Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Goals for the New Year = A Better Me

Thank you so much my sweet friends for your very thoughtful comments in my previous post, it meant and means the world to me. I love you all and if I could hug you I would - So I'm sending you all a big virtual hug my lovely's! I Love you all!!!!

Eeeeee!! I can't believe that we are almost done with the first week of January! And our Christmas tree and decorations are still up! They will stay up for one more month - I refuse to let the holiday spirit leave our house ;)

 Happy Three Kings Day ;)
Today we get to eat some Rosca de Reyes - Yummy!!! more details and pics to come tomorrow ;) 
In the meantime enjoy!

And here I am late as always in writing down some goals that I wish to accomplish this new year ;)

☺ Respect myself more for who I am! I like to compare myself with others, and end up putting myself down a lot.

☺Action! If I want something to happen I have got to move, in other words I have got to stop daydreaming, things are not going to magically appear before me. I need to start taking action!

"Just because you know where you want to end up
doesn’t mean you will not be faced with obstacles, or challenges along the way.
Instant success rarely happens."

- Catherine Pulsifer

☺Start putting myself before others. I've neglected myself, by putting other peoples needs before me (this does not include my family).

☺I have got to learn to say NO! I feel bad saying no to people and therefore I end up being a Pushover!

☺I will try my best to expand my taste pallet - I can be a very picky eater and therefore I end up missing out on a lot of great foods.I usually end judging food by it's look :(

☺I will try my best to go to sleep early! I hope to be able to go to sleep by 11:00pm (or 12:00am) the latest Instead of reading,blogging,and playing Zelda -hehe!

 ☺Lose some weight!!! This one is a special and a must for me, I know it won't happen magically or super fast and I'm ok with that. I have started walking already and I feel Great! I was afraid of posting this one because once you say it aloud you know you can't back down!

☺Getting to know you sweeties even more and watching our friendship blossom ;)

Well loves these are just a few of my goals for this new year which I hope to accomplish or at least get better at ;)

Wishing you a very awesome Friday and an even better weekend ;)

Kary xoxo

 P.S. Won't you hop over to Micaela's blog and check out my guest post - While your there take a peak at my ♥ Heart ♥ and say Hola!

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