Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Some Of My Favorites

This week I'm focusing on three of my essential summer items:

Dove Deodorant 
Visibly smooth clinical protection deodorant in wild rose scent - this deodorant is 2 things in one.
Not only does it help minimize my underarm hair but it also helps me in this summer heat and sweating.
Btw I don't suffer from BBO or anything but just in case I did
this deodorant would be my number one! I love it!!

Fresh start dry shampoo - now that it's summer it's really a drag to have to wash your 
hair every single day, not only is it bad to wash your hair every day because
you wash away your natural important oils, but i get lazy as well.
So it's great to be able to spray this on y hair every other day, it smells great and leaves my hair feeling soft.

Pure Argan Oil - perfect for my summer frizzies! I've tried oils before and they always leave my hair feeling oily and heavy. This one is perfect!! It's not greasy and I forget it's on my hair.
Plus it smells wonderful!!

What are some of your essential summer items?

Kary xoxo

P.S. Ahhhhh!! It's Thursday and I get to see the midnight showing of Harry Potter!
It will be a bittersweet goodbye, sure to be full of tears :(

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