Monday, September 27, 2010

Karina In Simple Terms ; D

Something new! I will try my best to keep this going every Monday. Hopefully you guys will get to know me a little better ; D

1- Whenever I watch a movie I almost always fall in love with the soundtrack (except the scary ones).Imagine having 1,2,Freddy's coming for you - on my ipod....

2- I never had a fight during my school years. I'm a girly girl and sometimes "appear" to look weak, my sister was always afraid that someone would beat me up in high school -lol-

3- I'm short - 5'2 : D

4- I'm afraid of whales and I'm not sure how it started.

5- I love to watch my favorite movies over and over again. I never get tired of watching them!

6- I'm a shopaholic - seriously have you watched the movie"Confessions Of A Shopaholic"
that's me - yup!

7- I'm a collector of all sorts of things. You name it! Whenever I go shopping the one thing that I always seem to find and end up needing is a notebook or notepad of some sort : D

8- My all time lucky number is 7 - I use it for everything!!!!

9- When I was 4yrs old, I had an accident in school and had an injury above my left eye. There is a small scar that was left behind and an eye phobia. I can not see anything get near my left eye because I get all nervous, just imagine the eye doctor visits or when I get eyebrow threading -Yikes!
Therefore I've never used eyedrops...

10- I love Friends - It is one of my all time favorite shows!!!!!

LOL - That's me with my eyes....

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