Tuesday, March 29, 2011

☻Blog Award ☻

My very beautiful friend Jasmine from Lavender's Green has passed the above award to me :)
Thank you love ☻
With this award I am supposed to share with you ten things that I love.
So in no particular order here they are. 

1. Miguelito is my little partner in crime, he is my life and I love him dearly!!
This picture was taken during one of our many adventures in our NYC.

2. I love to bake cupcakes!! I never miss an occasion when I can bake some. I especially love to decorate them and make them fun and cute :)
Birthday,Easter, and Christmas cupcakes

3. I am the girl who's in love with love! I'm a hopeless romantic - I can't help it.
My favorite movie is Dirty Dancing and the song "These arms of mine" kills me each time I hear it play.
This photo was taken in Central Park, can't beat a walk to beat the stress!

4.I love taking pictures as much as I love baking cupcakes, they are two of my passions.
 This picture was taken from the Staten Island ferry during a very nice and cool Spring day.

5. I am a Mamma's girl and Daddy's girl, I love my close relationship with my parents and love them with all my heart.

 "We never know the love of a parent til we become parents ourselves"
- Henry Ward Beecher

6. It's been a long roller coaster ride full of ups and downs, but I finally made it to the end and in one piece may I add.
It amazes me that as women we sometimes judge each other, when what we should really be doing is helping each other!

7. Music is my life! I love it!!
Drawing by my little artist :) Miguelito

8. I'm a dreamer, it's part of my nature and part of what makes me "me"!!

"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world"
- Oscar Wilde

9. You might have noticed by now, but I love Quotes!! 
I especially love combining them with pictures I take :)

10. Last but not least :) I was and still am a Hanson fan!! Yep!! 
One of my favorite songs besides "Mmmbop" 

This song still gets to me :)

I'm passing this award to:
Claudia from Moncy3
My lil Sis Gracie from GracieBellaButterfly

Kary xoxo

Sunday, March 27, 2011

SnapShot Sunday

These past few days winter weather has returned and is hopefully giving it's last little kicks, last weekend Spring decided to give us a little preview of what's in store. Miguelito and I enjoyed a beautiful walk through Central Park where we got to enjoy flowers sprouting and birds chirping :)

The day the lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring.
-  Bern Williams

Kary xoxo

P.S. Don't forget to enter the giveaway!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Confessions

Happy - Happy Friday Loves ;P
Hope your week was full of excitement and that your weekend is even better!!
My nails are drying and my "Diamonds & Rubies" nail polish is setting in as I type this - a girl can never go wrong with red polish :)

I am SO happy and excited that it's Friday already, my weekend will be jammed packed with lots
of fun adventures, including a midnight showing of
"Diary of A Wimpy Kid - Rodrick Rules" tomorrow night and Sunday Brunch at Max Brenner :)
And many more adventures :) but in the meantime I will leave you with my Friday Confessions.

- New York City Pigeons scare the living daylights out of me!! Seriously they are the scariest and meanest pigeons in town.

- I follow Snooki (yes, Jersey Shore cast member) via Twitter - Gulp, I said it out loud!!

- Every time I see Lion King I cry my heart out!

What will you be confessing today?? ;P

Have a great weekend loves!!

Kary xoxo

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Traveling Wednesdays ;)

 Not your normal Wednesday post :)
Today we are traveling into the world of True Blood!!

This scene had me crying for my love!!

My #1 Vampire

My #1 Werewolf- sexy!!

Is this magazine cover hot or what??

Season 4 teaser!!

I am SO excited and anxious for July to come and Season 4 of True Blood to begin :)
Do you watch True Blood? Who is your favorite character??

P.S. Don't forget to enter my mom's first giveaway from her brand new Etsy shop :), hosted by Gracie.

Kary xoxo

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ninfa Designs & A Giveaway :)

It's Monday and I'm so happy and excited :)
After months of plotting and convincing my momma that she could do it.
I finally convinced her to take a faithful leap into the world of Etsy.
I am SO happy and excited to introduce my mami's shop :)

Ninfa Designs named after her favorite flower :)
Here you will find her one of a kind creations, ranging from flowery headbands, flower brooches,
and a wide range of earrings. My mom is always coming up with new ideas which she will be adding soon, including a mustache headband - which can be used as a sleeping mask, headband or a Mario mustache :)
She will also be adding some very pretty Butterfly headbands - some will be named
after my darling and very sweet lil sister Gracie!
We both love butterflies!!
In the meantime you can head on over to my lil sister Gracie's Blog 
and enter my mami's first giveaway where you can win the following items from her shop :)

Gracie Bella Butterfly Headband

Green Triangle Earrings

Simple and sweet! So head on over to Gracie's and enter the giveaway you have until April 4th
- Good Luck ;P

Please spread the word by putting up the above button in your blog and linking it to Gracie's :)
Muchas Gracias :)

Happy Monday loves!!

