Thursday, April 28, 2011

Friday Fancies - Royal Attire :)

Happy Friday Loves :)

Eeeeekkk!!! It is the most exciting and anticipated wedding of the century!!
I was especially happy when I received my wedding invitation last month.

A girl can dream right? :)
Nonetheless it was so much fun to browse and come up with my royal attire if I were
really to attend the royal wedding.

                I can not wait to see what all you beautiful girls would wear to this oh so anticipated event :)
Remember to link up here at AV's blog (who by the way I get to meet on Sunday during a NYC
blogger meet-up) I'm SO excited & nervous :)

Happy Friday Loves!!

Kary xoxo

P.S. Eeeeeekkkkkkk!!!! I am SOOOOOO excited for it to be Friday, we get to see Marz
& Micaela tomorrow!!!! I can not wait to hug my dear friends!! It will be a very exciting
and fun filled weekend and days full of lots of adventures :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cherry Blossoms

*Warning Picture Overload*

I love Central Park and the fact that I live just two blocks away is wonderful.
It's beautiful to watch it transform during all 4 seasons, it's just so magical.
I especially love fall and all it's beautiful orange, red, and brown colors, my second favorite 
has got to be Cherry Blossom season. All the beautiful pink and white colors and smells just makes 
Central Park so spectacular!!

We have been blessed with incredible weather these past three days!! To say that
today it's 82 degrees outside and it feels like a blistering 90' something is a 
bit of an understatement :)
The Pacheco clan is never one to not go out on a beautiful day, and off  we went for a picnic, walk,
 and soccer time in Central Park :)

It was a beautiful spring day :)

Kary xoxo

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter & A Winner :)

 Easter is a celebration of the resurrection.
With Joy, I acknowledge the rising of my own Christ nature.
Following the teachings of Jesus, I overcome trials of doubt and fear that may have darkened my mind.
One with the overcoming power of Christ, I rise and shake off the past.

Happy Easter Loves!!
Wishing you all a very blessed day full of lots of love & happiness,
and lots of chocolate and candy :)
Feliz Dia De Pascua!!

Now for the Winner of the Movie Giveaway :)
Drum - Roll Please!!

Miguelito getting ready to pick the winner :)

And the Winner is:
.... Beautiful Jasmine from Lavender's Green!!!!
 Never Say Never :)

Congratulations sweet girl!!!

Thank you all for participating!!
I love you all :)

Kary xoxo

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Friday Fancies

 I am loving this new segment, in which I get to dream up the perfect wardrobe :)
Remember you can join in the fun and link up here!

 I am so excited for next weeks dream wardrobe, the theme Royal Attire :)
What I'm going to wear when I attend the Royal wedding next weekend - lol!! A girl can dream right?
Hope you'll join in the fun!!

P.S. Don't forget to enter my movie giveaway!! Today is the last day to sign up!!

Kary xoxo

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dearest OPI...

Dear OPI,

I love you so! You are a nails best friend and my best friend, your always there after many nights of washing dishes, and nervous nail biting. You always tend to shine through thick and thin no matter the obstacle. It doesn't matter if I do go bankrupt, you are worth it especially with your new line coming out.

OPI "Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" Nail polish:

 Left To Right:
Skull & Glossbones - Stranger Tides - Mermaids Tears

 Left To Right:
Steady As She Rose - Sparrow Me The Drama - Planks A Lot

 Silver Shatter

The final look when combined with Silver Shatter

But why must you torture me like this!! Do I seriously have to wait until May?? :(
I am so excited and can not wait to have you on nails :) Especially Sparrow Me The Drama, Planks
A Lot, Mermaids Tears and the Silver Shatter for the finishing touch!! It really does hurt to think that you will be limited edition, but that just means I will have to stock up on you.

                                                                                     Love you always, Kary xo

P.S. Don't forget to enter my movie giveaway, you have until this Friday.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Suri!!

Happy Belated Birthday!!
So my girl Suri turned 5yrs old yesterday!!!
Time goes by way too fast.

She is the cutest baby girl ever (at least until my baby girl is born - lol )
I love reading everything and anything about the Cruise family, seriously one of my morning rituals
 is going to and getting my daily dose of Hollywood gossip.
 I've always loved Katie ever since Dawson's Creek, and Tom has always been a childhood crush :)
Suri was love from the womb, even before she was born I was crazy happy and in love
with her - yeah, yeah I know
I might be coming off a little nutty right now but that's fine, we are all friends here :)
There was a point where my future daughter's name was going to be Suri, it has been changed to Mya!!
But Suri is the cutest!!!

Happy Birthday Suri Cruise!!!

Now I'm off to cook Spaghetti Tacos and watch some movies with my boys!!

