Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back 2 School....

It's 12:01am meaning it's officially Thursday and my lil night owl is still awake 8 D
Even after all the commotion from yesterdays first day of school as a second grader : )
As for me my eyes are burning and my pillow keeps on whispering sweet nothings in my ear...

It was a wonderful day and Miguelito had a blast, it was so exciting to pick him up from school at 3:20pm and see his smile from ear to ear. He loved his teacher and has his best friend Mason in the same class again, they have known each other since kindergarten. Last year they were put into different classrooms and only got to play after school or during recess but now they sit next to each other and get to get in trouble because they talk to much-lol-
It was a very short school week, because today begins their four day weekend and it's back to school until Monday. Miguelitos last 4 days to sleep in late before a very long and busy year begins...
Looking forward to a great and wonderful year...

It will be wonderful to see my two boys when they are older and still the best of friends..
Wishing them the best year ever : )

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