Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Unable are the Loved to die. For Love is Immortality. --Emily Dickinson

This morning I got up and dropped Miguelito off at school, after wards I went to my favorite little spot for breakfast and I just sat there staring into space, while I watched other people laugh, I kept thinking to myself - What are they thinking? Are they dealing with any problems? Are they sad?
The truth of the thing is we all have problems, whether they be small or big - we all have our own things to deal with!
I've been sitting here in front of the computer for a while trying to think about what to write!
But nothing is flowing through my mind - I feel blah!!! I am really tired and in need of a good sleep, 
my head hurts, and I feel nothing!

On the other hand I feel so blessed and amazed at the out pour of love that I have received during these past days, especially from lovely girls who have just come across my blog. 
I guess it's like my mom has always told me "Those who plant kindness...harvest love".
I've always given my heart 100%  to everyone who comes across me, I've always given them my 
friendship unconditionally and my trust 100%.
I've always believed myself to be a very humble girl full of love and happiness!
And I've always believed in Karma - What goes around comes around!
I feel so blessed to have unique and incredible friendships full of love from some very amazing girls and I look forward to see so many new friendships blossom!

Kary xoxo

Continuation to my Valentine's Day Countdown Segment:

This is just one of my favorite romantic movies featuring one of my all time favorite songs:

Fun Love Fact:
A fairly passionate kiss burns an average of 9 calories.

Hope everyone is having a Great Tuesday! Lot's of love xo

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