Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Blast From The Past...

There's nothing better than late night reminiscing with your sister into wee hours
 of the night. 
Chatting about old TV shows and crushes, that's precisely how this segment is making a
 comeback all thanks to late night chatting with Marz - night owls unite :)

It was Saturday night and off we were going back and fourth
chatting about our favorite TV shows!
Remembering good ole TGIF Fridays and how fun it was to sit around with our family
and laugh at silly characters from Steve Urkel "Did I Do That?"
to Joey "Whoa!"

Those were the good ole carefree days, when sitcoms were the best and so much fun
to watch especially because you got to see your crush.

Each week we (by we I mean me and you my lovely readers)
 will go back in time and reminisce an old TV show and share our crush from that show.

You all remember Blossom and her silly friend Six!

Blossom - one of the coolest 90's girl ever!
Left acting and graduated from college with a PHD in neuroscience and is now a mom of two!
Joey - Blossoms very cute middle brother Whoa!
He continues to act in TV sitcoms.
Anthony - Blossoms older brother!
Now a recovering drug addict and alcoholic - last big screen debut  was as one of the jokers
goons in "The Dark Knight"
Six - Blossoms very cool best friend.
Continues to act and can be seen in "Dr Doolitle 3"
Vinnie - Blossoms boyfriend to later become her fiance.
Continued to act and starred with Melissa Joan Hart in Sabrina The Teenage Witch.
 I have to say that even though I loved Joey for his quirkiness and handsome looks
my heart really belonged to Vinnie :)
Something about his quirkiness and leather wearing jacket character just won me over!!

I love you Vinnie!!

 Who did your heart belong to from Blossom?

Kary xoxo

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