Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesday Ramble :)

Once again, thank you SO much my dear lovies for all of your support and beautiful comments!!
I have been praying non-stop and am really trying my best to not over think things.

It has been raining non-stop in the city and it has affected the public transportation badly :( not only that but the horrible weather change has finally caught up to me and I am now stuck with a horrible cold and cough which I am hoping will go away soon!

But  just when things seem to be crumbling all around me a ray of sunshine shines through the clouds
right to me :)
Today was a day full of beautiful surprises :) - I will come back tomorrow with pictures!!
And I am SO excited for my movie date with my sister Jessy tomorrow :)
We will be watching "Something Borrowed" followed by "Bridesmaids" - Yay!!
I'm SO excited, especially because I get to see Marz & My place in Something Borrowed. 
I will be so nostalgic during the entire movie missing my beautiful sisters :)

I am also very excited to catch a late show of "Pirates Of The Carribean - On Stranger Tides"
Friday night!! Some late night Johnny - Yes Please :)

In the meantime I am very intrigued and somewhat disturbed at the same time by this following movie: 

It has intrigued me enough to go see it at the movie theater :)
What do you think? Is it something you would go watch?

Kary xoxo

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