Thursday, June 30, 2011


I was born at exactly 2:00 am 30yrs ago!

Today I bid my 20's goodbye and welcome my 30's with open arms!

I like to think of it this way:
 I'm not 30, I'm 18 with 12 years experience.

Baby Kary

Footsies rocked - they still do!

Daddy' lil super-girl!!

Mami's lil girl

My 6th Birthday

I have no idea what's going on with my hair :)

Junior high school = bangs and suede black boots!
My Birthday Sundae - My last day in my 20's 
It's been a blast celebrating my birthday week, which has included ferry rides,
lunch with friends, pampering myself with a manicure/pedicure, and eating
at a diner and having the entire staff come out and sing me Happy Birthday with
a birthday sundae :)

Today as I celebrate my big 3-0 with my family I will give thanks to God
for my everyday blessings, especially for blessing me with one more year of life to
be able to enjoy whats most dear to my heart
- my family-

I will make sure to make a wish as I blow out my candles - we all know wishes do come true!
After all I did find true happiness :)

Can't wait to come back with more pictures and details from my birthday celebration!

Thank you loves from the bottom of my heart for the beautiful birthday wishes, and especially
 my two beautiful sisters Micaela  & Marz for making this day oh so special!
I love you!!!!!!

This is my year I can feel it!!!

Kary xoxo

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Snapshot Sunday

It's been a while since I did a picture post and I'm happy to start 
up again with my Miguelito's pictures.
 He asked me to borrow my camera one afternoon :)
This is Miguelitos view through a camera lens!

P.S. It's Sunday and I'm SO excited to see the new season of
 "True Blood" in less than 2 hours!
Ahhhh!! I'm SO freaking excited!!

Kary xoxo

Saturday, June 25, 2011


I think it's about time I made my wish of owning a toy camera come true :)
But just when I think I'm about to spoil myself something gets in my way!!
*Sigh* Someday soon (keeping my fingers crossed), in the meantime it doesn't hurt
to drool over some toy cameras and try to decide which one I would pick.

Check out Lomography's newest camera "La Sardina - El Capitan"
Isn't it purty!! It's red and oh so perfect, it has me head over heels :)

I am loving the detail, so vintage and full of art *drool*

Isn't this camera so pretty and pink :) I still have to get my hands on one!

For the hopeless romantic in me :)

Are you drooling over a toy camera? Which one?

Kary xoxo

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Happy things to end the week with :)

Happy Friday loves :)
This week was a fast and busy one which kept me away from blog world.
But not for long!!

It is the last Friday of the school year and the last Friday that
I will be in my 20's.
Tuesday is the last day of this school year and Miguelito will officially be out for
summer vacation.
Yes! May the planning begin for a very adventurous summer :)

In the meantime may the celebrating begin, this coming weekend will be full of early birthday
Even though I'm quite sad because it's starting to sink in that I will actually be 30 in a few days
but that's an entirely different post!

In the meantime I will leave you with things that made me happy this week:

❤ cooking rice for my boys in my new red fry pan from
HomeGoods (more to come on that) I'm always happy
cooking for my boys :)

❤ Weather so beautiful that we can start having picnics in Central Park!
Nothing beats beautiful weather and Central Park except being able to spend
time with my boys :)

❤ Enjoying ferry rides - we get to do more boat riding this
weekend, including riding The Beast!

❤ Chilaxing (my word for relaxing - lol) with Manhattan while we
wait for Miguelito to come out from school

❤ Enjoying homemade banana-chocolate popsicles with
my baby :)

It's the simple things in life that make me the happiest girl on earth :)
Happy Friday Lovies and wishing you all a most wonderful Weekend!
P.S. Today will be day 3 of Jillian's 30 day shred for me and yesterday morning I was
dying as I went down the stairs with Miguelito all the while cracking up and my abs feeling
like they were going to explode :)

Kary xoxo

Monday, June 20, 2011

Weekend Recap

Hi lovies I hope your weekend was great!!
Here's a quick photo recap of our weekend :)

Miguelito is finally a red and black stripe belt!
Through sweat and hardcore training he is making his dreams come true!
My little future Taekwondo Master.

Saturday morning our little Manhattan napping on a pile of clothes destined to be
thrown away. Just minutes before he almost died in my arms!!
Miguelito and me were doing some cleaning and therefore his
toys were sprawled all over the floor, next thing I hear
Manhattan is making some weird noises and moving in such a weird way.
I picked him up and he kept making weird noises and moving his belly weirdly,
when I finally noticed that he was chocking I started shaking him and moving his stomach
(I was freaking out and shaking so bad) and Miguelito kept on screaming Manhattans name,
all i could do was shake him and try to open his mouth.
By the time I was able to get his mouth open he was already foaming and going limp, I stuck
my fingers all the way down his throat making him throw up.
It was one of the scariest moments of my life, I really thought Manhattan
was going to die and I along with Miguelito kept on screaming "Manhattan come
on baby, come on chiquito"
Ugh, by the time it was over I handed Manhattan to my crying baby and locked myself in a room.
The shaking was uncontrollable and the crying threatening to burst out,
the only reason I kept it in was because of Miguelito!
A horrible way to begin a Saturday morning!