P.S. Don't forget to sign up for my Movie Giveaway which ends on Friday.
I've added Black Swan and The Tourist to the
movie list :)

Kary xoxo

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weekend Recap & A Giveaway :)

Where did this weekend go?
I can not believe that it's Sunday night already :( 
It was a fun and beautiful weekend and I'm sort of sad that it had to end so fast, except for the
fact that Miguelito is officially off for Spring Break and he doesn't go back to school
until Wednesday - April 27th.
This promises to be a week full of lots of adventures including a special visit to
the New York Botanical Garden, a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge with some yummy pizza waiting 
at the end of the bridge, lots of walking around Central Park, and lots more exciting adventures. 
Lots of pictures to come :)
In the meantime I will recap our weekend in pictures and announce a special and 
unexpected giveaway :)

 I have recently been obsessed with anything and everything Matryoshka dolls :)
Karen over at Celebrate Life was hosting a giveaway to celebrate the date that all of their
adoption paperwork was registered in Ukraine :)
The giveaway prize was some Matryoshka dolls stationery, and guess what??
I was one of the lucky winners - yay :) Doing my happy dance!!
It was SO exciting to open my mailbox Saturday afternoon and find a package full of goodies.
Not only did she send me the pretty stationery but she also sent along a pretty little cloth Matryoshka doll.
"Because Big Girls deserve dolls too" - Karen
Thank you sweet girl I loved everything .

Hanging out with my boys in Target and trying out Cowboy hats :)

 Baking Easter cupcakes for Miguelito's Sunday religious classes :)
Note: I was up until 2:00am decorating and baking cupcakes, the love of a mommy.

Taking Manhattan to Central Park for the first time on Sunday :)
Beautiful weather plus Miguelito & Manhattan equals a most wonderful day!!

Miguelito & me cartoon style :)
As we walked out of Central Park, we saw a little crowd around a young man who
was drawing free cartoon portrait.
How could we say no??
I will never stop saying how much I love my city, I love going out and always bumping
into fun and free activities :)

I also got to make a quick pit stop at my movie place Sunday morning,
I went to stock up on movies including
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"
I accidentally grabbed two copies, that goes to show where my mind was at!!
Which brings me to my giveaway :)

So because I love  movies and I love you girls so much I am giving away
the extra copy to one of you :)
plus your choice of movie from the following list:

1) Due Date
2) Tangled
3) The Green Hornet
4) The Chronicles Of Narnia: The voyage of the Dawn Treader
5) Yogi Bear
6) I love you Phillip Morris

New Added Movies:
Black Swan
The Tourist

There are some other movies that are not mentioned above, so this list will be updated
sometime this week. If there is any new release movie that comes to mind
write it in your comment and you never know :)

How To Enter Your Name In The Hat Of Chance:

1) You must be a follower of Ramblings Of A Simple Girl - this blog,
and leave a comment with the order from 1 to 3 in
which you would be pick a movie if you won.

Additional Entries:

1) Tell me one of your favorite movies and a quote from it - 1 entry
2) Blog about this giveaway or put up the button - 1 entry
3) Tweet about this giveaway and leave the link - 1 entry

This giveaway will close on the evening of Friday, April 22nd!!
Miguelito will pick the winner on Saturday morning and
the winner will be announced Saturday night :)
Good luck loves!!!

Wishing you all a great Monday!!!

Kary xoxo

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Fancies

Hi Loves - Happy Friday :)
Hope you like this new installment called Friday Fancies
If money were no objection, this is what I would be wearing tonight, while me and Humbe dine
at MASA overlooking Central park :)

Red Garnet Tear Drop Earrings

What would be buy if money were no objection? ;)
You can link up over at Long Distance Loving.
I would love to see what you'd buy :)

Kary xoxo

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

No, there's nothing half so sweet in life as love's young dream. - Thomas Moore

We all remember our first love! 
I do and I'm not talking about your first heartbreaking true love,
I'm talking about your first childhood love :)
I was 5yrs old and in preschool when I met Gerzon (he later became my best friend and called himself my big brother all the way till High School)
He was my first love, the one I said I would marry :)
The one who will always have a special little place in my heart!

This is Mya, my baby's first love and my future daughter in law :)

We will start from the beginning, Mya and her family came in to our lives 5 years ago.
Keep in mind that Miguel has always been a little lady's man  and quite a charmer.
Miguel was never the little boy that said - eeeewwww I don't like girls.
Instead he always said "I like girls" and whistled - lol.

Mya & Miguel in Kindergarten - 2009
Mya and Miguel went to the same Head-start and immediately became friends, Mya being the quiet shy girl and Miguel the little class clown and outgoing little boy.
From the moment Miguel became friends with her she stole his heart. 
Miguel came home one day and told me "Mami I love Mya, is it ok if I get married with her?"

