Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A New Decade

I will officially be the big 3-0 in one Month!!
On July 1st I will bid my twenties goodbye. 
How do I feel??
Well, i'm full of so many emotions.

I feel blessed to be alive and to be surrounded by so much love.
On the other hand I can't believe how time goes by! 
I feel like it was yesterday that I was so excited to be 15yrs old and now I wish I 
could freeze time.

I bid goodbye to the decade that defined the woman that I am today.

My twenties will always be remembered as the time I lost what I thought 
was my true love and shall always be known as my "what if"!

I learned to let go of things that were not good or meant for me, best part is it opened the
doors to a future full of unimaginable happiness and love.

My other half

True Love!!
My life!
The decade in which I found my other half and together formed what has come to be my life 
and the most important thing in this world!

This pic makes me so teary eyed!! I love my mom & dad SO much!!
The decade in which I learned to appreciate my parents even more - yes that tends to happen when you
yourself become a parent :)

This was the decade in which I lost some of the most important people in my life, as
 a consequence I found the inner strength I thought I didn't have!

 I also learned that when you make a mistake, you don't look back. Instead you get back 
up and focus on your future without repeating the same mistake and learning from it instead.
In other words I grew up!!

Life is never easy, who ever said it was, was bullshitting you!

So you see as a woman I feel accomplished - I know I am, I am a proud mother and wife to the most amazing patient and supportive husband!
I don't have to worry about finding true love - Because I am married to my soul-mate!

 But as a person I lost myself a little.

I don't regret it, I did it all for good reasons to be a good mother and wife, and to create what I
 am happy to call my home and family.
But now is the time to bring Karina back!!

I've already signed myself up to a gym and have been going for the past 3 weeks,
I will be going back to school at the end of August and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for
a school job that I am hoping will come through!!
I will also start training for my very first - hold your breath...
ING NYC Marathon!! 
And I have many more tricks up my sleeve :)

I want my future children to be proud of me as my Miguelito is, even prouder if that's possible!
I want them to know that it is NEVER to late, and that the only person that can stop you is yourself.

"There is never an obstacle to hard but the one you build yourself"
- Me :)

So 30's I'm ready, I will receive you with somewhat open arms - haha!
They do say the 30's is the new 20's :)
And to you my dear 20's it will be a bittersweet goodbye, I'm sad to bid goodbye but 
know you will always be a part of me and the person that I am today!
Thank you!!

Kary xoxo

P.S. I do apologize in advance for future posts leading up to my birthday. I am after all

bidding my youth goodbye - haha!! 
Seriously, i'm bidding a decade goodbye!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day

Thank you SO much for the lovely birthday wishes for Hubby :)

It's been two blissful days full of unexpected and much needed family time!
Humbe hurt his back and has been unable to go to work since Friday - Yikes
But it's like they say each story has it's good and bad side!
Yes he's missed three days of pay day including today, BUT we've had him all to ourselves!!
It has been way to long since the three of us have been together for three complete days- 24/7

It's been great to just lounge around in pj's and watch movies non-stop with my boys!!
Even my parents joined in lounging around on Sunday :)
Ordering in, enjoying laughs,watching movies and just knowing that your surrounded by 
love is what I needed to get my energy and myself back together again!!

I love having a family and being able to relax and just enjoy lounging
around surrounded by those I love most!

The best things in life are free and the simple pleasures are what make life
worth living - especially when you have family to share it with!!

Today we remember all our courageous men and women who have
 fought & given their lives for this country.

To all our men and women serving our country past and present.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

Wishing my dear friends a blessed and safe Memorial Day :)

Kary xoxo

Friday, May 27, 2011

Happy Birthday To My Wonderful Husband!!

Wishing my wonderful Husband a very Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Humbe,
Happy Birthday to you!!!!!
We Love you xoxo

The happiest of birthdays to one of the best dads, friend, and husband in the world :)

My hardworking hubby is away at work, but we are night owls and when he comes home later tonight
we will be sure to party like it's 1999!!
Now i'm off to finish baking hubby's birthday cake, and blowing up a bunch of balloons :) 

Feliz Cumpleanos Querido esposo amor de mi vida!!
Happy Birthday my beloved husband the love of my life!!

