!My boys they can be such pain sometimes..... But I love them dearly and would not trade them for nothing in the world. They keep me on my toes which is wonderful. Between school, taekwondo, soccer practices, work and training for the NYC marathon (my husband ) we barely have time left but we find a way to sneak some special family time in between. Whether it be to just see a movie or eat out. It is so important for us to show our little one that family is so important plus special in many ways and that he is really loved and wanted. That's why we try our best to demonstrate it in any way possible. Don't get me wrong by reading this it must be like ok they are never with this kid so they try and compensate. Not true, I give thanks to God everyday to be able to drop and pick up Miguelito at school everyday, and to be with him after school everyday as well. While I go to school during the day as well my Humberto works hard so that everything we have is possible.That's why Miguelito and I especially love the weekends when my husband Humberto is off from work and we are able to act like tourists in our crazy yet beautiful and wonderful New York City. This coming Saturday will be Miguelito's first soccer game of the season so we are pretty hyped, it was supposed to be last weekend but because of the weather it was canceled. All in due time like they say. So I'm planning to take tons of pictures so that I can post some on my blog : ) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh my boys they will sometimes gang up on me but together we are the three Musketeers unstoppable and full of Love : )

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Mail Me Ma Magnet Swap

Ever since I started blogging , which has been only two months ago. I have become a swap addict Even though I'm supposed to be on some kind of budget. It's just so hard they have all been so interesting. The new one that I found and I think is really cool is called "Mail Me Ma Magnet" you have to mail your partner a magnet. Imagine getting a magnet from somewhere else besides where you live. It's a nice opportunity especially when you don't have the time to travel around. So head on over to Priya's Blog and get in on the fun. Just click on the link on the right side. Looking forward to hearing about all the kinds of magnets that everybody gets.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring took a nap...

Wow the weather in Ny has been crazy. I seriously think Spring decided to take a nap this year.
It has been in the upper 8o's and on Wednesday it was in the upper 90's. But my lil partner in crime and I did not lose a heartbeat we were out at the park nonstop. Watching how the flowers are blossoming and soaking up some vitamin D. After spending some time at the park we went to see Diary Of A Wimpy Kid. The movie was wonderful it had me and Miguelito laughing the whole time. One thing I didn't really think at the time was how much my son would take in from the movie. For those who don't know what the movie is about it's basically the adventures of a boy going into middle school. His goal is to be a cool kid and appear a lot in the yearbook at the end of the year. There is a specific part that caught my sons attention I didn't know at the time. So on Wednesday when we were ready to go out the door and go back to school from his spring break he puts on his backpack. Cutest thing ever is that he only puts on one of the shoulder straps so the backpack is slinging and I ask him why? Miguelito: Mommy in Diary of a Wimoy kid he said this is cool and it is so much more comfortable. Why do the backpack makers do the backpack with two straps? Me: Miguelito how many arms do you have? Miguelito: Two Me: Ok than sweetie that's why Miguelito: Yeah well they are not cool : )
I see my baby so grown up and can't believe it. It seems like he was born yesterday : )
I''m sure that Miguelito had a blast the only thing that sometimes makes him sad is the fact that his daddy works so much but an upside to him working so much during the week is that he has Saturday & Sunday off so we have a blast on the weekends.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Stationary Swap : )

Back in February I joined Megan's stationary swap. I was paired up with Stephanie.
When I got home Wednesday I was super excited to see the package in the mailbox but more excited was my son he thought it was a present for him :)
We ran upstairs to open it up.

My son was so excited to unwrap the packages.

Thank you so much Stephanie everything was beautiful. We loved the butterfly cards and my son loved the gel pens.

Thank you Megan for hosting the swap. Hope you do it again next year : )