Kary xoxo

Sunday, March 20, 2011

SnapShot Sunday

Last night's Super-moon was spectacular, so bright and beautiful :)

"The night walked down the sky with the moon in her hand"
- Frederic Lawrence Knowles

Kary xoxo

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hi, I adore you...

Today I'm adoring the fact that it was a great week :)
Not only did we get to see Daniel Radcliffe a.k.a Harry Potter - singing and dancing 
in his Broadway debut of
"How To Succeed - Without Really Trying"
on Saint Patrick's day, a gift from my pappa!!
But we also got a taste of Spring and boy was it awesome :)
We got to eat at one of our favorite burger places "Shake Shack" - you have got to try one out if your ever in the area not only are their burgers and veggie burgers awesome but so are their shakes - Delicioso!!
We got to walk and eat coquitos through Central Park. On Friday morning I got to go shopping at
my favorite thrift store and found a pretty dress, I can't wait to wear it.
I never get tired of saying how much I love living in my city, it has SO many things to offer, I'm never bored!!

Shake Shack - one of the best burgers in town :)
Just some of the Saint Patrick Day goodies
Daniel Radcliffe on Broadway - and boy can he dance and sing, it was a standing ovation ;)  
Coquito time - Delicioso!! The wind threw my hair into my face ;)

How was your week loves? Was the temperature nice?
Happy Saturday :)

Kary xoxo

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Traveling Wednesdays ;)

This past summer I had the opportunity to go back to my Beautiful Mexico after 9 long years of being away from so many of my loved ones and the beautiful City that holds a special place in my heart!
It was a life changing experience in so many levels, to look back at these pictures makes my heart ache.
It was the summer of my life, and it was the last time I saw my Grand-daddy.
I miss him and I hate that I won't get to see him again. When I go to Mexico I won't get to go to his house and see him smiling at me and saying "mami, I've missed you, so tell me how's New York treating you?"
Things in life have a funny way of working out, and when you look back you realize why things happened when they did and why!
Ugh! I 'm sorry to have started this post with sadness - my sadness! But today I'm crying because I feel sad, I miss my papa Trini and there's nothing I can do.
Moving on. 
While we were in Mexico we got to go to Teotihuacan, where we got to see all of the beautiful and very big pyramids :)
Not only did we get to see them but we  got to climb the world's third biggest pyramid.
The Pyramid of the sun!
More than 250 steps!! Yikes and the steps were very steep not at all your normal steps!
Funny to say by the time I made it up to the top I was red like a balloon and SO fatigued. Miguelito the wonderful son he is couldn't stop laughing at me - lol!! He on the other hand ran up the pyramid!

All around Teotihuacan there were trees full of nopales and tunas!

My papi's childhood friend teaching Miguelito how to use his bow and arrow :)

The Pyramid of the Sun from a distance

No joke, look at how inclined those steps are!

Right after getting to the top, not SO happy - yet!!

My handsome brother Miguel :) You can see the pyramid of the moon way below!!

Yay!!! We made it to the top!! My sister and me :) Notice I climbed with sandals!
Some other structures - as seen from way up high.

My mami So happy she made it with my Miguelito :)

Wild Miguelito - the Aztec in him came out :) I kept on screaming to be careful! His answer Hay Mami - I'm fine I'm a warrior

Left to right: Cousin, Me, Miguelito, Mami, nephew, Papi, Sister, and my papi's childhood friend

It was quite an adventure that will not be forgotten, Miguelito loves to relive it every day!
Funny part was I climbed the pyramid with those skimpy sandals - slow I know!
The rocks kept digging in my foot, plus the entire grounds of Teotihuacan were surrounded by little red ants, and those bit and it hurts like hell! I was running the entire time :)

Kary xoxo

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tickle me Tuesday ;)

Happy Tuesday Love's, just two more days left until St.Patrick's Day.
I've been so busy planning our menu for the day. I love celebrating with my Miguelito and so far I have green eggs and ham with green croissants for breakfast, I have some ideas for lunch and dinner and for dessert special St.Patty day cupcakes of course :)
Do you any special plans?

Yes Teacher Crafts

I LOVE taking pictures and am so in love with all of the following items! 
They will have to be added to my birthday wish list :)
We've been on a strict budget for sometime, and I might have to cheat!

Here's what's tickling my fancy this week:

Japanese Washi Masking Tapes - Camera Set of 3 Tapes

One Inch Vintage Camera Round Seals

Diana Camera Address Label

Hand Carved Rubber Stamp - Camera

I'd love to see what's Tickling your fancy today ;)
You can link up at Sarah's - here!

Kary xoxo

Sunday, March 13, 2011

SnapShot Sunday

All pictures taken by me and my handy dandy camera ;)
Would you buy any of these if they were postcards?
 With or without quotes?

Kary xo