Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hi, I adore you...

Once again thank you SO much my loves for all the get well wishes and beautiful comments.  
I love you all!!
The good news my ankle is not broken - phew! I haven't been this relieved in a while.
I've been at home, ice packs, ibuprofen, not putting any weight on my ankle and just lounging around the house.
I won't lie and say I'm not somewhat bored, I haven't breathed in fresh air in 3 days - ahhhh!!
I haven't been to my beautiful Central Park ;(
But I have had a lot of time to think, breathe, plot, watch non-stop movies and just relax. 
Something that I have needed for about a month now. 
Funny how things work out, I had to go and fall down some stairs in order for me
to take a breather.

Big news!Big news! Coming next week ;)
I am SO happy for my mamma and so inspired that I will be following along in her 
steps sometime this year before my big 3-0 this summer!
 Be on the lookout sometime next week.

I love Erika's Hi, I adore you... segment and today I am SO excited to show you what I'm adoring ;)

Today I am Loving:

The love between Miguelito & Manhattan ;)

Beautiful butterfly headband I purchased from Gracie's shop ;)
I love my new headband and can't wait to wear it outside!
Gracie is another of my wonderful blog friends whom I love SO much!!

Receiving unexpected packages from darling friends! This package was from our friends

Beautiful butterfly bracelet to add to my butterfly collection.
Thank you SO much Steph - I have not stopped wearing it!

What are you adoring today?
Wishing you a great weekend loves ;)

Kary xoxo

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