Banana Walnut Chocolate Chip cupcakes I baked for my pappa and family on
Father's day. It was the first time I was making these from scratch!
I have to say they might not look so pretty but they were
heavenly. Worthy of going in my cupcake recipe book :)
I along with Miguelito ate 3 - yes 3!!

How was your weekend??
Happy Monday :)

Kary xoxo

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dear Papi,

There are no words strong enough to describe what you mean to me!
You are my world and my life!
I give thanks to God every single day for blessing me with a wonderful father.
Thank you for everything you've always done for us, for always putting
your family above all, your hard work, advice and patience, and most important
of all thank you for teaching me the meaning and importance of love and family.
You are the wind beneath my wings mi querido papa!
Y todos los dias le doy gracias a Dios por el maravillosos padre con que me bendicio!

Happy Father's Day my dear pappa!!

Kary xoxo

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sundays will be so much better now!

13 Days left and I'm SO excited!!!
To see my lover again...

Oh how I've missed watching Eric!

Kary xoxo

Friday, June 10, 2011

Not a happy camper!!

Photo from - This is where we entered for the concert area!

"I am never listening to The Black Eyed Pears (yes pears that is what Miguelito calls
them) again, they are mean" Miguelito told me as we half walked/half ran out of Central Park
after it was announced that the Concert was cancelled.
Cancelled!!! Yep, cancelled.
All our excitement and giddiness survived hot and rainy weather, but
it did not survive the bad news. 

 I am so happy I wasn't one of those people to stand in line since the wee hours of the morning.
But it still pissed me off, I had to take a cab twice and run around in a crowd full of confusion and
 worst of all I had to see the look of disappointment on Miguelito's face!

I have to tell you from the moment we arrived to the concert entrance it was non-stop
craziness, the only reason I did not give up than and there was because of
Miguelito - my baby was so excited and kept pushing me through thick and thin.
So it was no surprise that when it was announced that the concert
was cancelled Miguelito was really sad!

But we found the perfect remedy - we danced and singed (not a black eyed peas song)
 in the rain for the second time in one day!
I proceeded to retell Miguelito our adventure and told him to look at the bright side, all the running 
we did through Central Park, screaming and cheering with strangers, and dancing in the rain!

Now the question is will I be going to the rescheduled concert if there is one??
Why yes! I think I will :) 
We New Yorkers just don't learn - hehe!
Plus what's life without a little adventure :)

TGIF!!! And I'm so excited!
I am looking forward to a fun filled weekend full of adventures and shopping!!

Summer the very sweet girl behind Athena In The Middle also a fellow
New Yorker was so sweet to invite me along with some other lovely gals on
a private shopping spree at the new "Home Goods" store - which by the way is only 
13 blocks away from where I live!
I love Home Goods it is my dream store especially for this very special
girl who loves quirky kitchen and household things!

Now what to buy? What to buy??
 Oh the possibilities!!

Happy Friday Loves

Kary xoxo

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Late Night Stroll..

One of the benefits of living in the city that never sleeps is that
when the little night owl in me decides to come out I can quickly get
dressed and go out and enjoy.

The great thing is that I'm not the only night owl around, I get to hang out with
two of my favorite night owls!

Miguelito and his sparx scooter!

My beautiful mom and Miguelito enjoying a late night frozen yogurt from PinkBerry

Falafel and Belgian Fries to end the night!
Miguelito has no school tomorrow so what better night for night owls to unite
and enjoy a beautiful stroll through the Upper West Side!
It is now 1:22am and after taking a quick shower I am finally in bed while Miguelito
watches Rugrats.

Now it's time to try and go to sleep and get ready for tomorrow because 
" I Got A Feeling that tonights gonna be a good night"......

Central Park getting ready for The Black Eyed Pea Concert
Later on tonight we will be at the Great Lawn with thousands of people listening
to the Black Eyed Peas & special guests in concert.
I am SO excited and a little anxious because out of all the days we
have a heat advisory.  
The people organizing the concert have been sending us emails like the
one below all day! So please keep your fingers crossed for us later on tonight!


A weather advisory is in affect. Due to high heat the ban on liquids has been lifted we are now encouraging guests to bring enough non-alcoholic beverages to stay hydrated during  the event.

No glass bottle allowed!


The best ways to stay cool at the concert:
Drink non-alcoholic beverages and stay hydrated
Wear sunblock
Bring a hat to keep the sun off
Wear sunglasses
Wear loose clothing

See you at Central Park!

Kary xoxo

P.S. Have you checked out google and the cool I'm guessing guitar? 
You can actually play the chords!! How am I supposed to go to sleep now??

