Sunday, January 30, 2011

Drumroll Please ;)

We have a winner!!!!
I swear that this giveaway was very legit and that the name that came out first 
was picked by Miguelito! 
I actually filmed as Miguelito picked the name - I hope you guys enjoy ;)
I do apologize in advance for the scary lady in the video below- she might be somewhat scary 
and I do hope you don't get nightmares -haha!

My avocado napkin holder & heart shaped bowl ;)


Email me your address @

Kary xoxo

P.S. I almost did not post the video of myself, but what the hell. I mean there are some really ugly-smugly
people on TV - plus they have good lighting,video editing,and good makeup artist to their advantage, so I figured I'd do my video debut with you sweeties. I just hope I don't scare any of you guys away!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Snowday ;)

We finally had a snow-day yesterday ;)
After 19 inches of snow covered New York City!

 I didn't get to go to sleep late like I wanted to, because I was sort of wimped out thinking of what happened last time ;)
But the snow kept on falling 2 inches per hour and by the time it was 5:00am we had
approximately 17 inches of snow - so the chancellor declared it a snow-day!
All public schools were closed ;)

I ran back into my very warm and cozy bed and went back to sleep until around 10:30am, when
Miguelito woke up wanting to play his DSI. We spent the day just relaxing,sipping some hot chocolate, playing the Wii, and watching movies ;)
By the time it stopped snowing the total accumulation of snow was 19 inches!
 Talk about a lot of snow! As I type this it is snowing outside and another snowstorm is headed
our way next week!

Ah but it's Friday, and I'm surrounded by love. I feel happy and cheerful and I have been
singing rock and roll music all day long ;)
I feel blessed and more than ever I give thanks to God for all the wonderful people that are in my life!

Plus tomorrow I pick the winner of my first giveaway ;) I'm so excited and nervous! I wish you could
all win!

Happy Friday Sweeties!

Kary xoxo

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I hate you Geek Squad - Blah!!

Ugh! I can't believe it's been 5 days since I've blogged ;( 
And I still have no adapter for my laptop and now my laptop doesn't even turn on! I am so mad!
 When I checked my status online it said that I had gone to the store last Wednesday and picked up the cable.
Bullshit!! I was told and given a receipt saying I would receive it in 3-4 days in the mail!
Yesterday I was on the phone for about an hour waiting for someone to answer and when they did answer I was given another number to call. I was told to ignore the message it said online, that the cable had not shipped yet and that whoever told me it takes 3-4 days lied, it takes 7 to 10 business days! If in 10 business days the adapter does not arrive, I must call them again and that's when another process will begin to see what happened with the adapter! It seems like forever and I miss my laptop!!!!
Whew!!! Sorry for the rambling ;)

Aside from that our days have been filled with lots of excitement,happiness,frigid temperature,and lots of snow.
Sunday the 23rd was such a special occasion for Miguelito and us ;)

Miguelito in Church - getting ready for his Baptism!!!
Miguelito was baptized and born again as a child of God ;)
It was such an emotional day for me, I couldn't hold back my tears.
It was a day full of love and family, a very small intimate ceremony with the people that matter the most to us.
I also want to Thank my family that is far away but close in mind and spirit.
 Miguelito's Tia's Micaela & Marz ;)
 Thank you so much my darling girls you made this day so much more special! 
We love you!!You mean the world to us  
I promise to post more and better quality pictures very - very soon ;)

I've missed you guys and I plan to catch up on all your blogs!

❤ Three's Company 

Be Happy - No Worries ;)

Don't forget to sign up for my 1st giveaway!
 You have until Saturday morning of the 29th to sign up ;)
Thank you sweeties for all of you who have already signed up and blogged about the giveaway.
❤  Lots of Amor to all of you  

Hope you all are having a great week and enjoying some nice weather.
 As for us New Yorkers - Winter is really taking a toll on us, and it has been really, really cold! Can you believe it was 6' degrees yesterday!
Today we woke up to one inch of snow and tomorrow we have another snowstorm coming our way!
We might have a snow day tomorrow, but am I really willing to take a chance and let the little night owl in me come out?
Haha! We all know what happened the last time I didn't get a snow day ;)

Oh but I might get lured in by Dexter  
Isn't he a cutie? - He already won me over with that little smile of his!
I LOVE you Dexter!!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just Because I Love You Giveaway ;)

Oh! I am so excited to be hosting my very First Giveaway ;)
I was going to wait until my first year blog-anniversary to host one, but I just won my first giveaway last week and it feels awesome. Now I want one of you my very sweet friends to have that feeling also ;)

I had some very lovely comments regarding my winter slippers, that I decided to go back to Claire's and purchase a pair of very cute Fuzzy Chewbacca Style Slippers for my giveaway!

