Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sock Mystery??

First of all thank you so much for all of your beautiful and supportive comments
in my previous post.
I never thought so many of my lovely readers would relate and that I would
receive such an out pour of support and cheering!
But I shouldn't be surprised you are the best, and some of you my family :)
Thank you!!

Now to this so called sock mystery!
Have you ever lost a sock or two?
I'm not talking metaphorically or anything, I actually mean have
you ever lost a sock in this dreadful machine!

I have and not one or two!! But Plentiful!

Every time I go wash clothes and it's time to empty out the clothes,
I double check and spin and spin - like crazy spin the metal to make sure
I don't leave anything behind like a sock!
And every single time I go home and start sorting out my socks,
there is one or two socks who have lost their significant other!

How is that possible? Where do the socks mysteriously disappear to?
Is it some sort of sock Twilight thing? Are there some sock faeries?

Ugh, as a result many of my socks end up getting thrown  away or I end up 
wearing mismatched socks -
not cool or pretty (yes, those are Dora socks)!

If anybody knows the answer please do tell where do the socks go to?

Aside from trying to solve this mystery and getting ready for the impending doom 
that is my 30th birthday - hehehe!
I've been super busy with my Miguelito, he is a quite a busy bee with lots of exciting
things coming up!
He has his second grade singing show tomorrow :) 
He loves to sing and plans to include rockstar
to his resume when he grows up!
Miguelito has also been training extra hard for his belt testing this coming
Saturday - yikes! Time does go by way to fast, it seems like only yesterday he was taking his
introductory class in Taekwondo and now he's testing for his black stripe around 
his red belt - gulp that means
he will be just 2 belts away from his black belt!

Even Miguelito's shcoked!! He's a silly billy - my baby!!
It will be two very exciting days and a most lovely weekend!!

P.S. I am also super excited!
My name came out in the lottery and we
get to go see Black Eyed Peas in concert at the Great Lawn
in Central Park next week on Thursday :)

Kary xoxo

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