Monday, November 1, 2010

Phew...November already?

Oh how time goes by! It seems like only yesterday we were anxiously awaiting summer and now Christmas and snow are right around the corner : D And Humbe is running his third marathon this coming Sunday November 7,2010!!! Wooohoooo... That's a whole celebration day coming up.
This weekend was full of many fun activities. Including a Halloween party in Central Park and a lunch at Jekyll and Hyde - Muahahahahaha!!! Well not really! We tried to eat at Jekyll and Hyde but we only got a few steps past the entrance.In order for you to go into the restaurant you must pass a "test" - it consist of you going into a sort of elevator with all the lights off and then a projection of the tales of the crypt guy comes out and the ceiling starts coming down as if to squish you. Miguelito got so scared and started to cry that he was afraid of mummy's or something scarier coming out to get him while we ate. You will see how scared he looks by the pictures below. It was kind of funny : D I know I know how mean!

Migueltio and Humbe got to hang out with Optimus Prime in Central Park : D 
The skeleton told Miguelito to put on a serious face : Z

Outside the Jekyll and Hyde Restaurant

Can you see how scared he was? He didn't even want to get near this guy : D

Then Came Sunday - Halloween!! 
Boy was it cold!Brrrr... Miguelito didn't even take his jacket off, it was to cold!


Miguelito peeking inside his trick or treat bag to check out his candy : D
Boo!!!! I'm coming to get you!!! Muahahahahah!!!

Miguelito and his Halloween Candy!!!! Look at how happy and giddy he is to see so much candy " D

Dia De Los Muertos

In Mexico we celebrate Dia De Los Muertos - Day Of The Dead. On this day we put out offerings for our loved ones who have passed away. At exactly 12:00pm we put together our offering which consist of some of our loved ones favorite things to eat when they were alive. This is the second year that we  put an offering for my Papa Betito and this is the first year ever to put an offering for my beloved father in law Albertito who Miguelto nor I ever got a chance to meet. We also put for my aunt- my papi's beloved sister, an uncle and my papi's second mami. It was very sad and heartbreaking as we put up our altar with all of us crying and remembering our family and how much we loved and missed them. But as we watch the candles flicker we love to think that they are here with us, enjoying their offerings and knowing that they are in our hearts and minds always.

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