Monday, July 25, 2011

Like me for who I am...

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." 
- Dr.Seuss 
I've always loved to write and save all sorts of trinkets from ticket stubs, to little notes,
or napkins. Looking back at my old journals that's what you will find
little things that connect to a special day or moment from my life.
That's just the kind of girl I am, I like to remember every single moment of
my life whether it be good or bad. 
I'm a dork that way.
It's funny how I stumbled upon blogger, to tell you the truth I had no idea about this
world, and I only learned about it as I watched Uma Thurman blogging in the movie Motherhood.
I fell in love with Blogger from that day forward. 
The next day I ran to sign up and start my own blog,
what better way to capture and remember my everyday adventures.
From that first Hi to a little few posts back this blog was about me and my little family, about
any thoughts floating inside my head, or anything else my heart desired.
Sadly enough I feel like peer pressure has gotten the best of me, and I've lost my way 
in my little blog. I have so many post ideas floating in my head and yet not one 
of them is up.
 I've always been the kind of girl to care to much about what other people 
think, and therefore when a very mean comment was put up anonymously 
on my blog a few weeks back I let it affect me way to much. I almost gave up blogging!!
Yes - I let it affect me that much, but instead I tried to change, to not focus so much on me - I 
laugh and cry as I type this, because I was stupid to let something like this affect me.
You must realize though that these past few months have been very rough and a girl can only take so much, especially for a very sensitive one like me.
 Peer pressure can be a bitch, even in blog world.

What kind of peer pressure you ask?
The idea of having to be a part of some kind of group.
Groups? The little groups you find online, like the mommy bloggers who choose to only
follow fellow mommy bloggers, the fashion bloggers who only follow fashion bloggers,
or the spelling snobs who won't give you the light of day because you spelled 
they - day! Sometimes we are in  a rush and it happens.
I could go on but I won't, you get the idea.

 My blogging desire diminished and my commenting on other blogs as well ( I also didn't 
have my laptop with me, it was with Geek Squad - grrr..more on that later)
The saddest thing for me to realize through all of this 
was that I let some stupid comment rule me and my blog.
I didn't stop to think about my real friends that I've met through blogging and like me
for who I am, and come back to read my everyday ramblings.

So you see I've been very DUMB!!
 But no more, this is MY space after all, and I will blog whatever my heart desires.
If I want to be sad I will be, if I want to be happy and write about
 my everyday adventures with my family I will.
I will be ME!!
I'm pretty cool if you get to know me and a little dorky, but still a
pretty sweet girl who loves life and thinks we all deserve respect for who we are.

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
- Mahatma Gandhi

Now I have a favor and sort of a contest I want to do.
When I first started this blog the name was
"Peace,Love, & Cupcakes = Happiness"
I thought it was to long and maybe a little to childish for me and my age - again thinking what would
readers think :( and therefore I later changed it to 
"Ramblings Of A Simple Girl"
I've really never liked it and don't feel like it really suits me, I'm not fully content with it
and now I'm thinking it would be fun if  you my lovely
friends could help me come up with a new name? 
The winning lady would get a special package from me :)
So what do you think?
Are you in or are you out :)

Thank you loves especially my dear close friends
Who come back every single time and read my everyday ramblings :)
You all hold a very special place in my heart and I love you dearly!!

Kary xo

P.S. I almost didn't publish this post and pressed the delete button,
but it's time to start being true to myself again!

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