Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"A best friend is a sister destiny forgot to give you"

When I started blogging I never thought of  how amazing it would really be, not only would I meet the
 greatest of friends but I would also be reunited with family :)
I gained two sisters and an entire clan of Lechugas :) How lucky am I?
This past Saturday I finally got to hug my two beautiful sisters, from the moment we hugged at
 the airport it was just like old family reuniting again.

My darling girls Micaela & Marz are both SO beautiful inside and outside, they are both the sweetest girls you will ever meet.
 They are silly, sincere, humble, honest, sweet, lovable, they love to eat (best part ever was eating so much, and making jokes about how fat we would all be if we lived together in New York - haha, seriously we
ate A LOT!!), they are the best girls you will ever meet!!
We got to spend the best 4 days ever!!!
They were full of adventures, laughter, love, cupcakes, non-stop walking, and some crying!

Left to Right:
Marz, Frank, Maria, Micaela, Miguelito & Me :) in Times. Square
We had the best time of our lives :) My darling Marz sang me a piece of our favorite song the night we bid goodbye :(
It was SO hard to say goodbye at the hotel, I choked and my tears stopped me from talking, but
my darling friends know how much I love them and how much they mean to me and Miguelito!
Our house is always open and we can not wait until you come to NYC again, what I am missing most even though it has only been a day since I saw my darlings is their sweet and sincere HUGS!!


Someday soon - It's not Goodbye, but see you later :)

"The best part of life is when your family becomes your friends, and your friends becomes your family"
- Danica Whitfield

P.S. My darling Marz has already arrived safely to DFW and has already reunited with her love Phillip, our darling Micaela is a few minutes away from reuniting with her love Chip :)

Kary xoxo

I promise to post more pics, I just don;t want to spoil my sisters fun :) But soon I promise!!

please say a prayer of safe travels for my darling sisters Micaela & Marz, they are flying back to Texas today (especially since Micaela hates to fly). xoxo

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