Tuesday, April 27, 2010

My Betito

It seems like only yesterday I was saying goodbye to my grandfather for the last time. It has been two years on a day like today - April 27,2008, that a piece of my heart was taken away. His passing was hard in so many levels.

Before anything else is said something that I must explain is that a long time ago I used to be rock solid if something bad ever happened I would relax everybody else. Ever since my son was born in 2003 I completely changed. From being the strongest to the weakest. To sentimental to tell you that I cry watching the movie "Knowing" ( can explain that part another day)

So for me to have to be strong for my mom and my son was hard. First of all there was my mom. Who was going through one of life's roughest challenges that sadly enough we must all go trough in life. What do say what do you do to reassure her that everything will be ok. Than there was my son he was 4 going on 5 at the time, and here he was losing one of the most important people in his life. My son and my grandfather had this special connection. They were alike in so many ways and they had so much love for each other. It was such a hard impact on my baby here he was crying that he wanted his great grandfather back, and here we were trying to hold back our tears or at least trying to relax him. When all we wanted to do was scream and kick, but like they say that will get you no where nor will it bring your loved one back. It has been two years and still my son cries and kisses my Betitos picture and wishes he was here. As I write this blog I cry feeling empty remembering my grandfather. Thank you my love for being the wonderful grandfather that you were. Thank you for always supporting me through thick and thin and for your unconditional love. We miss you and always have you in our thoughts and hearts, I give thanks to God everyday for giving you and Miguelito the opportunity to have met each other and to have been able to make an impact in each others life's. I know you are by our side watching over us and we still kiss your picture and say good morning and goodnight. We especially remember you on your birthday which was on April 20th, we know how you loved your birthday, and we love you because even though we can't see you I know you are still here right by our side. Te amo mi betito y no pasa ni un dia en el que no pienso en ti mi vida. Gracias por todo mi cielo.. Fuiste el mejor abuelito no le pude aver pedido mas a Dios......

You will never be forgotten....

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