Sunday, February 27, 2011

Who you calling a hoarder??

Now loves before I proceed with this post, please be warned that this is just
a preview of my handbag collection. 
I have been called a hoarder, a loca, and a shopaholic because of this, but I promise some 
of these were gifts, thrift shop finds, or giveaway wins :)

"I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel
naked in public without it." - Carrie

Handbag I'm currently using, and burgundy leather clutch  I use to carry passport and other important documents
I love this one, the picture two guys one girl! Ah!

On of my vintage reusable totes for shopping :)

My sparkly bag used to go out on a Friday night, and some of my clutches and coin purses

Peace handbag present from my my sister, and mustard handbag I love - so simple yet so me!

Ah!My all time favorite purse, this one is made out of an old magazine. How awesome is that! This one was used at the Sex and The City movie premieres :)

Handbag full of little skulls, and another set of wallets and clutches.

This one is the newest addition to my collection "The Sebastian Petite Satchel In Grey".
I won it in Erika's "Start Your Engine's Giveaway" over at CafeFashionista.
It is from Mimi Boutique :)
Thank you once again to Erika for hosting such an awesome giveaway!

Ok! So am I hoarder, crazy or just an ordinary girl?
Are you a hoarder?

Kary xoxo

P.S.You can also find me at My Reflections today. My darling Pria's blog where I am guest posting on what love means to me :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hi, I Adore You...

 Today I'm feeling nostalgic, sad, mad and somewhat hateful!!!
Just when I thought I was going to pop from total bliss - our world has been turned upside down.
Ugh!! But please don't pay mind to me!!

Today I'm joining in on Sweet Erika's - Hi,I adore you... segment :)

Today I'm adoring:

The fact that Spring is right around the corner and that I will be able to wear my
little blue kitty cat heels again :)
Oh how I adore these shoes!
Thrift shop score - they were just sitting there in a dark corner, spanking brand new - calling my name!

Wearing my Rosette stretchy headband - blue polka dot and my matching blue polka dot ring (one 
of a set of three) from Melissa's shop "The Pleated Polka Dot" - Melissa's shop is full of so many 
pretty things. You can see by my cheezy smile that I'm loving my headband :)
These are just some of the goodies I won in "Allora's Handmade Blog Group Giveaway" about a month ago! You can check out some of the items I won here.
 Tomorrow I will tell you about an awesome giveaway that I won over at Cafe Fashionista (sweet Erika's blog)
Hint: It's an awesome addition to my _____ collection! And I'm loving it :)

My Purely cluster enhancer necklace in pink from Megan's shop 
Also an item I won from the group giveaway, as soon as I have some money I am hoping right
on over to Megan's shop and buying myself the matching earrings :)
You should check out her shop everything is so pretty,girly and modern - my kind of shop!

Learning to rock my reading glasses :)
Bling-Bling Baby!! 

I am adoring this version of "Stand by me" and dancing Bachata with my Miguelito ;)
As I grew up I remember my mamma cleaning the house and dancing with the broom as she cleaned, I would do the same thing with the mop :) Until she grabbed me by my hand and we'd dance
together in the living room, now I grab my Miguelito and dance around the living room with him.
Even though I have to drag him sometimes - lol!!

Well loves these are just a few of the things I'm adoring today ;)  
I'd love to hear what you are adoring today?

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend
Kary xoxo

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Mami, I feel like this is a dream" - Miguelito

Ah! It's Wednesday already! It's back to school and normal week days next week.
And Miguelito and Manhattan can not stand to be apart from each other.
I have never seen my night owl wake up SO early during vacation time!
Miguelito is so responsible, helpful, and happy.
Manhattan wakes up and starts looking for Miguelito and as soon as they are both up and energized
it's non-stop running and playing in the hallway.
Miguelito is already dreading going back to school next week and being apart from Manhattan :(
In the meantime I will leave you with some pictures of my boys :)

Our little Manhattan/Colonel/Blackie/Cash :)

Cuddling in between Humbe's feet

Tired after so much running
They love each other

Me & my spoiled little Manhattan


Kary xoxo

P.S. I just noticed I'm outnumbered by boys - Yikes!!! I have got to start working on getting
my little girl :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Our little dog - a heartbeat at our feet ;)

Sunday's Big news!!!!

Our Little Manhattan

Our playful puppy

Little Manhattan

Ah!! I'm so happy to be able to share one of our big news with you loves.
Yes! That's our puppy!!! Our little Manhattan :)
He was born on January 3rd, and will be 2 months next week!
Miguelito is SO happy and loves running around with little Manhattan, it's so funny because everybody  calls him something different.
My dad calls him Colonel, because that's what my papa Trini's dog was called,
And my mom calls him Blackie.
No matter what, this little puppy will be SO rotten spoiled!
Welcome to the family!!
Manhattan Pacheco Romero!!

