Monday, June 20, 2011

Weekend Recap

Hi lovies I hope your weekend was great!!
Here's a quick photo recap of our weekend :)

Miguelito is finally a red and black stripe belt!
Through sweat and hardcore training he is making his dreams come true!
My little future Taekwondo Master.

Saturday morning our little Manhattan napping on a pile of clothes destined to be
thrown away. Just minutes before he almost died in my arms!!
Miguelito and me were doing some cleaning and therefore his
toys were sprawled all over the floor, next thing I hear
Manhattan is making some weird noises and moving in such a weird way.
I picked him up and he kept making weird noises and moving his belly weirdly,
when I finally noticed that he was chocking I started shaking him and moving his stomach
(I was freaking out and shaking so bad) and Miguelito kept on screaming Manhattans name,
all i could do was shake him and try to open his mouth.
By the time I was able to get his mouth open he was already foaming and going limp, I stuck
my fingers all the way down his throat making him throw up.
It was one of the scariest moments of my life, I really thought Manhattan
was going to die and I along with Miguelito kept on screaming "Manhattan come
on baby, come on chiquito"
Ugh, by the time it was over I handed Manhattan to my crying baby and locked myself in a room.
The shaking was uncontrollable and the crying threatening to burst out,
the only reason I kept it in was because of Miguelito!
A horrible way to begin a Saturday morning!

Banana Walnut Chocolate Chip cupcakes I baked for my pappa and family on
Father's day. It was the first time I was making these from scratch!
I have to say they might not look so pretty but they were
heavenly. Worthy of going in my cupcake recipe book :)
I along with Miguelito ate 3 - yes 3!!

How was your weekend??
Happy Monday :)

Kary xoxo

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