Friday, July 29, 2011

When life give you lemons, eat them, they are good for you – life knows best.

Happy Friday Loves!!

Oh where does the time go?
I can't believe it's the last Friday and Weekend in July,
and that Monday will already be the first day of August!
Half the summer is already over - Noooooo!!
I was going to post some pictures that I took during the week but my camera and cellphone 
do not want to collaborate with me, therefore I am left without pictures to post - grrrrr!!
I was left picture-less for this post :(

How was your week? My week was a little rough and scary.
My grandmother had a pre-heart attack on Tuesday evening.Thank God she is ok but now we must be really careful with her and what really sucks is that she is really far away. I'm afraid to say that I almost lost it, I am not ready to lose another loved one. It will be exactly one year that I went to Mexico and bid my Grandfather Trini farewell, without knowing that it was actually good-bye forever - it will be 6 months that he passed away and it hurts so much to think about my abuelito, 
I miss him so much :(

As soon as my sister saw that I was in a funk she literally jumped up and dragged
me, along with Miguelito and my mamma to the mall for a day of shopping and just driving our 
worries away. Not only am I blessed with the best family ever but also with the best sister
ever, who always knows when I'm feeling down.
That's my little sister for you, always driving away my worries :)
No wonder they always think I'm younger than her!

Life has a way of making you tougher, when you stumble on problems your supposed to come out
stronger and wiser. In my case it seems I've come out somewhat weaker. I used to be the
stronger one, the rock that the family could rely on, but as I survived my own scares in life
such as a heart condition in which I was told I would never be able to be a mom, or the cancer 
scare a few years back when my Miguelito was just 2yrs old and I thought he would be left without his mommy. I've become more vulnerable because it finally hit me that
 we are all here on borrowed time and tomorrow is not a sure thing.

That's why we must never leave for tomorrow what
we can do today, never go to sleep mad with your significant other, always tell your
loved ones how much you love them and always, always smile
because you my friend are blessed to still be alive to breathe in the fresh air, to see your family's smiling faces, to play around with your children/nieces/nephews/grand-kids, and most importantly enjoy every single moment of your beautiful life!!!

When life gives you lemons, eat them, they are good for you – life knows best.

Have a great weekend loves!!

Kary xo

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