Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I've been Summoned :)

It feels so exciting to receive my second blog award :)

Given to me by the very Sweet LazyDazy :)
She is a sweetheart and very funny and genuine person!! 
I love reading her blog full of laughs, sincerity and DIY projects :)

Thank you sweet girl for this very sweet award - I am honored!!

Here are the rules:

1) Tell us who gave you the award
2) Put a link to their blog
3) Pay it forward to five more bloggers
4) Have fun!!!

It was SO hard for me to pick just five readers because I love SO many!!!
 I picked the following girls for their sincerity on blog world, for their ability to be able to really
open up their hearts and homes to us!!
 For being genuinely unique :) 

Micaela my beautiful sister from Dolce Vita
Marz my beautiful sister from Royal Mail
Beautiful Jasmine from Lavender's Green
Lovely Claire from My Little Life 
Sweet Gracie from Gracie Bella Butterfly

Don't miss out on checking out these beautiful girls and their lovely blogs!!
You will love them - I promise :)

Let the world know you as you are, not as you think you should be, because sooner or later, if you are posing, you will forget the pose, and then where are you?  ~Fanny Brice

Kary xoxo

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