Monday, June 6, 2011

A Taste Of Times Square

Perfect weather for a day full of outdoor dancing, eating and family time!
Oh and the most important thing I get to see my handsome pappa in action :)

Yes!!!! That's my pappa to the right :)
That picture was taken at last years Taste of Times Square
event and now it's being used to promote this years event!
Isn't my pappa handsome :)

So today right after Humbe and me pick up our Miguelito from school we get to take the Subway
right down to Times Square and enjoy lots of yummy food and great music!
You better believe I'm heading straight towards all of the yummy desserts, right after I
see my pappa and take some pictures of course :)

Can't wait to come back with pictures.
Wishing you all lovely girls a wonderful Monday :)

Kary xoxo

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Never Say Never

Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion.  You must set yourself on fire. 
 ~Arnold H. Glasow

Never Say Never from on Vimeo.

My Miguelito rocked!!!
He was so excited and yet somewhat nervous. 
Miguelito was having trouble with his spinning hook kick, 
he just couldn't get it right, but did he give up NO!!
My baby practiced harder and put in extra time, not only
did he have to demonstrate it correctly in todays belt testing he also had
to break one of his boards like that!

And he did it!! He did it!! Not only did he do the spinning hook kick perfectly
but he broke his board on the first try!!!!
You can see by his face and reaction how surprised he was :)

My Miguelito you rocked baby and you are my inspiration!!!
I love you!! You are my Sunshine!

The belt ceremony will be next week and he will officially be 
a red belt with a black stripe around it!!
My baby is only two belts away from being a black belt in Taekwondo!

One of Miguelito's Taekwondo teacher's wrote the sweetest
message ever on my facebook!!

Miguel did a very good job and he had an excellent test today.
 I'm very proud of the young man he's becoming and he'll no doubt make an excellent martial artist.

As if I wasn't already in tears :)

It was the best day ever full of celebrations and beautiful weather!

Kary xoxo

Friday, June 3, 2011

TGIF & Good Luck Wishes

Happy Friday Loves :)
Hope your Friday is full of happiness, love and special moments!

It's a beautiful day full of sunshine, breeze and happiness :)
And it started off on a very sweet note!!
I got to see my baby on stage!!
He played instruments and sang beautiful songs which brought tears to my eyes 
including "You've got a friend in me".
I can't think of a better way to kick off a weekend and start a Friday morning than this!

Miguelito and his buddies - they are a silly bunch :)
Miguelito and his BFF Mason
Miguelito, Mya and Kena!
You better believe I cried my eyes out when I saw my baby on stage.
He is so big!

My Ray Of Sunshine!

To my Migueltio 
I could say I wish you luck my love, but you don't need luck! 
You've trained so hard and I know you will do great in Tomorrow's belt testing!
You will do your best as always, and shine through because you always put
your heart and soul into everything you do. 
You always tell me "Mami, no pain no gain, I can do it" and you
will do it papi!!! I love you and the best wishes for my darling baby on 
tomorrows Taekwondo test :)

Have a great and safe weekend loves!

Kary xoxo

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sock Mystery??

First of all thank you so much for all of your beautiful and supportive comments
in my previous post.
I never thought so many of my lovely readers would relate and that I would
receive such an out pour of support and cheering!
But I shouldn't be surprised you are the best, and some of you my family :)
Thank you!!

Now to this so called sock mystery!
Have you ever lost a sock or two?
I'm not talking metaphorically or anything, I actually mean have
you ever lost a sock in this dreadful machine!

I have and not one or two!! But Plentiful!

Every time I go wash clothes and it's time to empty out the clothes,
I double check and spin and spin - like crazy spin the metal to make sure
I don't leave anything behind like a sock!
And every single time I go home and start sorting out my socks,
there is one or two socks who have lost their significant other!

How is that possible? Where do the socks mysteriously disappear to?
Is it some sort of sock Twilight thing? Are there some sock faeries?

Ugh, as a result many of my socks end up getting thrown  away or I end up 
wearing mismatched socks -
not cool or pretty (yes, those are Dora socks)!

If anybody knows the answer please do tell where do the socks go to?

Aside from trying to solve this mystery and getting ready for the impending doom 
that is my 30th birthday - hehehe!
I've been super busy with my Miguelito, he is a quite a busy bee with lots of exciting
things coming up!
He has his second grade singing show tomorrow :) 
He loves to sing and plans to include rockstar
to his resume when he grows up!
Miguelito has also been training extra hard for his belt testing this coming
Saturday - yikes! Time does go by way to fast, it seems like only yesterday he was taking his
introductory class in Taekwondo and now he's testing for his black stripe around 
his red belt - gulp that means
he will be just 2 belts away from his black belt!

Even Miguelito's shcoked!! He's a silly billy - my baby!!
It will be two very exciting days and a most lovely weekend!!

P.S. I am also super excited!
My name came out in the lottery and we
get to go see Black Eyed Peas in concert at the Great Lawn
in Central Park next week on Thursday :)

Kary xoxo