Up For Grabs:

A pair of fuzzy soft boot style slippers from Claire's, Bow earrings from Claire's, Feather necklace from H&M,and an xoxo wallet bought at a thrift store.

xoxo wallet and bow earrings

Feather Necklace

One lucky gal will win all 4 items ;)
How To Enter Your Name In The Hat Of Chance:

1) You must be a follower of  Ramblings Of A Simple Girl - this blog ;) and leave a comment with the item you heart the most - 1 Entry

Additional Entries:

1) Blog about this giveaway - 1 entry
2) Put up the button giveaway - 1 entry

The winner will be picked on Saturday January 29th.
I will write each of your names on a piece of paper depending on the number of entries you have and Miguelito will pick out the name.
The winner will be announced on the next day - Sunday :)
Good luck sweeties - I really wish I could give you all something special, but depending on how this giveaway goes, I might have some other surprises up my sleeves ;)

Buena Suerte to you all!!!
If you have any questions just shoot me an email at

Kary xoxo

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

If I can't win the lottery ;)

Ugh my laptop is acting up and I am so mad! Yesterday I took it in to Best Buy to get it checked out. I was told that it could be the adapter cable or if I wanted it to get sent for a thorough check up I could, but that meant being without my baby for 2 or 3 weeks. So I chose the best one for me - ordering the adapter and getting it in the mail in 3 to 4 business days, and today I woke up to see that my laptop will not turn on! What seemed like a good idea yesterday doesn't seem like a very brilliant one today ;(  Thank God for the desktop, and while Miguelito (the primary user) is in school I thought I'd write up this quick post ;)
Giveaways! Who doesn't love a giveaway :) Oh the Excitement - Eeeeeeee!!!
Two of my very sweet friends Claudia and Stephanie are hosting their very first and very awesome giveaways! 
I won't lie I did think about keeping them to myself so I could win them both, but that's not very nice and I just one my very first giveaway last week and it felt like I'd just won the lottery ;)
Now I'm spreading the word so that one of you lovies has the opportunity of winning one of these very awesome giveaways.

First head over to Claudias's Blog : Moncy3 and enter to win some of her very own handmade pretty Stationary! You could win your very own:

Imagine all the pretty mail you can send ;)

Set of 10 Animal Lovers envelopes
Set of 12 Drive North America mini envelopes and writing inserts
Set of 10 Vintage Music envelopes and note cards

Just hop over to Claudia's blog and follow her blog and check out the extra entry's ;)
Next head over to Stephanie's: Life and enter to win a CSN Stores $20 Gift certificate which you can use at any of their 200+ stores ;)

I already have my eye on this Cico Egg Cup Holder with Salt Castor! Aren't they cute ;)


                   All you have to do is leave a comment ;)

Good Luck
You can see why the greedy in me almost didn't let me post this - Ha!

But while your there won't you say Hola to these very sweet girls who I am so happy and honored  to call my sweet friends ;)
Oh and after all the excitement of signing up for these very awesome giveaways! Take a breather, maybe drink a cup of coffee while you sing "Time of my Life" ;)

And come back and check out the details of my very First Giveaway ;)
The feeling of winning a giveaway is so awesome that I thought I'd do the same for you my lovies ;)

Kary xoxo

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Little artist in the making ;)

Me: Miguelito what do you want to be when you grow up?
Miguelito: An artist mami - I LOVE Art and I love to paint and draw things ;) 

A few months ago Citibank was handing out little black notebooks to people walking by in the street, Miguelito was lucky enough to claim his own little notebook which he proceeded to use as his drawing book.Whenever we go out he makes sure to bring it along and if he sees something special he will make us stop and sit down while he draws ;) He only uses pencil when he draws in his black notebook - he believes it looks better and much more professional,his goal: to draw portraits of people ;)

A Snowman he built during the first snowfall

After carrying it around in his pocket so much his little notebook broke

Dum-Dum (Museum Of Natural History)
A little radio playing music
Volcano from an exhibit

A picture of our Smiley and Grumpy Mugs full of coffee ;)
- Art is the colors and textures of your imagination -
Kary xoxo
P.S. If anyone knows where I can get a little black notebook that won't break so easily, please let me know ;)

Friday, January 14, 2011

“Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see Life with a clearer view again.” - Alex Tan

This is one of those weeks that I am happy to bid goodbye! 

As a mom one of the scariest phone calls that you can get is that of the school nurse. Especially when it involves something happening to your child. 
Yesterday after reading this post on Micaela's blog and literally running to watch "Heartbreaker" on my Netflix, my phone rang and what happened next was a blur:

Nurse: Hello can I please speak to Mrs.Pacheco

Me: Yes this is her

Nurse: Hi this is the school nurse and I'm calling you to tell you that Miguel has had an accident

Me: Huh (choking back tears and talking in a high pitched voice) What happened? Where is he?What happened is my baby ok?

