Wednesday, April 13, 2011

No, there's nothing half so sweet in life as love's young dream. - Thomas Moore

We all remember our first love! 
I do and I'm not talking about your first heartbreaking true love,
I'm talking about your first childhood love :)
I was 5yrs old and in preschool when I met Gerzon (he later became my best friend and called himself my big brother all the way till High School)
He was my first love, the one I said I would marry :)
The one who will always have a special little place in my heart!

This is Mya, my baby's first love and my future daughter in law :)

We will start from the beginning, Mya and her family came in to our lives 5 years ago.
Keep in mind that Miguel has always been a little lady's man  and quite a charmer.
Miguel was never the little boy that said - eeeewwww I don't like girls.
Instead he always said "I like girls" and whistled - lol.

Mya & Miguel in Kindergarten - 2009
Mya and Miguel went to the same Head-start and immediately became friends, Mya being the quiet shy girl and Miguel the little class clown and outgoing little boy.
From the moment Miguel became friends with her she stole his heart. 
Miguel came home one day and told me "Mami I love Mya, is it ok if I get married with her?"

I would see an older couple always at pick-up, it seemed somewhat odd because they were Philippine and
Mya was obviously Indian, so we thought. One day I introduced myself to the couple as Miguel's mom, 
the next thing shocked me, they were her Grandparents! 
Mya is half Philippine - half Puerto Rican :)

That was the beginning of the most beautiful friendship, they have become like family.
Mya's grandma was the one who made the most impact of all, she was a sweetheart and meant the world to me. My darling Leticia passed away last year March 26 of a brain aneurysm.
The day I received the news of her passing, I broke down in the school yard and went into shock.
Alex (Mya's uncle) had to help me from falling then and there.
When I got home my parents took one look at me and got SO scared at the look of me.
I cried for days feeling so empty and helpless.
You could say Leticia was Mya's mamma, her parents work crazy hours therefore Mya had to stay with her grandparents and uncle Monday through Friday and would go home only weekends.
I remember seeing Leticia at pick up and her beautiful smile and hug always warming my heart.
She always appreciated the way Miguel looked after Mya in school, he always protected her from 
bully's (still does), she had my number on speed dial and would call me if they were running late 
to pick Mya up from school so I could pick her up and meet them half-way.
 They've taken Taekwondo classes together,shared birthday parties and have playdates, 
plus Mya's little brother Apollo - loves Miguelito!!

Mya, Annie, Jada, Miguel - Kindergarten picnic 2009
 True Story:
Jada liked Miguel and would bully Mya around because Miguel only wanted to play with
 Mya. Jada even started picking on Miguel. I had to explain that girls and boys sometimes do that to one another when they like each other. Especially when you're little.

So you see Mya will always be in Miguelito's heart even as the years go by because she was his first love,
plus you never know life has a funny way of working out. 
They might get married someday, only time will tell. 
No matter what the Quijanos will always be family :)

Mya & Miguel at Mya's 7th Birthday Party - 2010

Look at Mya's godfather's face, because Miguel has his arm around Mya and he's not shy - lol

After their yellow belt test - 2009

The three Musketeers - Miguel, Apollo, & Mya - 2010

I wonder what they're chatting about :)

Being Silly

The next top models :)

I love these three!!
Sorry for the picture overload, but hope you enjoyed this post.
It took me back to my childhood and helped me remember the innocence of childhood love.
Who was your childhood love?

Kary xoxo

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