Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My New Addiction = Postcrossing : )

It was about two months ago when I was checking something out in my facebook and I ran into a page called Postcrossing. I fell in love with the whole idea at once.First of all ever since I can remember I love receiving mail. Sometimes I will order free samples just so that I can receive something in the mail besides bills : ) Second I love taking pictures especially ever since my husband Humberto bought me my new Canon camera, so it's a perfect excuse for me to take more pictures of my beautiful New York City and make them into postcards.
So the concept of postcrossing is very easy and fair. For each postcard you send you receive one in return from any where in the world. Imagine it's just like traveling around the world except without the expensive airfare.Plus it's a surprise you have no idea where the next postcard you get will come from so it's always exciting.The first postcard I got to send was to someone in the Netherlands and yesterday I received my first postcard, it was from Estonia. The postcard itself was very pretty and the message was very sweet. I'm afraid to say that postcrossing is one of my new many addictions : ) At least it's a healthy one...

This was the postcard I sent to the Netherlands. It is of Belvedere Castle located in Central Park. I would love to send this person one with Belvedere Castle in the summer so they can see the difference. One of the many reasons I love New York City is the different seasons that we have, It's breathtaking to see the changes especially in Central Park.

This is the postcard I received isn't it pretty. I love it especially the fact that she said I look pretty like the cartoon : ) Now if only I knew what it said in the postcard. I looked online and all I could figure out was that in the bottom it says Happy Birthday : )

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