Nurse: Shhhh...relax...

Me: Relax! What happened?

Nurse: Miguel was running outside in the schoolyard and slipped on some ice

Me: What - Omg is he hurt?Did he break something? What happened?

Nurse: Miguel fell and hurt the right side of his face. It looks worse than what it is

Me: Is he bleeding? Did he bump his head? Is he OK? Do I pick him up right now?

Nurse: He has a small abrasion on his cheekbone and above his eyelid, we washed the area, and did some other exams but he seems to be ok. But when you see him do not be surprised or scared. It looks really scary but its really nothing to worry about. He just fell and he might have hit his head.

Me: Don't worry - Don't worry! He just looks scary and he might have hit his head? Do you know how many people have died because they hit themselves on the head and ignore it and not go to the hospital? Do you? At what time did this happen?

Nurse: During recess

Me: During recess? That was three hours ago and I just get this phone call!!!! - It's 15 degrees outside and there's ice and snow outside and you people took the children out for recess in those conditions, and my child has an accident and you just call me now!!! 

Nurse: They need exercise and he seemed ok so we sent him back to class

Me: What??? I'm picking him up from school in 10minutes, he better be in the office ready to go and with a report to take with me to  the ER! 

I hanged up the phone and ran to get Miguelito from school. We were at the ER all evening.Where he got a CAT scan and a full exam to make sure that everything was ok.
I'm so relieved that my Miguelito is ok aside from the horrible bruising (which we are hoping is much better by next Sunday). The doctor said if he would have fallen a different angle it would have been a different situation, and I am happy that I can give a sigh of relief. Monday is a new day in which I will be going to the school to have a meeting with the principal let's see how that goes.

But what a scary day especially because I woke up with a horrible feeling yesterday morning. Have you ever had one of those mornings, when things seem so out of the ordinary, and with a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach?
I did! Yesterday - Right before we left the house to drop Miguelito off at school, he ran to me when I was by the door and said "Mami I love you and I wish I could stay home with you today and watch movies in bed - Te amo mami", after he told me that I swear I felt the hibbie jibbies!
And as I walked to pick Miguelito up from school I couldn't help but think that if I would have listened to him and my instinct, he wouldn't have gone to school and he wouldn't have fallen in recess.
But there's the thing as a mom I wish I could keep him close to me always, away from harms way. 
But I can't! That's the way of life and I need to let my little bird fly.

Miguelito when he was 4yrs old

                There is always a moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.
- Graham Green

On a very happy note! I can't think of a better way to end a somewhat horrible week than by being the winner of a very awesome giveaway :)
I never win anything! And to start this new year by winning a giveaway is great, does this mean that I am on a roll and I will win a ton of giveaways? ;)
The gorgeous ring that I won! I can't wait until it arrives so that I can wear it ;)  

Thank you beautiful Jules of Chocolate and Babies for hosting such a beautiful giveaway. 
Even though she will be having her baby in a day or two :) She still managed to organize such an awesome giveaway. 
A million thanks sweetie and I can't wait to see pictures of beautiful baby Liam with his beautiful mom ;)
Good luck sweetie and you are in my prayers for a safe delivery and a very healthy baby boy.

Will you my dear loveys have Jules in your prayers as well so that she may have a safe delivery and her and her baby boy Liam  are ok.

Wishing you all a great weekend ;)

Kary xoxoxo

P.S. I can't wait until next week to share lots of exciting news ;)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Delicioso ;)

We were hit with another snowstorm yesterday evening, good thing was it wasn't as bad as last time. We only got  9 inches of snow ;) 

Funny thing is that they kept saying that it was going to be a snow day, I really believed with all my heart that it was going to happen and so the little night owl in me decided to come out and I fell asleep until 3:00am only to wake up at 5:30am and find out that all schools were going to be open - ugh what a nightmare. But I made it through the day with bags and swollen eyes ;)

The best part of the day was when Miguelito and I got to do our snow day ritual! 
When it snows a lot we get to go to the roof of our building and get some fresh clean snow. Some condensed milk,vanilla extract and sugar later we had Snow Ice Cream ;) It is the best winter dessert ever! Today we got to make some vanilla, almond and chocolate flavored snow ice cream ;) 

I Love that my Miguelito looks forward to our special winter tradition  ❤ and I look forward to it every single year ;)

Yummy - Vanilla Snow Ice Cream ;)
That is one yummy dessert!! Ugh but you can see the horrible bags under my eyes!

Everybody should get a chance to do some Snow Ice Cream! What are you waiting for?