Kary xoxo

Friday, February 18, 2011

This is the year - I can feel it!!

It's Friday!! It's Friday!!! I'm doing my it's Fridays dance :)
It's been a very long time since I've been this happy, and SO excited!!
I really believe this is my year :)

First of all Miguelito is off from school all of next week - Ahhhhhh!!!!
My head was so full of worries and thoughts, that I didn't even realize this fact until yesterday - Ha!
Where have I been?

Miguelito doing homework in Subway (that is Miguelito's small coffee from Dunkin Donuts)

Silly Miguelito and his silly faces :)

My new running sneakers - Reebok Zigtech Sneakers

At Central Park - ready to Rock & Roll - Can you see the ice?

The Central Park Reservoir - full of ice and snow

The street where I live, from way up high on a mountain in Central Park
I have been busy getting back to running in Central Park :)
To help me out, I bought myself some pretty comfortable pink Reebok Zigtech sneakers!
After I dropped Miguelito off at school Tuesday morning, I marched right over to Central Park, 
stretched and started crying! 
Yes! Total break down!
As soon  as the icy cold wind hit my cheeks, my heart started aching.
And a quote popped in my head - from one of my recent reads

"People think of heaven as a paradise garden, a place where they can float on clouds and laze in rivers and mountains. But scenery without solace is meaningless.
This is the greatest gift God can give you: to understand what happened in your life. to have it explained. it is the peace you have been searching for."
- Mitch Albom's: The five people you meet in heaven

It has been a long time since I've been at peace with myself, for so many reasons which can not be said out loud, not yet at least. I can talk about one of them though which plays a big part of it,
 it has been my body image.
After Miguelito was born my weight slowly started creeping up on me. Can I really say creeping up
on me? I'm not sure, sometimes you notice things but choose to ignore them, always saying tomorrow I will 
do it, tomorrow everything will change. Until one day you realize that it's been 1 or 2 yrs or even more.
For me it was 4yrs later that I finally realized that enough was enough, I hadn't noticed how bad it was until I realized that I'd slowly stopped taking pictures with my Miguelito. That's how much I despised looking at myself. I couldn't even look at myself without thinking "ugh-look at that flab", "look at that double chin", 
"look at how fat I look".
It's been almost a year now that I realized how STUPID I was being, I was missing out on precious 
moments that will never be relived again, only remembered through pictures and memories!
 It was also through this blog that I started taking pictures of me again  and was able to post them 
so others could see.
I realized it was now or never, for me it was NOW!!!
I've learned to love myself even more, 
I Love my smile! I love and embrace my oh so sexy Curves :)
Including my big butt and big boobs :)
I love my toes and fingers,
and I especially love me for who I am.
I love myself inside and out!!
From head to toe and skin to bones!

"To Love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance" - Oscar Wilde

Beside's running through Central Park, I've been getting ready for this Sunday, by doing some special shopping. Ahhhhh!!!! Sunday is a very special and exciting day!!!
I really wish I could go into more details and tell you all our exciting news, but it's not official yet.
 I do promise that once everything goes through (keeping our fingers crossed it does)
I will let you guys know :)
I've also been plotting with my dear mamma, something big!!!
More details to come :)

Wishing you all a great weekend my loves :)

Kary xoxo

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses. ~Joyce Brothers

Warning!!! This Post is Overloaded with Pictures :)

Miguelito's Valentine Day Project all finished :)

One of the cupcakes I baked on Valentine's Day

A blue butterfly - I LOVE them!!!

Oh my poor forehead! Yep - I have a big pimple - ugh!!
 All because I choose to start eating chocolates way before Valentine's Day - Haha!!
But everything's okay as long as I have my Rosebud Salve :)
 I swear by it, not only does it help with my sometimes
 chapped lips (especially with this horrible cold weather! ) but it also works
 miracles on my mount everest - haha!! 

It is still technically the month of love therefore I will continue with my love segment!
Especially since I'm the girl who is in Love with Love :)
But first some very over due pictures from Miguelito's Baptism :)

Miguelito in church, waiting for the ceremony to begin

Baptismal candle (represents the light of Christ), it is lighted during the ceremony  and it is used to light
Miguelito's own baptism candle.

Miguelito getting the holy water poured over his head :)
 (You can't see him, but I wasn't the one taking the picture -lol)

Baptismal Candle being lighted, it is also the candle used during Lent - Easter week!

