Friday, February 18, 2011

This is the year - I can feel it!!

It's Friday!! It's Friday!!! I'm doing my it's Fridays dance :)
It's been a very long time since I've been this happy, and SO excited!!
I really believe this is my year :)

First of all Miguelito is off from school all of next week - Ahhhhhh!!!!
My head was so full of worries and thoughts, that I didn't even realize this fact until yesterday - Ha!
Where have I been?

Miguelito doing homework in Subway (that is Miguelito's small coffee from Dunkin Donuts)

Silly Miguelito and his silly faces :)

My new running sneakers - Reebok Zigtech Sneakers

At Central Park - ready to Rock & Roll - Can you see the ice?

The Central Park Reservoir - full of ice and snow

The street where I live, from way up high on a mountain in Central Park
I have been busy getting back to running in Central Park :)
To help me out, I bought myself some pretty comfortable pink Reebok Zigtech sneakers!
After I dropped Miguelito off at school Tuesday morning, I marched right over to Central Park, 
stretched and started crying! 
Yes! Total break down!
As soon  as the icy cold wind hit my cheeks, my heart started aching.
And a quote popped in my head - from one of my recent reads

"People think of heaven as a paradise garden, a place where they can float on clouds and laze in rivers and mountains. But scenery without solace is meaningless.
This is the greatest gift God can give you: to understand what happened in your life. to have it explained. it is the peace you have been searching for."
- Mitch Albom's: The five people you meet in heaven

It has been a long time since I've been at peace with myself, for so many reasons which can not be said out loud, not yet at least. I can talk about one of them though which plays a big part of it,
 it has been my body image.
After Miguelito was born my weight slowly started creeping up on me. Can I really say creeping up
on me? I'm not sure, sometimes you notice things but choose to ignore them, always saying tomorrow I will 
do it, tomorrow everything will change. Until one day you realize that it's been 1 or 2 yrs or even more.
For me it was 4yrs later that I finally realized that enough was enough, I hadn't noticed how bad it was until I realized that I'd slowly stopped taking pictures with my Miguelito. That's how much I despised looking at myself. I couldn't even look at myself without thinking "ugh-look at that flab", "look at that double chin", 
"look at how fat I look".
It's been almost a year now that I realized how STUPID I was being, I was missing out on precious 
moments that will never be relived again, only remembered through pictures and memories!
 It was also through this blog that I started taking pictures of me again  and was able to post them 
so others could see.
I realized it was now or never, for me it was NOW!!!
I've learned to love myself even more, 
I Love my smile! I love and embrace my oh so sexy Curves :)
Including my big butt and big boobs :)
I love my toes and fingers,
and I especially love me for who I am.
I love myself inside and out!!
From head to toe and skin to bones!

"To Love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance" - Oscar Wilde

Beside's running through Central Park, I've been getting ready for this Sunday, by doing some special shopping. Ahhhhh!!!! Sunday is a very special and exciting day!!!
I really wish I could go into more details and tell you all our exciting news, but it's not official yet.
 I do promise that once everything goes through (keeping our fingers crossed it does)
I will let you guys know :)
I've also been plotting with my dear mamma, something big!!!
More details to come :)

Wishing you all a great weekend my loves :)

Kary xoxo

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