I would see an older couple always at pick-up, it seemed somewhat odd because they were Philippine and
Mya was obviously Indian, so we thought. One day I introduced myself to the couple as Miguel's mom, 
the next thing shocked me, they were her Grandparents! 
Mya is half Philippine - half Puerto Rican :)

That was the beginning of the most beautiful friendship, they have become like family.
Mya's grandma was the one who made the most impact of all, she was a sweetheart and meant the world to me. My darling Leticia passed away last year March 26 of a brain aneurysm.
The day I received the news of her passing, I broke down in the school yard and went into shock.
Alex (Mya's uncle) had to help me from falling then and there.
When I got home my parents took one look at me and got SO scared at the look of me.
I cried for days feeling so empty and helpless.
You could say Leticia was Mya's mamma, her parents work crazy hours therefore Mya had to stay with her grandparents and uncle Monday through Friday and would go home only weekends.
I remember seeing Leticia at pick up and her beautiful smile and hug always warming my heart.
She always appreciated the way Miguel looked after Mya in school, he always protected her from 
bully's (still does), she had my number on speed dial and would call me if they were running late 
to pick Mya up from school so I could pick her up and meet them half-way.
 They've taken Taekwondo classes together,shared birthday parties and have playdates, 
plus Mya's little brother Apollo - loves Miguelito!!

Mya, Annie, Jada, Miguel - Kindergarten picnic 2009
 True Story:
Jada liked Miguel and would bully Mya around because Miguel only wanted to play with
 Mya. Jada even started picking on Miguel. I had to explain that girls and boys sometimes do that to one another when they like each other. Especially when you're little.

So you see Mya will always be in Miguelito's heart even as the years go by because she was his first love,
plus you never know life has a funny way of working out. 
They might get married someday, only time will tell. 
No matter what the Quijanos will always be family :)

Mya & Miguel at Mya's 7th Birthday Party - 2010

Look at Mya's godfather's face, because Miguel has his arm around Mya and he's not shy - lol

After their yellow belt test - 2009

The three Musketeers - Miguel, Apollo, & Mya - 2010

I wonder what they're chatting about :)

Being Silly

The next top models :)

I love these three!!
Sorry for the picture overload, but hope you enjoyed this post.
It took me back to my childhood and helped me remember the innocence of childhood love.
Who was your childhood love?

Kary xoxo

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Today I almost lost my pappa.
He was sitting in a staircase in Central Park, when he heard a rattling noise behind him.
My pappa looked up and what he saw next froze him for one split second, a Grey or red suburban 
speeding down the steps straight for him (he's not sure it was way to fast). Thank God for his looking up and moving out of the way, the car merely side swiped him and left him all shaken up. Cops arrived a while later, because they received various calls from other people in the park, they are still looking
for the car and driver. Today I give thanks to God and my Pappa Trini who helped my pappa move out the way. I cried already - I'm a crybaby I can't help it, especially because today I almost lost my hero.

":There is no wealth but life"
- John Ruskin
Hug your loved ones, if you live far away call them and tell them
how much you love and miss them. Enjoy all of the time you have together, you never know
what tomorrow brings.

P.S. May I add that he immediately called 911 from his cellphone, and the bastards didn't pick!!

Kary xoxo

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday Confessions

Friday night crush ;P

Rhett Butler

No, I don't think I will kiss you, although you need kissing, badly. 
That's what's wrong with you. 
You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.
- Rhett Butler

Yes! I'll marry you, oh to be in your arms Rhett :p
Happy Friday Loves

Kary xoxo

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

24 days left :)

Happy Happy Wednesday loves!!!
I can not think of a better way to start my week :)
Yesterday I received the best news ever, in less than 3 weeks I get to hug my dear Marz and Micaela!!
I love you girls SO much and consider you my sisters!!!

Yep!!! They are coming to NY!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!! We get to hang out in my beautiful city :)
I heard Marz's voice mail more than 5 times and I still couldn't believe it!!
I can't wait to take a bazillion pictures with my darling friends, and Miguelito is super excited, even
though he warned me he will be somewhat shy at first. 
He's counting down the days: 24 days left!!

Watch out NYC, here come the Lechuga sisters :)

Kary xoxo

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tickle me Tuesday ;)

I love shoes!! And spring is right around the corner :) 
I can't wait to wear my flats, sandals, and cute shoes again!
Here's what's tickling my fancy today:

Rebels Harem Sandals from dELiAs

Blowfish Seggie Flat from dELiAs

Coconuts Topanga Moccasins from dELiAs

Rebels Camelot Wedge from dELiAs

Sperry AO Raffia from dELiAs

What's tickling your fancy today? 
You can link up at Sarah's and join the fun :)

Kary xoxo