Miguelito with his baptism candle lighted.

I'm crying and Miguelito is looking at me with worried eyes, Humbe getting blessed to help guide Miguelito
 through his journey :)

Miguelito -w- Father Cambell and Colleen (his religious education teacher (at one point I dated her son - shhhhh)

Family Picture - Left to Right
Miguel my brother Miguelito's Godfather,Humbe,Me & Miguelito, Jessy my sister Miguelito's Godmother, My pappa Miguel :), and my mamma :)
I am truly blessed!!!

My baby & me :)
I look at this picture and get so nostalgic, Miguelito looks so big!!!
They say we have the same smile :)

One of my many favorite love movies:

This movie I can see over and over again, even though it breaks my heart in so many levels!

One of my many favorite love songs:

This song brings back so many buried memories!

Before I write down a Fun Love Fact, I must clear up that I look them up in Google and by no means do I make them up! The last fact had lots of huh? Really? reactions :) Google search!
I do feel relieved that we are not average woman, it makes me think who are the average woman that have kissed 79 men - gross!!!

Fun Love Fact:

The average person in their lifetime will spend an estimated 20,160 minutes kissing!

Hope you all are having a great week! And that the weather is much better than it is here in Nyc :)

Kary xoxo

Monday, February 14, 2011

“To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven” - Karen Sunde

Feliz Dia Del Amor Y La Amistad!!!!
Happy Valentine's Day Darling Girls :)
Will you be my Valentine???

We've been surrounded by hearts!!As we watched the Grammy's last night -
 Miguelito found a Fruit Loop with a heart in the middle :)
I texted the picture to sweet Marz <3 Her words "Signs from your granddaddy"
It is so true!!!! I love my darling friend!!!!

Thank you so much for all the get well wishes :) We are feeling much better! Miguelito went back to school and Humbe and me are lounging around the house just in case Miguelito still feels somewhat sick at school. 

In the meantime I'm baking up some Valentine cupcakes with Hershey kisses in the middle - delicioso!!
A sweet surprise for my lil munchkin :)

Valentine Day Card from my Lil Lilo
Message inside - Haha!!! Hmmm I wonder is this true? Me Spoiled?
 Well she is partially to blame - you can see part of what she gave me below :) 
Gifts from my Lil Lilo!!! :) She spoils me TO much!!! I love you Jessy!!!
This was a special package full of love that I received from my darling friend Claudia!!
I loved everything and I'm actually using the cupcake wrapper right now!!
Thank you Mi Clau - Love you!!!
Hmmm... No wonder my sister say's I'm spoiled!! Haha!!
Wearing the pretty socks from Clau!!! Miguelito and his little foot with his slipper :)
Happy Valentine's Day!!!!

I wish you all a day full of love, family, chocolate, cupcakes, flowers, and heart shaped balloons :)
Enjoy my loves!!!!

Kary xoxo

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ugh! I don' feel so good :(

Ugh!! I woke up with the worst sore throat and headache ever - 
I think I'm coming down with something!!
Plus Miguelito is sick as well :(
As we walked to religious class this morning he complained of stomach ache and dizziness.
Once we got back home, Miguelito looked white as a ghost and he kept
moaning "oh my stomach",
Blah!  Straight to the bathroom - He's already vomited three times.
My poor baby!
Now I sit on our bed with Miguelito watching one of his favorite movies:

From director Hayao Miyazaki! He is awesome, he is also the director for Ponyo, and Howl's Moving Castle - All which are very awesome movies!

While I stuff myself with some Hershey Kisses, Yes - Yes even though my throat hurts like crazy  :)

One of my Hershey kisses, part of a very special package, more details tomorrow :)
It's been so much fun counting down the days with Miguelito, by doing different fun activities!

Silver sprinkles for our chocolate covered starwberries

Miguelito loves his heart shaped watermelon :)

My little picasso at work - Valentine art work in progress - I will post the finished project tomorrow

Heart shaped potato chip found in Miguelito's chip bag :)

I can't believe that Tomorrow is Valentines Day!!
A day to celebrate love,friendship, and yourself :)
Humbe will be off tomorrow which is great, we have planned eating some breakfast at our favorite place and watching a movie of my choice :), after we pick Miguelito up from school we will be eating lunch at his favorite place, and later on we will be going over to my mom's and dad's for dinner!
I just hope Miguelito is feeling much better by tomorrow.

I can't imagine a better day full of love, family and happiness :)
What are your plans for tomorrow?

Kary xoxo