Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ouch! Crazy New Yorkers..

I've said it before and I'll say it again you have got to be a little crazy to live in NYC!
We all get a little crazy, you have to especially during rush hour.
We like to rough each other up, by elbowing and shoving each other.
Today was just one of those days, and I truly believe that  "when it rains, it really pours"

That's my right foot :( 
Today during rush hour as I went down the stairs to take the train uptown, people were pushing to
 go down the stairs as luck would have it, a dominoes effect happened. 
I was three steps away from the landing when "splat right on my butt and ankle" i went. I heard my ankle go crack!! And a throbbing pain went up my thigh - ouch, shit that really hurt!
I had to drag myself,take the train back home, walk to pick Miguelito up from school, and finally go home. By the time I got home my foot would not come out of my sneaker, and my ankle was the size of a watermelon.
So, I've been resting on my sofa all afternoon, waiting for Humbe to come home and stay with Miguelito so that I can go to the hospital and get some X-rays.
Ugh! I hope it's not bad!

JellyFish Print from Exposed Brick

To think I was having the best day ever, I won another giveaway ;) This time from Jackie's blog.
My very own Jackie print from her Etsy shop  "Exposed Brick" , I choose the Jellyfish one for my Miguelito. 
I can not wait to hang it up in his bedroom next to his seashell collection :)

 I almost forgot that today is my Blogoversary!
I can't believe that it was a year ago that I made this blog.
I've met so many wonderful girls who've become my friends and family!
Thank you my loves for taking your time to read my ramblings and silly posts ;)
I was supposed to make cupcakes and posts those pictures, but noooo!! Now I have to tend to my maybe fractured ankle - ugh!!

Well loves Humbe is almost home and a very long night awaits me at the ER, wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed that it's just a sprain.

Kary xoxo

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