Kary xoxo

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I've been Summoned :)

It feels so exciting to receive my second blog award :)

Given to me by the very Sweet LazyDazy :)
She is a sweetheart and very funny and genuine person!! 
I love reading her blog full of laughs, sincerity and DIY projects :)

Thank you sweet girl for this very sweet award - I am honored!!

Here are the rules:

1) Tell us who gave you the award
2) Put a link to their blog
3) Pay it forward to five more bloggers
4) Have fun!!!

It was SO hard for me to pick just five readers because I love SO many!!!
 I picked the following girls for their sincerity on blog world, for their ability to be able to really
open up their hearts and homes to us!!
 For being genuinely unique :) 

Micaela my beautiful sister from Dolce Vita
Marz my beautiful sister from Royal Mail
Beautiful Jasmine from Lavender's Green
Lovely Claire from My Little Life 
Sweet Gracie from Gracie Bella Butterfly

Don't miss out on checking out these beautiful girls and their lovely blogs!!
You will love them - I promise :)

Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?  ~Fanny Brice

Kary xoxo

Sunday, May 22, 2011

"Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions." - Pablo Picasso

When's a better time to hand flirt, than when you've just applied some spanking new nail polish :)

Wearing Revlon Red nail polish given to me by my beautiful sister :)

Wearing Sally Hansen's Salon Effects - Misbehaved (Lasted 3 weeks)

This weeks look - Different pastel colors (Sinful Nail polish)

Finished product :)

And no hand flirting is complete without dancing music:

Did you just get up and dance along? I know I did :)

This weeks colors reflect the happiness of my mom & dad coming back tomorrow!!

Yayyyyyyyyyyy!!! I am SO happy :)

My dear friends will you have my dear mom & dad in your prayers for a safe flight and return home!

Wishing you all a very Happy Monday :)

Kary xoxo

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Movie date and realizing that....

Something Borrowed and Bridesmaids are two movies that I will definitely be getting on DVD!!
It was so nice to be able to escape the real world for a few hours and lose myself
in two incredibly awesome and hilarious movies!!
 My ribs were aching by the end of the day!

We started off with Something Borrowed, I cried and laughed!
And came out with the conclusion that Darcy was never a good friend
for Rachel (an entire post to come later with more details and my
thoughts on Something Borrowed)
It was great to watch the movie and see OUR place and wishing 
we could eat lunch there whenever we wanted to!
It was also glorious to be able to watch hunky Colin Egglesfield on screen as Dex :)

He is one dreamy guy and it was a treat to watch him on the big screen :)
it was also incredibly funny when i realized that I'd already seen hunky Colin not on the big screen
but in real life!!

Colin & Ginnifer while filming Something Borrowed
Yep!! I took that picture during one of my paparazzi stunts - haha!!
It was a beautiful sunny day on Monday June 14th, 2010, when Miguelito 
and me happened to be walking by the Museum Of Natural History (two blocks away from 
my house) when we noticed all the commotion and people taking pictures. 

Now everybody who knows me, knows that I never leave my house without my handy dandy camera :)
I'm a pathological picture taker!!
And this is precisely one of the reasons why I love my city and always carry my camera around besides capturing my oh so precious moments with my family and my Miguelito!!

I snapped away and got a bazillion pictures, went home, put them in a folder and forgot about
them!! Oh! The horror!! How could I forget that I had such treasures
of my hunky lover boy :)

Colin getting his hair and makeup ready for his scene

In this picture Jill Eikenberry & Colin talking with somebody (don't know who he is)

Dex's Parents - Jill Eikenberry & Geoff Pierson
Colin being silly with his costar :) isn't he cute!
Getting their makeup ready for the scene
Colin & Ginnifer
Look at those dimples - isn't he charming :)
Ha! So you see my dear beautiful sister I actually had dibs on Colin first, but I will make an exemption
for the reason that I have dibs on this incredible adorable guy who stole my heart today!!

