Friday, November 26, 2010

Fill In The Blanks Friday

Help!I've fallen and I can't get up! I think I ate to much. That was how I felt yesterday after eating way to much DELICIOUS food. I will write more about that later.  Thank you so much to all my blog friends who wished me a very Happy Thanksgiving : ) and I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving day and enjoyed with all of their loved ones.

A quick post today from Lauren's Fill in The Blanks Friday : )

1.   Black Friday is craziness, being really desperate, and so not worth it!

2.  Christmas shopping this year will include  shopping for Miguelito,family and friends : )

3.  Holiday shopping makes me  happy and annoyed. Things get bad with other very rude people, living in New York makes you a little crazy but that's ok you have to be crazy to live in NYC Ha!

I Love the time I went shopping and found this little boy on sale : )

5.  Bargain hunter, or full price shopper?   Hmmm- I'm both. I love to find a good bargain and when I go shopping I look for bargains but if what I need is not on sale I still get it because I need it. I love to go thrifting!!

6.  The best and worst things about shopping is   The best thing - is shopping by myself  it's very relaxing just browsing the aisles and daydreaming a little : ) Maybe hoping I'll bump into James Mcavoy or a certain vampire ; P  The worst things going shopping when there are way to many people (which is about to start next week) Especially because they all get pushy and oh so rude! Personally I don't like getting pushed or elbowed really really hard - New Yorkers are mean!

7.  Online shopper or in-person shopper?  Both! I especially love shopping on Craigslist,Ebay, or Etsy!

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