Sunday, January 30, 2011

Drumroll Please ;)

We have a winner!!!!
I swear that this giveaway was very legit and that the name that came out first 
was picked by Miguelito! 
I actually filmed as Miguelito picked the name - I hope you guys enjoy ;)
I do apologize in advance for the scary lady in the video below- she might be somewhat scary 
and I do hope you don't get nightmares -haha!

My avocado napkin holder & heart shaped bowl ;)


Email me your address @

Kary xoxo

P.S. I almost did not post the video of myself, but what the hell. I mean there are some really ugly-smugly
people on TV - plus they have good lighting,video editing,and good makeup artist to their advantage, so I figured I'd do my video debut with you sweeties. I just hope I don't scare any of you guys away!!!

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