Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Traveling Wednesdays : D

I really hope I can keep up with this order of themes : D For now this segment will include our adventures during our trip to Mexico, when that is over I will be posting about our travels in
NYC ; D - it will vary from eating out to just hanging around our city. Hope you enjoy these post as much as I will enjoy sharing hem with you all :D

Before I continue with our traveling adventures in Mexico, I want to say "Feliz Dia de San Miguel" a todos los Miguels : D In other words- "Happy Saint Michaels Day" - Today is the feast day - the celebration of Saint Michael Arcangel : D There are three Miguels in my life my papi, my brother and my son Miguelito - It's almost like a birthday celebration : D
And a very special Felicidades to Micaelas Daddy and brother Miguel - Felicidades!!!!

During our time in Mexico one of the places that we got to visit was Xochimilco (it is located South of the center of Mexico City) It was beautiful!!!
Xochimilco is a series of canals,all that is left of the Ancient Lake of Xochimilco.
We got to ride in a beautiful and colorful "Trajinera" - a Xochimilco boat : )
It was a 2 hour ride in which while you tour the canals and enjoy chit chatting- vendors of all kinds row next to you to sell either food, souvenirs, or yummy sweets : D Even mariachis have their own trajinera and row next to you and serenade you with music : D

During our ride in the trajinera a floating restaurant cooked us dinner and served us and on we went enjoying the ride and the view,about halfway during the ride the trajinera stops in a little garden (where I got Micaelas lil hippo) and you get to hop off and walk around while your tour guide sits down to eat and take a rest from all the rowing - delicioso : D

Xochimilco was one of our most memorable experiences. The best part ever was being able to enjoy it with my familia : D We will be sure to visit next time we go to Mexico - especially so that my Humbe can go : D

Xochimilco - Isn't it beautiful :D
That same day we got to visit three places .... next week I will show you the second place we got to go to.
One clue.....Goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Karina In Simple Terms ; D

Something new! I will try my best to keep this going every Monday. Hopefully you guys will get to know me a little better ; D

1- Whenever I watch a movie I almost always fall in love with the soundtrack (except the scary ones).Imagine having 1,2,Freddy's coming for you - on my ipod....

2- I never had a fight during my school years. I'm a girly girl and sometimes "appear" to look weak, my sister was always afraid that someone would beat me up in high school -lol-

3- I'm short - 5'2 : D

4- I'm afraid of whales and I'm not sure how it started.

5- I love to watch my favorite movies over and over again. I never get tired of watching them!

6- I'm a shopaholic - seriously have you watched the movie"Confessions Of A Shopaholic"
that's me - yup!

7- I'm a collector of all sorts of things. You name it! Whenever I go shopping the one thing that I always seem to find and end up needing is a notebook or notepad of some sort : D

8- My all time lucky number is 7 - I use it for everything!!!!

9- When I was 4yrs old, I had an accident in school and had an injury above my left eye. There is a small scar that was left behind and an eye phobia. I can not see anything get near my left eye because I get all nervous, just imagine the eye doctor visits or when I get eyebrow threading -Yikes!
Therefore I've never used eyedrops...

10- I love Friends - It is one of my all time favorite shows!!!!!

LOL - That's me with my eyes....

Friday, September 24, 2010

Bright Star

Bright Star

Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art--
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors--
No--yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever--or else swoon to death.

- John Keats

Monday, September 20, 2010

A grandfather is a father who has a second chance...

My life was blessed with me being able to have my two Papas from both sides of my family with me. I was blessed with the two best grandfathers ever. They were a big part of my life and still are even though one of them is not here physically with me, it's been two years since my Papa Betito (my mami's dad) passed away and how we miss him. My other Papa - His name is Trini is still alive and going strong at the age of 95yrs old ; D. He lives in Mexico City and I was so worried to not be able to see him again, anything can happen in 9yrs. But my dear God has kept him safe and healthy. That was the main reason for my heart ache to go back to my Mexico lindo, and my dear Humbe hated to see me so worried and sad.He knows how important and special family is to me.My baby lost his papi this past year in May without him being able to say goodbye to his darling papa after approximately 15yrs of not seeing him. After 9 very long years my papa Trini was there waiting for me. So on he sent me and Miguelito to Mexico to make my dream come true.

The three Miguels with Papa Trini - holding up a pic of my Papi


I felt like my heart was going to explode. It was one of the most emotional and hardest things I have ever done. My grandparents are divorced, meaning I didn't get to see my papa until 3 days after my arrival in Mexico. It was beautiful to see him and hear his advice and just kiss him non-stop.Which meant the Goodbye was Hard.. We all came out crying even my Miguelito, he was filled with so much emotion. I love my papa and always carry him in my heart and mind.
I pray to God to keep him safe and healthy..

Telling my papa Goodbye.....

Thank you to my Amor Humbe for making my dream come true... I love you my love..Te amo mi vida....

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Basilica - La Villa

New Basilica

La Villa de Guadalupe - Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe - A Roman Catholic Church
One of the most important pilgrimage sites for Catholics, it is always full of people.

One of our traditions each time we get to go back to Mexico is to go to La Villa and give thanks to La Virgencita de Guadalupe. On our second day in Mexico we got to go and give her thanks for our safe travels and for all the happiness and health in our lives. It is so spectacular ; ) so many beautiful views and so much to take in. Miguelito loved it and wanted to stay and walk and walk...

Miguelito getting his fortune told by a little Birdie

The Old Basilica (nowadays an expiatory temple)
Shrine of Pope John Paul

Inside the basilica

Original image of The Virgen Mary

Miguelito's Tourist Picture ; D

My Papi & Me

Trees with yummy Tunas

One of the many churches in the Villa

Shrine of the Virgen Mary

So many yummy candies

Yummy Sope with everything from beans, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes...


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Querida Amiga

It's been less than a year since I started blogging - 7 months to be exact : )
and I have met the most amazing and sweetest girls ever:
Pria, Micaela, Claudia, and Marz.
These girls are just amazing and oh so sweet. So full of love and blessed with so much family closeness.. Always willing to lend a listening ear and we haven't even met in person, but it feels like we've been friends forever...
I feel blessed to have met them and have them as friends in my life : )

Monday afternoon we received a very special package from my querida amiga Pria... This post was meant to be put up yesterday : ( Sorry babe... It was just the longest and busiest day ever.. I literally dropped dead in my bed after Miguelito fell asleep - Humbe's a witness he's never seen me fall asleep so fast-lol-

It was a very special and beautiful birthday present for Miguelito.... He was so happy and excited and LOVED EVERYTHING..... I don't know how to say Thank you my friend you are so sweet and deserve all the best in life... I took so many pictures to try and capture Miguelito's joy on camera : ) I told you he would love everything and he did and so did I...

You see Pria "WE" loved everything!!!!!!!!! Miguelito especially fell in love with the Ben 10 ornament he loves to play with it like an action figure. Will you believe it's his first Ben 10 toy...He will always remember it and who gave it to him. Lots of love mi querida amiga and I feel blessed to have met you....

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From Miguelito & Me : )

P.S. I loved my letter and the pictures on the package : )