Chris O'Dowd as Rhodes in Bridesmaids!!
Rhodes had my heart the moment he said hello!
He is one adorable, charming and breathtaking Irish hunky :)
 His accent and adorableness had me hanging at every word he said!

 I ABSOLUTELY Loved - Bridesmaids!!
It was way too hilarious!
 It was the perfect movie to take away my blues and worries if only for a few hours! 
There were moments where you could only here my laughter echo in the movie theater - haha!!
It is a fun movie full of friendship, love and life realizations :)

These are two movies that are a definite must watch!!

So dear friends, I am happy to say that it was a day full of sisterly love, happiness,
forgetfulness, some crying (I am a bay cry) and laughter!
Just what the doctor ordered :)
I hope you all had a perfect Thursday and have an even better Friday & Weekend!!

I'm super excited because I get to see dear Johnny boy tomorrow on the big screen :)
and because I have a jam packed weekend full of soccer, street fairs, and planning for my mom's
 and dad's welcome back party!! 
My mamma & pappa finally come back on Monday!!
I get to hug them, and cry while they tell me everything is going to be okay!!
I love them with all my heart and can't wait to see their beautiful faces and tell them how much
 I've missed them and love them - eeeeeeee they are my world!!!!
It will be a great weekend indeed :)

Happy Friday my dear friends :)

Kary xoxo

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday Ramble :)

Once again, thank you SO much my dear lovies for all of your support and beautiful comments!!
I have been praying non-stop and am really trying my best to not over think things.

It has been raining non-stop in the city and it has affected the public transportation badly :( not only that but the horrible weather change has finally caught up to me and I am now stuck with a horrible cold and cough which I am hoping will go away soon!

But  just when things seem to be crumbling all around me a ray of sunshine shines through the clouds
right to me :)
Today was a day full of beautiful surprises :) - I will come back tomorrow with pictures!!
And I am SO excited for my movie date with my sister Jessy tomorrow :)
We will be watching "Something Borrowed" followed by "Bridesmaids" - Yay!!
I'm SO excited, especially because I get to see Marz & My place in Something Borrowed. 
I will be so nostalgic during the entire movie missing my beautiful sisters :)

I am also very excited to catch a late show of "Pirates Of The Carribean - On Stranger Tides"
Friday night!! Some late night Johnny - Yes Please :)

In the meantime I am very intrigued and somewhat disturbed at the same time by this following movie: 

It has intrigued me enough to go see it at the movie theater :)
What do you think? Is it something you would go watch?

Kary xoxo

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Johnny Depp might have Royal Blood?

Johnny Depp & Queen Elizabeth could be cousins!!

A Genealogist named Nick Barrett says that Johnny boy shares the same
distant blood line as the royal family.
Johnny has the same great (19 greats) grandfather as Queen Elizabeth.
 Making them 20th cousins :)

"I believe the balance of probability is that there is indeed a link between Depp and the royals," Barrett explains. 

Hmmmmm... I might have to check myself out, who knows I might end up being
  Queen Elizabeth's 30th Cousin - haha!
I've always felt something royally about me, especially the way I raise my pinkie when I
drink from my mug :)

Kary xoxo

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Weekend Blues :(

Ugh!! Yes I have the weekend blues.
I feel sad, a little depressed and can't stop over thinking things!!

I miss my mamma & pappa!! 
My dear Humbe works so many hours and I am so used
to being with my mamma and just chatting the night away :(

And to top things off, yesterday I finally got to
recuperate some old pictures from an old computer and now I can't stop crying!!
I'm reminiscing looking at all the pictures :(

My head is blank and therefore I haven't been able to blog because I just feel

I can't stop playing this song :(

Hope you all are having a much better weekend than I am :)

Kary xoxo

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Sunshine ❤

You Are My Sunshine
My Only Sunshine
You Make Me Happy
When Skies Are Grey

Kary xoxo

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wishfulness Shop :)

You have got to love Etsy and all of the pretty shops you find!!
Like Chelsea's beautiful shop called "Wishfulness Shop", and it's doing precisely that
making me wishI I weren't on a budget right now - Grrrrrr!!
It is full of SO many beautiful goodies :)

My favorites:

Size 7 - If only I were a size smaller!! :(
These shoes are gorgeous!

