Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dearest OPI...

Dear OPI,

I love you so! You are a nails best friend and my best friend, your always there after many nights of washing dishes, and nervous nail biting. You always tend to shine through thick and thin no matter the obstacle. It doesn't matter if I do go bankrupt, you are worth it especially with your new line coming out.

OPI "Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" Nail polish:

 Left To Right:
Skull & Glossbones - Stranger Tides - Mermaids Tears

 Left To Right:
Steady As She Rose - Sparrow Me The Drama - Planks A Lot

 Silver Shatter

The final look when combined with Silver Shatter

But why must you torture me like this!! Do I seriously have to wait until May?? :(
I am so excited and can not wait to have you on nails :) Especially Sparrow Me The Drama, Planks
A Lot, Mermaids Tears and the Silver Shatter for the finishing touch!! It really does hurt to think that you will be limited edition, but that just means I will have to stock up on you.

                                                                                     Love you always, Kary xo

P.S. Don't forget to enter my movie giveaway, you have until this Friday.

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