Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tickle me Tuesday ;)

Happy Tuesday Love's, just two more days left until St.Patrick's Day.
I've been so busy planning our menu for the day. I love celebrating with my Miguelito and so far I have green eggs and ham with green croissants for breakfast, I have some ideas for lunch and dinner and for dessert special St.Patty day cupcakes of course :)
Do you any special plans?

Yes Teacher Crafts

I LOVE taking pictures and am so in love with all of the following items! 
They will have to be added to my birthday wish list :)
We've been on a strict budget for sometime, and I might have to cheat!

Here's what's tickling my fancy this week:

Japanese Washi Masking Tapes - Camera Set of 3 Tapes

One Inch Vintage Camera Round Seals

Diana Camera Address Label

Hand Carved Rubber Stamp - Camera

I'd love to see what's Tickling your fancy today ;)
You can link up at Sarah's - here!

Kary xoxo

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