This ring is just beautiful!!

If you think these items are great, just wait until May 15th when she will be updating her 
I know I can't wait :)

Kary xoxo

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Missing my girls & Weekend recap :)

It seems like only yesterday I posted this post here and I was counting down the days until I got to see
my two darling friends, now I'm counting down the days since we've seen each other!!

Micaela, Miguelito & Marz in Times Square :)

My Marz, Miguelito & Me - Central park :)

Micaela, Miguelito & Me in Astoria Queens :)

These three were inseparable - at the financial district :)

These little piggies got some air!! I was about to send these girl home without their feet, they were so worn out!

Miguelito & Marz asleep on the train - we walked a lot!!!

Family Pic - Top Of The Rock! Ahhhh!! We're falling :)

Last week Tuesday my stomach was in knots as Marz, Micaela, Migueltio and me walked down the 
streets of NYC because I knew it was our last day to hang out and be together for a very long time.
 I knew that I would be saying goodbye to them later that night!! Which by the way was SO hard, I really believed I would be stronger and thought I was going to be able to hold my tears until I was back in the car,
but I couldn't and as we said goodbye in the hotel lobby I felt the big lump on my throat start to rise
and my tears started to spill! Saying goodbye to my family was one of the
hardest things I've ever had to do. After being inseparable for 4days and being able to be myself so freely, 
share so many inside jokes :), and just have the time of our live's I was feeling the sadness of it all 
coming to an end :(

I am so grateful to have been able to spend as much time as I did with my beautiful girls, even though I miss
them like crazy I know this was just the beginning of something SO special and unique!!
When you have true friends that are indescribable making them one of a kind  you know you've been blessed.

I really do look forward to our skype dates even though we won't be able to hug each other when ever or say see you tomorrow! 


Where does the time go? It has been going by way to fast!!
We are counting down the days left till summer vacation, Miguelitos next belt  test in just three weeks, and
a maybe trip to Ecuador this summer :)
In the meantime I was blessed with  a great weekend, beautiful weather,
and spending lots of time with my Miguelito :)

Miguelito loves Wolverine! Sunday Brunch & Complimentary apple pie for Mother's Day - Yes Please  :)


Loving the Sally Hansen:Nail Effects! I've received so many compliments and  I've had them on for 6 days and still perfect!! Will do a tutorial and review very soon, but I'm still in need of some Crackle nail polish :(

Loving my $4.00 gold glitter flats!! Yes $4.00 - they were also the last pair - score  :)

Now I'm off to cook some vegetable lasagna and spend a fun loving afternoon with my boys
Miguelito, Humbe & Manhattan :)
Happy Tuesday Loves :)

Kary xoxo

Saturday, May 7, 2011

A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take. - Cardinal Mermillod

Happy Mother's Day - Feliz Dia De Las Madres :)
To all the Beautiful moms of the world!!

My beautiful mami & me 1982 :)

Left - Right: Jessy, Me, Junior, and my beautiful mami :)

Today will be the first Mother's day that I do not spend with my mami because she's in Mexico.
 I am both happy and sad :) - :(
It has been a very, very long time since she's been with her mom on Mother's day and tomorrow
 will be her first in a very long time. Which makes me very happy :)
Even though we are faraway, our thoughts and hearts are with on another, and I wish my beautiful mami 
a very Happy Mother's Day!!
I love her SO much and she is my world, thanks to her I am the person that I am today!!
Te Amo Mamacita Linda - Duena de mi corazon!!

Humberto is working tomorrow, therefore Miguelito and me are on our own :)
What shall we do to celebrate? 

Wishing all the beautiful mama's on blog world a very special and
Happy Mother's Day :)

"Being a full time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs since the payment is pure love"

Kary xoxo