Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Late Night Stroll..

One of the benefits of living in the city that never sleeps is that
when the little night owl in me decides to come out I can quickly get
dressed and go out and enjoy.

The great thing is that I'm not the only night owl around, I get to hang out with
two of my favorite night owls!

Miguelito and his sparx scooter!

My beautiful mom and Miguelito enjoying a late night frozen yogurt from PinkBerry

Falafel and Belgian Fries to end the night!
Miguelito has no school tomorrow so what better night for night owls to unite
and enjoy a beautiful stroll through the Upper West Side!
It is now 1:22am and after taking a quick shower I am finally in bed while Miguelito
watches Rugrats.

Now it's time to try and go to sleep and get ready for tomorrow because 
" I Got A Feeling that tonights gonna be a good night"......

Central Park getting ready for The Black Eyed Pea Concert
Later on tonight we will be at the Great Lawn with thousands of people listening
to the Black Eyed Peas & special guests in concert.
I am SO excited and a little anxious because out of all the days we
have a heat advisory.  
The people organizing the concert have been sending us emails like the
one below all day! So please keep your fingers crossed for us later on tonight!


A weather advisory is in affect. Due to high heat the ban on liquids has been lifted we are now encouraging guests to bring enough non-alcoholic beverages to stay hydrated during  the event.

No glass bottle allowed!


The best ways to stay cool at the concert:
Drink non-alcoholic beverages and stay hydrated
Wear sunblock
Bring a hat to keep the sun off
Wear sunglasses
Wear loose clothing

See you at Central Park!

Kary xoxo

P.S. Have you checked out google and the cool I'm guessing guitar? 
You can actually play the chords!! How am I supposed to go to sleep now??

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