Tuesday, March 29, 2011

☻Blog Award ☻

My very beautiful friend Jasmine from Lavender's Green has passed the above award to me :)
Thank you love ☻
With this award I am supposed to share with you ten things that I love.
So in no particular order here they are. 

1. Miguelito is my little partner in crime, he is my life and I love him dearly!!
This picture was taken during one of our many adventures in our NYC.

2. I love to bake cupcakes!! I never miss an occasion when I can bake some. I especially love to decorate them and make them fun and cute :)
Birthday,Easter, and Christmas cupcakes

3. I am the girl who's in love with love! I'm a hopeless romantic - I can't help it.
My favorite movie is Dirty Dancing and the song "These arms of mine" kills me each time I hear it play.
This photo was taken in Central Park, can't beat a walk to beat the stress!

4.I love taking pictures as much as I love baking cupcakes, they are two of my passions.
 This picture was taken from the Staten Island ferry during a very nice and cool Spring day.

5. I am a Mamma's girl and Daddy's girl, I love my close relationship with my parents and love them with all my heart.

 "We never know the love of a parent til we become parents ourselves"
- Henry Ward Beecher

6. It's been a long roller coaster ride full of ups and downs, but I finally made it to the end and in one piece may I add.
It amazes me that as women we sometimes judge each other, when what we should really be doing is helping each other!

7. Music is my life! I love it!!
Drawing by my little artist :) Miguelito

8. I'm a dreamer, it's part of my nature and part of what makes me "me"!!

"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world"
- Oscar Wilde

9. You might have noticed by now, but I love Quotes!! 
I especially love combining them with pictures I take :)

10. Last but not least :) I was and still am a Hanson fan!! Yep!! 
One of my favorite songs besides "Mmmbop" 

This song still gets to me :)

I'm passing this award to:
Claudia from Moncy3
My lil Sis Gracie from GracieBellaButterfly

Kary xoxo

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