On a last note "I LOVE to go shopping" - Especially when I get to go to one of my favorite thrift shops ;) 

I ❤ smiley faces! And when I saw this wooden smiley face bank dating back to 1980. I had to buy it and for $1.00! How could I say no ;)

Miguelito loves seashells and when I saw this vase I had to get it - I've been told it looks kind of tacky - but I don't care I'm a cornball like that ;) Plus Miguelito loves it!

This little wooden bird we freaking Love ❤ The three of us fell in love with it at first sight. It sits next to Miguelito's frame and looks at me with googly eyes ;) Oh and it was only .50 cents!

I Love my winter slippers ;)  I'm being sexy by showing some leg - lol ;)

These are just some of my items that I'm ❤ today! Can't wait to show you more of my goodies ;)
What special item do you ❤ today?

Kary xoxoxo

Sunday, January 9, 2011

~ Weekends are a bit like rainbows; they look good from a distance but disappear when you get up close to them. ~ - John Shirley

After being hit with the nasty flu bug! We are all finally feeling much better ;) This weekend went by in a blur and now tomorrow it's Monday ;) We are flu free and ready to go!

These two weeks will be one of the most exciting ones in our life, that will go by in a blur counting down to the 23rd of January, when we will be celebrating a very special and important day for my Miguelito and us ;)

In the meantime I will leave you with one of my favorite songs  in hopes that it will give you motivation for an awesome week ;)

Have A Great Monday Sweeties ;)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Before there was Eric or Edward....

There was Angel!!

And Spike!!


With all the craziness that happened when I read the Twilight Saga and saw True Blood for the first time, my heart almost lost it's way. But as I looked through my Netflix Que last night my heart did a double flip flop - Oh Buffy The Vampire Slayer! And as I watched it again I remembered who was the real vampire that owned my heart - Angel!
Spike was also kind of hot ;) But my heart is big and there's room for all of these hunky vampires ;)

Which Vampire do you ♥ ?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Goals for the New Year = A Better Me

Thank you so much my sweet friends for your very thoughtful comments in my previous post, it meant and means the world to me. I love you all and if I could hug you I would - So I'm sending you all a big virtual hug my lovely's! I Love you all!!!!

Eeeeee!! I can't believe that we are almost done with the first week of January! And our Christmas tree and decorations are still up! They will stay up for one more month - I refuse to let the holiday spirit leave our house ;)

 Happy Three Kings Day ;)
Today we get to eat some Rosca de Reyes - Yummy!!! more details and pics to come tomorrow ;) 
In the meantime enjoy!

And here I am late as always in writing down some goals that I wish to accomplish this new year ;)

☺ Respect myself more for who I am! I like to compare myself with others, and end up putting myself down a lot.

☺Action! If I want something to happen I have got to move, in other words I have got to stop daydreaming, things are not going to magically appear before me. I need to start taking action!

"Just because you know where you want to end up
doesn’t mean you will not be faced with obstacles, or challenges along the way.
Instant success rarely happens."

- Catherine Pulsifer

☺Start putting myself before others. I've neglected myself, by putting other peoples needs before me (this does not include my family).

☺I have got to learn to say NO! I feel bad saying no to people and therefore I end up being a Pushover!

☺I will try my best to expand my taste pallet - I can be a very picky eater and therefore I end up missing out on a lot of great foods.I usually end judging food by it's look :(

☺I will try my best to go to sleep early! I hope to be able to go to sleep by 11:00pm (or 12:00am) the latest Instead of reading,blogging,and playing Zelda -hehe!

 ☺Lose some weight!!! This one is a special and a must for me, I know it won't happen magically or super fast and I'm ok with that. I have started walking already and I feel Great! I was afraid of posting this one because once you say it aloud you know you can't back down!

☺Getting to know you sweeties even more and watching our friendship blossom ;)

Well loves these are just a few of my goals for this new year which I hope to accomplish or at least get better at ;)

Wishing you a very awesome Friday and an even better weekend ;)

Kary xoxo

 P.S. Won't you hop over to Micaela's blog and check out my guest post - While your there take a peak at my ♥ Heart ♥ and say Hola!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I've been waiting...

For the moment when I'd see my Betito again, even though I knew it would only be while I was sleeping. Last night almost 3yrs later from you going to heaven, you were in my dream. I saw you sitting by the edge of the bed, wearing your slacks and your little hat that you always wore. You looked at me and smiled ;) My heart ached, I wanted to run to you, hug you, kiss you, and be with you. I sat by your side and you leaned on me without saying a word, you put your head on my lap and as I ran my fingers through your white hair I hugged you tightly and started crying uncontrollably. You held my hand tightly and time stood still.

I woke up crying and screaming with the biggest hole in my heart because you were sad in my dream.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Believe - I Will!


"Focused will is incredible. If you have a dream and you don't give up no matter what obstacles come up, then life's problems will fall away and you will get what you want. It happens. It works." - Yanni